# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- '''
Created on 2014-7-30
@author: guaguastd
''' if __name__ == '__main__': # import json
#import json # import search
from search import search_for_tweet # import get_friends_followers_ids
from user import get_friends_followers_ids, setwise_friends_followers_analysis # import login, see
from login import twitter_login # get the twitter access api
twitter_api = twitter_login() # import twitter_text
import twitter_text while 1:
query = raw_input('\nInput the query (eg. #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou, exit to quit): ') if query == 'exit':
print 'Successfully exit!'
break statuses = search_for_tweet(twitter_api, query)
ex = twitter_text.Extractor(statuses) screen_names = ex.extract_mentioned_screen_names_with_indices()
screen_names = [screen_name['screen_name']
for screen_name in screen_names] for screen_name in screen_names:
#print json.dumps(screen_names, indent=1)
friends_ids, followers_ids = get_friends_followers_ids(twitter_api,
setwise_friends_followers_analysis(screen_name, friends_ids, followers_ids)


Input the query (eg. #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou, exit to quit): #MentionSomeoneImportantForYou
Length of statuses 30
Encountered 401 Error (Not Authorized)
Fetched 0 total friends ids for mcnasty_super
Encountered 401 Error (Not Authorized)
Fetched 0 total followers ids for mcnasty_super
mcnasty_super is following 0
mcnasty_super is being followed by 0
0 of 0 are not following mcnasty_super back
0 of 0 are not being followed back by mcnasty_super
mcnasty_super has 0 mutual friends
Fetched 5000 total friends ids for Justina25ita
Fetched 5000 total followers ids for Justina25ita
Justina25ita is following 10
Justina25ita is being followed by 10
6 of 10 are not following Justina25ita back
6 of 10 are not being followed back by Justina25ita
Justina25ita has 4 mutual friends
BadStatusLine encountered. Continuing.
Fetched 5000 total friends ids for CarolRibTorres
Fetched 5000 total followers ids for CarolRibTorres
CarolRibTorres is following 10
CarolRibTorres is being followed by 10
1 of 10 are not following CarolRibTorres back
1 of 10 are not being followed back by CarolRibTorres
CarolRibTorres has 9 mutual friends
Fetched 5000 total friends ids for CarolRibTorres
Fetched 5000 total followers ids for CarolRibTorres
CarolRibTorres is following 10
CarolRibTorres is being followed by 10
1 of 10 are not following CarolRibTorres back
1 of 10 are not being followed back by CarolRibTorres
CarolRibTorres has 9 mutual friends
Fetched 5000 total friends ids for JustinBieber
JustinBieber is following 10
JustinBieber is being followed by 10
10 of 10 are not following JustinBieber back
10 of 10 are not being followed back by JustinBieber
JustinBieber has 0 mutual friends
Fetched 5000 total followers ids for JustinBieber
Fetched 2818 total friends ids for Janoskians
Fetched 5000 total followers ids for Janoskians
Janoskians is following 10
Janoskians is being followed by 10
10 of 10 are not following Janoskians back
10 of 10 are not being followed back by Janoskians
Janoskians has 0 mutual friends
Fetched 5000 total friends ids for 5SOS
Fetched 5000 total followers ids for 5SOS
5SOS is following 10
5SOS is being followed by 10
10 of 10 are not following 5SOS back
10 of 10 are not being followed back by 5SOS
5SOS has 0 mutual friends
Fetched 63 total friends ids for shots
Fetched 5000 total followers ids for shots
shots is following 10
shots is being followed by 10
10 of 10 are not following shots back
10 of 10 are not being followed back by shots
shots has 0 mutual friends
Fetched 5000 total friends ids for CarolRibTorres
Fetched 5000 total followers ids for CarolRibTorres
CarolRibTorres is following 10
CarolRibTorres is being followed by 10
1 of 10 are not following CarolRibTorres back
1 of 10 are not being followed back by CarolRibTorres
CarolRibTorres has 9 mutual friends
Fetched 5000 total friends ids for JustinBieber
Fetched 5000 total followers ids for JustinBieber
JustinBieber is following 10
JustinBieber is being followed by 10
10 of 10 are not following JustinBieber back
10 of 10 are not being followed back by JustinBieber
JustinBieber has 0 mutual friends
Fetched 2818 total friends ids for Janoskians
Fetched 5000 total followers ids for Janoskians
Janoskians is following 10
Janoskians is being followed by 10
10 of 10 are not following Janoskians back
10 of 10 are not being followed back by Janoskians
Janoskians has 0 mutual friends

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