- <SmallMaps><!--存放位置为img下的name文件夹,id与mapId一一对应-->
- <Maps id="1" name="world" width="3308" height="1536" >
- <map n="1.png" x="0" y="0"/>
- <map n="2.png" x="1000" y="0"/>
- <map n="3.png" x="2000" y="0"/>
- <map n="4.png" x="3000" y="0"/>
- <map n="5.png" x="0" y="1000"/>
- <map n="6.png" x="1000" y="1000"/>
- <map n="7.png" x="2000" y="1000"/>
- <map n="8.png" x="3000" y="1000"/>
- </Maps>
- </SmallMaps>
- {
- Gdx.gl.glClear(GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
- //一次性绘制
- oldColor=batch.getColor();
- batch.draw(spriteMain, getX(), getY(), getOriginX(), getOriginY(), getWidth(), getHeight(),
- getZoom(), getZoom(), getRotation());
- batch.draw(spriteCountry, getX(), getY(), getOriginX(), getOriginY(), getWidth(), getHeight(),
- getZoom(), getZoom(), getRotation());
- //batch.setColor(Color.RED);
- if(drawLoop){
- batch.draw(spriteMain, getX()+mapW_px*this.zoom, getY(), getOriginX(), getOriginY(), getWidth(), getHeight(),
- getZoom(), getZoom(), getRotation());
- batch.draw(spriteCountry, getX()+mapW_px*this.zoom, getY(), getOriginX(), getOriginY(), getWidth(), getHeight(),
- getZoom(), getZoom(), getRotation());
- }
- //batch.setColor(oldColor);
- }
- public void setX(float x) {
- if(ifLoop){////判断当前坐标是否需要循环显示右边
- if(x<=xMin&&x >= (-xMax * zoom + vw)){
- drawLoop=false;
- }else if(x>xMin){//从起点向左
- drawLoop=true;
- x=(-xMax -vw)+x;
- }else if(x < (-xMax + vw)&&x>(-xMax )){//划入右边,接近循环
- drawLoop=true;
- }else if(x<=(-xMax -vw)) {//划出并还原
- drawLoop=false;
- x = x + xMax +vw;
- }/**/
- }else {
- if (x > xMin) {
- x = xMin;
- } else if (x < -(xMax)) {
- x = -(xMax);
- }
- }
- this.x = x;
- }
然后是区块变色,这里参考了libgdx 涂口红的原理,使用 texture.draw(pixmap,0,0);
- package com.zhfy.game.screen;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.Input;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.InputMultiplexer;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.InputProcessor;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.ScreenAdapter;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Texture;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.BitmapFont;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.profiling.GLProfiler;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.input.GestureDetector;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.input.GestureDetector.GestureListener;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputEvent;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.ImageButton;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label.LabelStyle;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ClickListener;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.TextureRegionDrawable;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.XmlReader;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.XmlReader.Element;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.StretchViewport;
- import com.zhfy.game.MainGame;
- import com.zhfy.game.config.ResConfig;
- import com.zhfy.game.framework.GameLayout;
- import com.zhfy.game.framework.GameMap;
- import com.zhfy.game.framework.GameUtil;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.TextureRegionListDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.screen.actor.MapActor;
- import com.zhfy.game.screen.actor.SMapActor;
- /**
- * 主游戏场景(游戏主界面), 实现 Screen 接口 或者 继承 ScreenAdapter 类 <br/>
- * 这里就展示一张图片代表游戏主界面
- */
- public class GameScreen extends ScreenAdapter {
- private MainGame game;
- private Stage gameStage;
- private TextureRegionListDAO imgLists;
- private TextureRegionListDAO imgUpList;
- private TextureRegionListDAO imgDownList;
- private ImageButton button;
- //使用场景
- private int screenId=81;
- private int stageId;
- InputProcessorEvent processorEvent;
- MapListener mapListener;
- InputMultiplexer multiplexer;
- boolean isTouching;
- float touchBaseX;
- float touchBaseY;
- float touch_X;
