#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#define MAXN 350
using namespace std; int _m[MAXN]; int main()
int n;
string s_1;
string s_2;
int len_1;
int len_2;
int min;
int i;
int j;
int time = ;
bool boo;
cin>>n; while(n --)
{ cin>>s_1>>s_2;
boo = false;
len_1 = s_1.length();
len_2 = s_2.length();
if(len_1 > len_2)
} min = s_2.length() - s_1.length();
for(i = ; i < min; ++ i)
_m[i] = s_2[i] - '';
j = ;
for(i = min; i < s_2.length(); ++ i)
_m[i] = (s_2[i] - '') + (s_1[j] - '');
++ j;
} int tem = ; for(i = s_2.length() - ; i >= ; -- i)
_m[i] += tem;
tem = _m[i]/;
_m[i] %= ;
cout<<++time<<" ";
if(tem != )
boo = true;
i = ;
if(tem == )
while(_m[i] == )
++ i;
for(; i < s_2.length(); ++ i)
{ cout<<_m[i];
boo = true;

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