recently try to install mysql in my computer so that  I can practise some sql statement on sever.But there are some problem while install mysql package in my ubuntu system.I hava tried lots of ways to move on. at
last.I find there is a

best way to install mysql in my computer ,so I want to share with other friends like you who finds solutions for such program and hope my suggetion will give some help,even less..

First  we should keep our system clear to install mysql before (beacuse I hava installed some other types on compters ,and there might be some files which still existed in system,to handle that I use some commands such

sudo rm /var/lib/mysql/ -R

sudo rm /etc/mysql/ -R


you can do following steps:

#sudo apt-get autoremove mysql* --purge

#sudo apt-get remove apparmor

#sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-common  mysql-client

Then you can login in your own mysql(mysql has running in your system while installed)


in linux system we hava some troubles on installing software,but there are some easy ways to achieve your goals.

redhat system you can use" yum " to install ,and ubuntu you can use apt-get install  

maybe  help you  and give my best wish to you!


                                                                                                                                                             in Shanghai

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