- float touch_Y;
- float moveX;
- float moveY;
- Label label;
- //中心点位置
- float cx;
- float cy;
- float javaHeap;
- float javaMaxHeap;
- boolean ifLoop;
- //游戏舞台的基本宽高
- static float GAMESTAGE_WIDTH;
- static float GAMESTAGE_HEIGHT;
- //GLProfile gp = new GrayFilter();
- GLProfiler gp;
- //ui
- private Element uiR;
- private List<Element> ui;
- private XmlReader reader ;
- private String bgTexture;
- private float tempX,tempY,tempW,tempH;
- com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array<Element> buttonEs;
- private Map tempMap;
- private int i;//function的计数标志,从1开始
- private SMapActor mapActor;
- private float mapX;
- private float mapY;
- private float mapXMax;
- private float mapYMax;
- private float mapScaleX;
- private float mapScaleY;
- public GameScreen(MainGame mainGame) {
- this.game=mainGame;
- GAMESTAGE_WIDTH=game.getWorldWidth();
- GAMESTAGE_HEIGHT=game.getWorldHeight();
- //ui
- {
- reader = ResConfig.reader;
- uiR=GameLayout.getXmlERootByScreenId(screenId);
- ui=GameUtil.getXmlEByRootE(uiR);
- }
- setStageId(mainGame.getStageId());
- //1根据mapid读取地图DAO
- //2加载地图图片,生成图片作为背景
- /*textureMap=framework.getMapByMapId(mapId);
- defMap=framework.getDefMapByMapId(mapId);
- mapW=defMap.getWidth();
- mapH=defMap.getHeight();
- mapSprite = new Sprite(textureMap);*/
- //3增加拖动等功能,可以拖动地图
- //4替换地图dao的地图素材
- //5保存地图
- gp =new GLProfiler(Gdx. graphics);
- gp.enable();
- isTouching=false;
- multiplexer = new InputMultiplexer();
- // 使用伸展视口创建舞台
- gameStage = new Stage(new StretchViewport(GAMESTAGE_WIDTH, GAMESTAGE_HEIGHT));
- // 将输入处理设置到舞台(必须设置, 否则点击按钮没效果)
- multiplexer.addProcessor(gameStage);
- // 创建游戏人物演员
- //mapActor = new mapActor(new TextureRegion(mapSprite),0,0,mapW,mapH,GAMESTAGE_WIDTH, GAMESTAGE_HEIGHT);
- //mapActor = new MapActor(stageId,GAMESTAGE_WIDTH, GAMESTAGE_HEIGHT,mainGame.getAssetManager(),screenId);
- // 添加演员到舞台
- // gameStage.addActor(mapActor);
- //stageId不对,应从中获取对应的mapId,ifLoop也是 TODO
- ifLoop=true;
- mapActor = new SMapActor(stageId,GAMESTAGE_WIDTH, GAMESTAGE_HEIGHT,mainGame.getAssetManager(),screenId);
- gameStage.addActor(mapActor);
- //将来以玩家选择国家首都为位置标准 TODO
- //根据screenId初始化资源
- //获取对应图片
- imgLists=GameUtil.getTextureReigonByScreenId( screenId,mainGame.getAssetManager());
- i=1;
- for (Element window:ui) {
- tempX=window.getInt("x");tempY=window.getInt("y");tempW=window.getInt("w");tempH=window.getInt("h");
- // 添加演员到舞台
- imgUpList=new TextureRegionListDAO();
- imgDownList=new TextureRegionListDAO();
- //遍历window的buttons按钮
- buttonEs = window.getChildByName("buttons").getChildrenByNameRecursively("button"); // 递归遍历,否则的话返回null
- for (Element buttonE : buttonEs) {
- //Gdx.app.log("ui测试", button.get("remark"));
- imgUpList.add(imgLists.getTextureByName(buttonE.get("imgUpName")));
- imgDownList.add(imgLists.getTextureByName(buttonE.get("imgDownName")));
- button = new ImageButton(new TextureRegionDrawable(imgLists.getTextureByName(buttonE.get("imgUpName")).getTextureRegion()),new TextureRegionDrawable(imgLists.getTextureByName(buttonE.get("imgDownName")).getTextureRegion()),new TextureRegionDrawable(imgLists.getTextureByName(buttonE.get("imgDownName")).getTextureRegion()));
- button.setSize(buttonE.getInt("w")==0?imgLists.getTextureByName(buttonE.get("imgUpName")).getTextureRegion().getRegionWidth():buttonE.getInt("w")*imgLists.getTextureByName(buttonE.get("imgUpName")).getTextureRegion().getRegionWidth()/100, buttonE.getInt("h")==0?imgLists.getTextureByName(buttonE.get("imgUpName")).getTextureRegion().getRegionHeight():buttonE.getInt("h")*imgLists.getTextureByName(buttonE.get("imgUpName")).getTextureRegion().getRegionHeight()/100);
- button.setPosition(
- buttonE.getInt("x")*gameStage.getWidth()/100+button.getWidth()/2>gameStage.getWidth()?gameStage.getWidth()-button.getWidth():buttonE.getInt("x")*gameStage.getWidth()/100-button.getWidth()/2<0?0:buttonE.getInt("x")*gameStage.getWidth()/100-button.getWidth()/2,
