STM32 F4 ADC DMA Temperature Sensor
STM32 F4 ADC DMA Temperature Sensor
Goal: detecting temperature variations using a temperature sensor, ADC with DMA and TIM3 as a trigger (ADC sampling frequency = TIM3 trigger frequency).
Note: Using TIM3 as a trigger is suited for monitoring temperature variations over time. However, this is an overkill for checking the absolute temperature once in a while; a software trigger would be a better option for that.
The temperature sensor is connected to ADC1 input channel 16. TIM3 will trigger periodically (CK_CNT/(Autoreload value+1)) and ADC1 will sample the signal using the 3-cycle sample time. I will use the 12-bit resolution which results in the total of 15-cycle conversion time (including the 3-cycle sampling time). Now, the ADC clock frequency is 21MHz (driven by the prescaled APB2). The total conversion time is then 15/21Mhz = ~714 ns (~1.4Msps max). A DMA request is made after each conversion, which places the converted voltage value into a user-specified buffer. An end-of-conversion (EOC) flag generates an interrupt at the TIM3 trigger frequency (with a 15 cycle offset). TIM3 shouldn't trigger faster than the minimum conversion time (~714ns). In the case of measuring the temperature, sampling frequency is not an issue so I'll set up TIM3 to trigger, say, 2000 times per second.
ADC sampling frequency: 2kHz (max is 1.4MHz with a 21MHz ADC clock, 12-bit resolution and 3-cycle sampling).
ADC interrupt frequency: 2kHz (I will use ADC_IRQHandler() to toggle a pin to make sure my calculations are correct, the toggling frequency should be 1kHz).
Now, we end up with some value in the user-defied buffer (which the DMA writes into at the end of each conversion, 2000 times per second). The manual gives us a linear algebraic formula for calculating the temperature: Temperature (in °C) = {(VSENSE – V25) / Avg_Slope} + 25
VSENSE is the 12-bit value we get from ADC in our buffer (this is not the voltage value).
VSENSE should be multiplied by the ADC resolution step (Vref/4095) to get the actual voltage value.
V25 is 0.76V (voltage that sensor outputs at 25°C)
Avg_Slope is 0.0025V/°C (rate at which voltage changes when temperature changes by one degree Celsius)
According to the manual, the offset of the function can be up to 45°C due to process variation so it'll require some calibration if we plan to measure absolute temperature.
I will pass the ADC values through an averaging filter to improve the variation accuracy. The filter also removes highest and lowest samples (can add a more sophisticated mechanism here).
#include <stm32f4xx.h>
#include "mcu_init.h" //====================================================================================
// Global variables for temperature measurements
volatile uint16_t ADC_Raw[NS] = {}; // Updated 2000 times per second by DMA
uint16_t Sample_ADC_Raw[NS] = {}; // Non-volatile copy of ADC_Raw[NS]
uint32_t ADC_Average = ; // Average of the samples
float Temp = ; // Temporary register
float Temp_Celsius = ; // Temperature in Celsius
float Calibration_Value = 11.0; // For measuring absolute temperature //====================================================================================
// Functions used in this module
void Sort_values(uint16_t [], uint8_t);
float Get_Temperature(void); //====================================================================================
// main function
int main()
{ //ADC_Interrupt_Config(); // Indirectly testing my calculations
//GPIOD_Config(); // Indirectly testing my calculations
ADC_Config(); while ()
Temp_Celsius = Get_Temperature(); // Monitoring Temp_Celsius in debug mode // Set a threshold value, light up LEDs if Temp_Celsius goes above or below it.
