
Downloading and installing Notepad++ is easy. See steps below:

1. Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/notepad-plus/, and click "Files" > "notepad++ releases binary" > "npp 5.9 bin" You see a list of Notepad++ 5.9 files.

2. Click on "npp.5.9.Installer.exe" to start the download and save the file to the desktop.

3. Double-click "npp.5.9.Installer.exe" on the desktop. You see "Notepad++ v.5.9 Setup" window showing up.

4. Follow the setup instruction to finish installation.

5. Click "Start" button, then "All programs" > "Notepad++" > "Notepad++" to start the program.

"XML Tools Plugin" is not included in the default installation of Notepad++. You need to the follwoing steps to add it:

1. Run Notepad++ and click menu "Plugins" > "Plugin Manager" > "Show plugin manager" You see the "Plugin Manager" window showing up.

2. Find "XML Tools" in the "Available" list and make it checked. Then click "Install" to finish adding "XML Tools" to Notepad++.

3. Click menu "Plugins" > "XML Tools". You see a list of XML Tools commands showing up.

Now you are ready to play with the XML Tools Plugin in Notepad++.

Last update: 2013.


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