Knowledge is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily.


Knowledge is weightless, isn't it?

No, honestly I don't think so, it is weightless if we can master it and use it skillfully to produce some valuable outcomes, otherwise it may become a heavy burden in our life.

I mean, uh, to know something thoroughly is really burdensome if there is lack of positive incentive for our learning.

Gradually, we will lose the enthusiam to learn new knowledge, thus we lose the possibility to be promoted in our career.

There are seldom people can keep on learning in such cases, those who can are sure to reach a higher rank, at least their spirits in persererance can acquire admirations from others.

Give up, or perserve in our struggles?

If you are about to give up, why not stick out a bit longer, maybe things will get better.

A child becomes an adult when he realizes that he has a right not only to be right but also to be wrong.


From Thomas Szasz.

If you realize you have a right to be right as well as to be wrong, you must realize you should take the responsibilites for the consequences.

Only if you can take the responsibilites you should take, you are a man.

If you can meet with the triumphs and failures calmly and treat them just the same, you are a man.

Don't be afraid of making mistakes when challenging new things, that are the only way you can imporve yourself.

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