

1. 算法的应用场景

2. 算法的模板

2.1 针对树的BFS模板

  • 无需分层遍历
  1. from collections import deque
  2. # Definition for a binary tree node.
  3. class TreeNode:
  4. def __init__(self, x):
  5. self.val = x
  6. self.left = None
  7. self.right = None
  8. def level_order_tree(root, result):
  9. if not root:
  10. return
  11. # 这里借助python的双向队列实现队列
  12. # 避免使用list.pop(0)出站的时间复杂度为O(n)
  13. queue = deque([root])
  14. while queue:
  15. node = queue.popleft()
  16. # do somethings
  17. result.append(node.val)
  18. if node.left:
  19. queue.append(node.left)
  20. if node.right:
  21. queue.append(node.right)
  22. return result
  23. if __name__ == "__main__":
  24. tree = TreeNode(4)
  25. tree.left = TreeNode(9)
  26. tree.right = TreeNode(0)
  27. tree.left.left = TreeNode(5)
  28. tree.left.right = TreeNode(1)
  29. print(level_order_tree(tree, []))
  30. # [4, 9, 0, 5, 1]
  • 需要分层遍历
  1. def level_order_tree(root):
  2. if not root:
  3. return
  4. q = [root]
  5. while q:
  6. new_q = []
  7. for node in q:
  8. # do somethins with this layer nodes...
  9. # 判断左右子树
  10. if node.left:
  11. new_q.append(node.left)
  12. if node.right:
  13. new_q.append(node.right)
  14. # 记得将旧的队列替换成新的队列
  15. q = new_q
  16. # 最后return想要返回的东西
  17. return xxx

2.2 针对图的BFS

  • 无需分层遍历的图
  1. from collections import deque
  2. def bsf_graph(root):
  3. if not root:
  4. return
  5. # queue和seen为一对好基友,同时出现
  6. queue = deque([root])
  7. # seen避免图遍历过程中重复访问的情况,导致无法跳出循环
  8. seen = set([root])
  9. while queue:
  10. head = queue.popleft()
  11. # do somethings with the head node
  12. # 将head的邻居都添加进来
  13. for neighbor in head.neighbors:
  14. if neighbor not in seen:
  15. queue.append(neighbor)
  16. seen.add(neighbor)
  17. return xxx
  • 需要分层遍历的图
  1. def bsf_graph(root):
  2. if not root:
  3. return
  4. queue = [root]
  5. seen = set([root])
  6. while queue:
  7. new_queue = []
  8. for node in queue:
  9. # do somethins with the node
  10. for neighbor in node.neighbors:
  11. if neighbor not in seen:
  12. new_queue.append(neighbor)
  13. seen.add(neighbor)
  14. return xxx

2.3 拓扑排序

在图论中,由一个有向无环图的顶点组成的序列,当且仅当满足下列条件时,称为该图的一个拓扑排序(英语:Topological sorting)。




  • 检测编译时的循环依赖
  • 制定有依赖关系的任务的执行顺序(例如课程表问题)


  1. 统计所有点的入度,并初始化拓扑排序序列为空。
  2. 将所有入度为0的点,放到如BFS初始的搜索队列中。
  3. 将队列中的点一个一个释放出来,把访问其相邻的点,并把这些点的入度-1.
  4. 如何发现某个点的入度为0时,则把这个点加入到队列中。
  5. 当队列为空时,循环结束。


  1. class Solution():
  2. def top_sort(self, graph):
  3. node_to_indegree = self.get_indegree(graph)
  4. # 初始化拓扑排序序列为空
  5. order = []
  6. start_nodes = [node for node in graph if node_to_indegree[node] == 0]
  7. queue = collection.deque(start_nodes)
  8. while queue:
  9. head = queue.popleft()
  10. order.append(node)
  11. for neighbor in head.neighbors:
  12. node_to_indegree[neighbor] -= 1
  13. if node_to_indegree[neighbor] == 0:
  14. queue.append(neighbor)
  15. return order
  16. def get_indegree(self, graph):
  17. node_to_indegree = {x: 0 for x in graph}
  18. for node in graph:
  19. for neighbor in node.neighbors:
  20. node_to_indegree[neighbor] += 1
  21. return node_to_indegree


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