- buttonE.getInt("y")*gameStage.getWidth()/100+button.getHeight()/2>gameStage.getHeight()?gameStage.getHeight()-button.getHeight():buttonE.getInt("y")*gameStage.getHeight()/100-button.getHeight()/2<0?0:buttonE.getInt("y")*gameStage.getHeight()/100-button.getHeight()/2);
- tempMap=new HashMap();
- tempMap.put("FUNCTION_ID", buttonE.get("functionId"));
- tempMap.put("ID", i);
- i++;
- function(tempMap);
- gameStage.addActor(button);
- Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(gameStage);
- }
- }
- //文字示例
- label=new Label("FPS:"+Gdx.graphics.getFramesPerSecond(),new LabelStyle(new BitmapFont(), null));
- label.setWidth(200);//设置每行的宽度
- label.setWrap(true);//开启换行
- label.setPosition(20, 40);
- gameStage.addActor(label);
- processorEvent = new InputProcessorEvent();
- mapListener=new MapListener();
- Gdx.app.log("平台", Gdx.app.getType()+"");
- switch (Gdx.app.getType()) {
- case Desktop:// Code for Desktop applicationbreak;
- multiplexer.addProcessor(processorEvent);
- case Android:// Code for Android applicationbreak;
- multiplexer.addProcessor(new GestureDetector(mapListener));
- case WebGL:// Code for WebGL applicationbreak;
- multiplexer.addProcessor(processorEvent);
- default:// Unhandled (new?) platform applicationbreak;
- multiplexer.addProcessor(processorEvent);
- multiplexer.addProcessor(new GestureDetector(mapListener));
- }
- Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(multiplexer);
- }
- @Override
- public void render(float delta) {
- handleInput();
- gameStage.draw();
- gameStage.act();
- //Gdx.app.log("FPS:", Gdx.graphics.getFramesPerSecond()+"");
- javaHeap=(Math.round(Gdx.app.getJavaHeap()/1024/1024*10)/10);
- if(javaHeap>javaMaxHeap) {
- javaMaxHeap=javaHeap;
- }
- label.setText("FPS:"+Gdx.graphics.getFramesPerSecond());
- label.getText().appendLine("");
- label.getText().appendLine("javaHeap:"+javaHeap+"m/"+javaMaxHeap+"m");
- label.getText().appendLine("drawCalls:"+gp.getDrawCalls());
- label.getText().appendLine("nativeHeap:"+Math.round(Gdx.app.getNativeHeap()/1024/1024*10)/10+"m");
- //label.getText().appendLine("inputKeyMode:"+mapActor.getKeyMode());//快捷键模式
- gp.reset();
- }
- public void dispose() {
- super.dispose();
- // 场景被销毁时释放资源
- if (gameStage != null) {
- gameStage.dispose();
- gameStage=null;
- }
- if(mapActor!=null){
- mapActor.dispose();
- mapActor=null;
- }
- }
- //实现的功能
- public void function(Map map){
- int i=Integer.parseInt(map.get("FUNCTION_ID").toString());
- switch(i) {
- case 0://返回
- button.addListener(new ClickListener() {
- public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
- //Gdx.app.log("点击了第1个按钮", "x:" + x+" y:" + y);
- if(game!=null) {
- game.showGameScreen(screenId,1);
- }
- }
- });
- break;
- case 1://加载
- button.addListener(new ClickListener() {
- public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
- Gdx.app.log("点击了第2个按钮1", "x:" + x+" y:" + y+" stageId:"+stageId);
- }
- });
- break;
- case 2://保存bin
- button.addListener(new ClickListener() {
- public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
- Gdx.app.log("点击了第3个按钮2", "x:" + x+" y:" + y+" stageId:"+stageId);
- }
- });
- break;
- case 3://随机装饰(除特殊装饰外)
- button.addListener(new ClickListener() {
- public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
- Gdx.app.log("点击了第4个按钮", "x:" + x+" y:" + y+" stageId:"+stageId);
- }
- });
- break;
- case 4:
- button.addListener(new ClickListener() {
- public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
- Gdx.app.log("点击了第4个按钮", "x:" + x+" y:" + y+" stageId:"+stageId);
- }
- });
- break;
- case 5:
- button.addListener(new ClickListener() {
- public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
- Gdx.app.log("点击了第4个按钮", "x:" + x+" y:" + y+" stageId:"+stageId);
- }
- });
- break;
- case 6:
- button.addListener(new ClickListener() {
- public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
