using namespace std;
int test()
int a = ;
return a;
} int quickSort(int* inputArray, const int left, const int right, int bigCount, int &result)
cout << endl;
cout << "right is: " << right << endl;
cout << "left is: " << left << endl;
if(left > right)
cout << "return -1~~~" << endl;
result = -;
return -;
if(left == right && bigCount == )
int tmp = inputArray[right];
cout << "inputArray[right] is: " << tmp << endl;
result = tmp;
return tmp;
int maxNum = ;
int i = left;
int j = right + ;//因为下面有个j--,为了能直接用,将这里的j加1,因此输入数组最后需要填充一个数 int pivot = inputArray[left];
do i++; while(inputArray[i] < pivot);
do j--; while(inputArray[j] > pivot);
if(i < j)
swap(inputArray[i], inputArray[j]);
while(i < j);
swap(inputArray[j], inputArray[left]);
cout << endl << "================after one swap==================" << endl;
for(int i = ; i < ; i++)
cout << inputArray[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
int len = right - j + ;
cout << "j is: " << j << endl;
cout << "bigCount is: " << bigCount << endl;
cout << "len is: " << len << endl;
if(len < bigCount)//需要在左边继续寻找
int tmp = quickSort(inputArray ,left, j - , bigCount - len, result);
if(tmp != -)
return tmp;
else if(len > bigCount) //需要在右边继续寻找
int tmp = quickSort(inputArray, j + , right, bigCount, result);
if(tmp != -)
return tmp;
int tmp = inputArray[j];
cout << "inputArray[j] is: " << tmp << endl;
result = tmp;
return tmp;
int main()
int a[] = {, , , , , , , , , , };
cout << endl << "================origion==================" << endl;
for(int i = ; i < ; i++)
cout << a[i] << " ";
int rrrr = ;
int result = ;
result = quickSort(a, , , , rrrr);
cout << "rrrr is " << rrrr << endl;
cout << "result is " << result << endl;
cout << endl << "================result==================" << endl;
for(int i = ; i < ; i++)
cout << a[i] << " ";
return ;
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