
1 Makefile执行VCS仿真

# Makefile for simulating the full_adder.v with the simulator VCS

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Macro variable
RTL := ./full_adder.v
TB += ./full_adder_tb.v
SEED ?= $(shell date +%s) # Target : Dependency
all : compile simulate compile:
vcs -sverilog -debug_all -timescale=1ns/1ps -l com.log simulate:
./simv -l sim.log run_dve:
dve -vpd vcdplus.vpd & clean :
rm -rf *.log csrc simv* *.key *.vpd DVEfiles coverage *.vdb # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This all_cov target is used to collect the code coverage
all_cov: compile_coverage simulate_coverage compile_coverage:
vcs -sverilog -debug_all -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch \
-lca timescale.v full_adder.v full_adder_tb.v -l com.log simulate_coverage:
./simv +ntb_random_seed=$(SEED) -cm line+cond+fsm+tgl+branch \
-lca -cm.log cm.log -l sim.log report_cov:
urg -dir simv.vdb -format both -report coverage dve_cov:
dve -cov -covdir simv.vdb -lca

2 full_adder RTL

module fulladder (
// module head : verilog-2001 format
input wire a_in,
input wire b_in,
input wire c_in,
output wire sum_out,
output wire c_out
// method 1 Gate Level Describe
assign sum_out = a_in ^ b_in ^ c_in;
assign c_out = (a_in & b_in) | (b_in & c_in) | (c_in & a_in); // method 2 RTL design for Adder with the keyword "assign"
// behavior of adder can be systhesizable
// "assign" means connectivity ,which is used to describe a combinational circuit
// assign {c_out,sum_out} = a_in + b_in + c_in; // method 3 RTL design for Adder with the keyword "always"
//reg c_out,sum_out
//always @ (a_in,b_in,c_in) begin endmodule

3 Testbench

module full_adder_tb;

  reg ain,bin,cin; //drive the input port with the reg type
wire sumout,cout;//sample the output port with the wire type
full_adder u_full_adder(
//task 1. how to create an instance
// module head: verilog-2001 format
/*input wire*/ .a_in (ain),
/*input wire*/ .b_in (bin),
/*input wire*/ .c_in (cin), //carry in
/*output reg*/ .sum_out (sumout);
/*output reg*/ .c_out (cout) //carry out
// behavior of the adder can be systhesizable
// "assign" means connectivity
// assign {c_out,sum_out} = a_in + b_in + c_in; // task 2. clock and rest generator
parameter CLK_PERIOD = 20
reg clk,rest_n; // rest_n :active low initial begin
clk = 0
forever begin
#(CLK_PERIOD/2) clk = ~clk
end initial begin
reset_n = 0;
reset_n = 1;
end //taske 3. drive the stimulus and capture the response
//Here is a testcase
initial begin
#110 ain=0;
cin=0; //00
#20 ain=0;
cin=0; //01
#20 ain=1;
cin=0; //01
#20 ain=1;
cin=0; //01
#20 ain=0;
cin=0; //01
#20 ain=1;
cin=0; //01
#20 ain=1;
cin=0; //10
#20 ain=0;
cin=1; //01
#20 ain=0;
cin=1; //10
#20 ain=0;
cin=1; //01
#20 ain=0;
cin=1; //10
#20 ain=1;
cin=1; //10
#20 ain=1;
cin=1; //11
#50 finish; // Here is a system task which can stop the simulation
end //task 4. check the result
always @ (posedge clk) begin
if (!reset_n) begin
$dispaly("%t:%m:restting...",$time) // counter 5 clock
else begin
$dispaly("%t:%m:restting finish!",$time) // the 6th clock
end initial begin
#115 if ({cout,simout} != 2'b00) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);
#20 if ({cout,simout} != 2'b01) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);
#20 if ({cout,simout} != 2'b01) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);
#20 if ({cout,simout} != 2'b10) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);
#20 if ({cout,simout} != 2'b01) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);
#20 if ({cout,simout} != 2'b10) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);
#20 if ({cout,simout} != 2'b10) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);
#20 if ({cout,simout} != 2'b11) $display("Error:{cout,sumout}=%b,ain=%b,bin=%b,cin=%b",{cout,sumout},ain,bin,cin);
end //task 5. dump waveform with the comiple option -debug_all
initial begin


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