GNN 101




Graph Intelligence helps

It’s the right time now!

Gartner预测,graph技术在数据和分析创新中的使用率从2021年的10%,到2025年会增长到80%。我们目前正在经历从early adoption到early mainstream的穿越大峡谷期间,既不太早也不太晚,时间刚刚好。



A graph is an ordered pair = (, ) comprising:

  • , a set of vertices (or nodes)

  • ⊆{(,)|,∈}, a set of edges (or links), which are pairs of nodes


Different Types of Graph

  • Are edges directed?

    Directed Graph vs. Undirected Graph

  • Are there multiple types of nodes or multiple types of edges?

    Homogeneous Graph vs Heterogeneous Graph





  • 遍历图中的所有结点,或者采样图中的一些结点。每次选择其中一个结点,称为目标结点(target node);

  • 一个-层的GNN至少需要聚合目标结点的L-跳领域的信息。因此,我们需要以围绕目标结点构造一个L-跳的ego network。图中是一个2-跳ego network的例子,其中绿色结点是第1跳,蓝色结点是第2跳;

  • 计算并更新ego-network里的每个结点的embedding。embeddings会使用到图的结构信息和结点与边的特征。

那么,这些embedding是如何计算和更新的呢?主要是使用Message Passing的计算方法。Message Passing有一些计算范式如GAS(Gather-ApplyEdge-Scatter), SAGA(Scatter-ApplyEdge-Gather-ApplyVertex)等。我们这里介绍归纳得比较全面的SAGA计算范式。假设需要计算和更新下图中的:

  • Scatter

    Propagate message from source vertex to edge.

  • ApplyEdge

    Transform message along each edge.

  • Gather

    Gather transformed message to the destination vertex.

  • ApplyVertex

    Transform the gathered output to get updated vertex.


分析一下,会发现,SAGA模式中ApplyEdge和ApplyVertex是传统deep learning中的NN(Neural Network)操作,我们可以复用;而Scatter和Gather是GNN新引入的操作。即,Graph Computing = Graph Ops + NN Ops


  • One big graph


  • Many small graphs


  • Node-level prediction


  • Edge-level prediction


  • Graph-level prediction




以fraud detection为例:

  • Tabformer数据集

  • workflow


  • 计算平面

  • 数据平面

SW Challenges

Graph Sampler

For many small graphs datasets, full batch training works most time. Full batch training means we can do training on whole graph;

When it comes to one large graph datasets, in many real scenarios, we meet Neighbor Explosion problem;

Neighbor Explosion:

Graph sampler comes to rescue. Only sample a fraction of target nodes, and furthermore, for each target node, we sample a sub-graph of its ego-network for training. This is called mini-batch training.

Graph sampling is triggered for each data loading. And the hops of the sampled graph equals the GNN layer number . Which means graph sampler in data loader is important in GNN training.

Challenge: How to optimize sampler both as standalone and in training pipe?

When graph comes to huge(billions of nodes, tens of billions of edges), we meet new at-scale challenges:

  • How to store the huge graph across node? -> graph partition

  • How to build a training system w/ not only distributed model computing but also distributed graph store and sampling?

    • How to cut the graph while minimize cross partition connections?

A possible GNN distributed training architecture:


  • Fuse adjacent graphs ops

    One common fuse pattern for GCN & GraphSAGE:


    How to fuse more GNN patterns on different ApplyEdge and ApplyVertex,automatically?

  • How to implement fused Aggregate


    • Different graph data structures lead to different implementations in same logic operations;

    • Different graph characteristics favors different data structures;(like low-degree graphs favor COO, high-degree graphs favor CSR)

    • How to find the applicable zone for each and hide such complexity to data scientists?


  • Inference challenge

    • GNN inference needs full batch inference, how to make it efficient?

    • Distributed inference for big graph?

    • Vector quantization for node and edge features?

    • GNN distilled to MLP?

  • SW-HW co-design challenge

    • How to relief irregular memory access in scatter-gather?

    • Do we need some data flow engine for acceleration?

Finishing words

“There is plenty of room at the top” 对技术人员很重要。但为避免入宝山而空返,我们更需要建立起技术架构,这就像是地图一样,只有按图索骥才能更好地探索和利用好top里的plenty of room。


  1. Graph + AI: What’s Next? Progress in Democratizing Graph for All

  2. Recent Advances in Efficient and Scalable Graph Neural Networks

  3. Crossing the Chasm – Technology adoption lifecycle

  4. Understanding and Bridging the Gaps in Current GNN Performance Optimizations

  5. Automatic Generation of High-Performance Inference Kernels for Graph Neural Networks on Multi-Core Systems

  6. Understanding GNN Computational Graph: A Coordinated Computation, IO, And Memory Perspective

  7. Graphiler: A Compiler For Graph Neural Networks

  8. Scatter-Add in Data Parallel Architectures

  9. fuseGNN: Accelerating Graph Convolutional Neural Network Training on GPGPU

  10. VQ-GNN: A Universal Framework to Scale up Graph Neural Networks using Vector Quantization

  11. NeuGraph: Parallel Deep Neural Network Computation on Large Graphs

  12. Completing a member knowledge graph with Graph Neural Networks

  13. PinnerFormer: Sequence Modeling for User Representation at Pinterest

  14. Gartner and Graph Analytics

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