// I put it in the freezer to test :) } } //====================================================================================
// Description: Averaging samples from ADC, calculating temperature in Celsius
float Get_Temperature(void)
uint8_t i; for(i = ; i < NS; i++)
Sample_ADC_Raw[i] = ADC_Raw[i];
} Sort_values(Sample_ADC_Raw, NS); ADC_Average = ;
for(i = SR/; i < NS-SR/; i++)
ADC_Average += Sample_ADC_Raw[i];
ADC_Average /= (NS-SR); Temp += ADC_Average;
Temp *= ;
Temp /= ;
Temp -= (float)0.76;
Temp /= (float)0.0025;
Temp += (float)25.0;
Temp -= Calibration_Value; return Temp;
} //====================================================================================
// Description: Bubble sort min to max
void Sort_values(uint16_t A[], uint8_t L)
uint8_t i = ;
uint8_t status = ; while(status == )
status = ;
for(i = ; i < L-; i++)
if (A[i] > A[i+])
status = ;
} void ADC_IRQHandler(void) // (for testing)
GPIO_ToggleBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_9);
ADC_ClearITPendingBit(ADC1, ADC_IT_EOC);
#ifndef __MCU_INIT_H
#define __MCU_INIT_H #include <stm32f4xx.h> #define NS 10 // Number of samples to get from ADC
#define SR 4 // Samples removed after sorting, 4=(2 highest & 2 lowest)
#define ADC1_RDR 0x4001204C // ADC1 Regular Data Register (read only) extern volatile uint16_t ADC_Raw[NS]; // DMA writes ADC values into this buffer //====================================================================================
// Functions used for measuring temperature variations
void GPIOD_Config(void); // Indirectly testing my calculations
void ADC_Interrupt_Config(void); // Indirectly testing my calculations
void TIM3_Config(void);
void ADC_Config(void); #endif // __MCU_INIT_H
#include "mcu_init.h"
#include <stm32f4xx.h> //====================================================================================
// Configuring TIM3 to trigger at 2kHz which is the ADC sampling rate
void TIM3_Config(void)
TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM3_TimeBase; RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB1Periph_TIM3, ENABLE); TIM_TimeBaseStructInit(&TIM3_TimeBase);
TIM3_TimeBase.TIM_Period = (uint16_t); // Trigger = CK_CNT/(49+1) = 2kHz
TIM3_TimeBase.TIM_Prescaler = ; // CK_CNT = 42MHz/420 = 100kHz
TIM3_TimeBase.TIM_ClockDivision = ;
TIM3_TimeBase.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up;
TIM_TimeBaseInit(TIM3, &TIM3_TimeBase);
TIM_SelectOutputTrigger(TIM3, TIM_TRGOSource_Update); TIM_Cmd(TIM3, ENABLE);
} //====================================================================================
// Configuring GPIO PD9 (for testing)
void GPIOD_Config(void)
GPIO_InitTypeDef gpio_D; RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_GPIOD, ENABLE); gpio_D.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_OUT;
gpio_D.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP;
gpio_D.GPIO_Pin = GPIO_Pin_9;
gpio_D.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Medium_Speed;
GPIO_Init(GPIOD, &gpio_D); } //====================================================================================
// Configuring ADC global interrupt (for testing)
void ADC_Interrupt_Config(void)
} //====================================================================================
// Configuring ADC with DMA
void ADC_Config(void)
ADC_CommonInitTypeDef ADC_COMMON;
DMA_InitTypeDef DMA_INIT; RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_DMA2, ENABLE);
RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_ADC1, ENABLE); DMA_INIT.DMA_Channel = DMA_Channel_0;
DMA_INIT.DMA_PeripheralBaseAddr = (uint32_t)ADC1_RDR;
DMA_INIT.DMA_Memory0BaseAddr = (uint32_t)&ADC_Raw[];
DMA_INIT.DMA_DIR = DMA_DIR_PeripheralToMemory;
DMA_INIT.DMA_BufferSize = NS;
DMA_INIT.DMA_PeripheralInc = DMA_PeripheralInc_Disable;
DMA_INIT.DMA_MemoryInc = DMA_MemoryInc_Enable;
DMA_INIT.DMA_PeripheralDataSize = DMA_PeripheralDataSize_HalfWord;
DMA_INIT.DMA_MemoryDataSize = DMA_MemoryDataSize_HalfWord;
DMA_INIT.DMA_Mode = DMA_Mode_Circular;
DMA_INIT.DMA_Priority = DMA_Priority_High;
DMA_INIT.DMA_FIFOThreshold = DMA_FIFOThreshold_HalfFull;
DMA_INIT.DMA_MemoryBurst = DMA_MemoryBurst_Single;
DMA_INIT.DMA_PeripheralBurst = DMA_PeripheralBurst_Single;
DMA_Init(DMA2_Stream4, &DMA_INIT);
DMA_Cmd(DMA2_Stream4, ENABLE); ADC_COMMON.ADC_Mode = ADC_Mode_Independent;
ADC_COMMON.ADC_Prescaler = ADC_Prescaler_Div2;
ADC_COMMON.ADC_DMAAccessMode = ADC_DMAAccessMode_Disabled;
ADC_COMMON.ADC_TwoSamplingDelay = ADC_TwoSamplingDelay_5Cycles;
ADC_CommonInit(&ADC_COMMON); ADC_INIT.ADC_Resolution = ADC_Resolution_12b;
ADC_INIT.ADC_ContinuousConvMode = DISABLE; // ENABLE for max ADC sampling frequency
ADC_INIT.ADC_ExternalTrigConvEdge = ADC_ExternalTrigConvEdge_Rising;
ADC_INIT.ADC_ExternalTrigConv = ADC_ExternalTrigConv_T3_TRGO;
ADC_INIT.ADC_DataAlign = ADC_DataAlign_Right;
ADC_INIT.ADC_NbrOfConversion = ;
ADC_Init(ADC1, &ADC_INIT); ADC_RegularChannelConfig(ADC1, ADC_Channel_16, , ADC_SampleTime_3Cycles);
ADC_DMARequestAfterLastTransferCmd(ADC1, ENABLE);
ADC_ITConfig(ADC1, ADC_IT_EOC, ENABLE); // (for testing)
To work with other sensors, follow these steps:
- choose the ADC channel
- choose the sampling rate
- adjust the TIMx trigger frequency
- configure DMA
A software trigger is suited for reading sensor's values on demand (turn off ADC when not using).
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