Ruby 有4种数据类型:String, Boolen, Array, Hashes

Ruby 有3种操作方法:Method, attribute, ??

Ruby 有xxx: Classes, Object....


1. String and Declaring the variables:

name = "Wonder Woman"   #declare a var and store a string
puts name <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>#puts -- print out the var sum = 5 + 1.4
puts sum correct = 1 == 1
puts correct

2. Arrays:

cities = ["chongqing","beijing","shanghai"]

puts cities[1];		#print out the SECOND city


注意这句话:We can access any value by naming its key

seasons = { "Spring" => 20, "Summer"=>30, "Autumn"=>20, "Winter"=>02}
puts seasons["Winter"] #{ ? , ? , ? }
# "key"
# "key" => value
# access: HashName[ "key" ] = value

4. Declare and Refer the variables

foods = ["apple", "pear", "orange"]
puts "my favourite foods are #{foods}"
# here we use #{} to refer to the variables.

5. Methods

For all object types, Ruby has a number of built in methods that allow us to change the object. Let's look at a few common ones:

a. Strings:     .reverse, .capitalize

b. Numbers: + , - , * , /

c. Arrays:      .delete, .count

d. Hashes:    .compare, .flatten


colors = ["oo", "tt" , "tt", "ff"]
puts colors.first # call the method .first on array

6. Define our own methods

def clock(time)
puts "It's #{time}!"
clock("10:00pm") #note the ""

7. if ... else ... end

num = 6
if num.even?
puts "This int is even."
puts "This int is odd."
end # don't forget the end

8. Iterator - 迭代器

for Array and Hash ,使用迭代器来遍历Access each element.

names = ["Tommy","Catty","Barry","Sunny"]
names.each do |nname|
puts "hello #{nname}!"

9. Classes - 类


class Person

 def hello
puts "hello"
end end person1 =
person1.hello person2 =

another e.g.

class Person

  def initialize(name, age)
@name = name
@age = age
end def intro
puts "My name is #{@name} and I am #{@age} years old"
end end person1 ="Lupe", 8)
person1.intro class Dog
def initialize(name,color)
@name = name
@color= color
def describe
puts "My name is #{@name} and I am #{@color}"
dog1 ="Rover","beige")

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