- Gdx.app.log("点击了第5个按钮", "x:" + x+" y:" + y+" stageId:"+stageId);
- }
- });
- break;
- default://查询绘制省区
- button.addListener(new ClickListener() {
- public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {
- Gdx.app.log("点击了默认按钮", "x:" + x+" y:" + y);
- }
- });
- break;
- }
- }
- public void resize(int width, int height) {
- // use true here to center the camera
- // that's what you probably want in case of a UI
- gameStage.getViewport().update(width, height, false);
- }
- //电脑
- class InputProcessorEvent implements InputProcessor {
- @Override
- public boolean keyDown(int keycode) {
- /*if (keycode == Keys.BACK) {
- // 处理返回事件
- } else if (keycode == Keys.MENU) {
- // 处理菜单事件
- }*/
- return true; // 如果此处设置为false那么不会执行key up
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyUp(int keycode) {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean keyTyped(char character) { // 可以输出按键的字母和数字,不过貌似不好使
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean touchUp(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) {
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean mouseMoved(int screenX, int screenY) {
- cx=screenX;
- cy=screenY;
- return true;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean scrolled(int amount) {
- if(amount>0) {
- mapActor.setZoom(mapActor.getZoom()+0.01f,cx,cy);
- }else {
- mapActor.setZoom(mapActor.getZoom()-0.01f,cx,cy);
- }
- //Gdx.app.log("", mapActor.getZoom()+"");
- return true;
- }
- }
- //触摸屏
- class MapListener implements GestureListener{
- @Override
- public boolean touchDown(float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
- Gdx.app.log("touchDown", "x:" + x+" y:" + y);
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean tap(float x, float y, int count, int button) {
- Gdx.app.log("tap", "x:" + x+" y:" + y);
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean longPress(float x, float y) {
- Gdx.app.log("longPress", "x:" + x+" y:" + y);
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean fling(float velocityX, float velocityY, int button) {
- Gdx.app.log("fling", "velocityX:" + velocityX+" velocityY:" + velocityY);
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean pan(float x, float y, float deltaX, float deltaY) {
- Gdx.app.log("touchDown", "x:" + x+" y:" + y);
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean panStop(float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
- Gdx.app.log("touchDown", "x:" + x+" y:" + y);
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean zoom (float originalDistance, float currentDistance){
- Gdx.app.log("zoom", "originalDistance:" + originalDistance+" currentDistance:" + currentDistance);
- //TODO 触摸缩放事件
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean pinch (Vector2 initialFirstPointer, Vector2 initialSecondPointer, Vector2 firstPointer, Vector2 secondPointer){
- Gdx.app.log("pinch", "");
- return false;
- }
- @Override
- public void pinchStop () {
- Gdx.app.log("pinchStop", "");
- }
- }
- private void handleInput() {
- // justTouched 是开始按下手指的第一个点。
- if (Gdx.input.justTouched() && isTouching == false) {
- isTouching = true;
- touchBaseX = Gdx.input.getX(0);
- touchBaseY = Gdx.input.getY(0);
- //touchBaseX += cam.position.x - GAMESTAGE_WIDTH / 2;
- //Gdx.app.log("触摸", "1");
- // isTouched 是结束时,手指按下的点。
- } else if (Gdx.input.isTouched(0) && isTouching == true) {
- touch_X = Gdx.input.getX(0);
- touch_Y = Gdx.input.getY(0);
- moveX=(touchBaseX-touch_X)/20;
- moveY=(touch_Y-touchBaseY)/20;
- if(moveX>50) {
- moveX=50;
- }
- if(moveX<-50) {
- moveX=-50;
- }
- if(moveY>50) {
- moveY=50;
- }
- if(moveY<-50) {
- moveY=-50;
- }
- mapActor.setX(mapActor.getX()-moveX);
- mapActor.setY(mapActor.getY()-moveY);
- //Gdx.app.log("移动","x:"+mapActor.getX()+" y:"+mapActor.getY());
- }else {
- isTouching =false;
- }
- /*
- if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.A)) {
- mapActor.setZoom(mapActor.getZoom()+0.0001f,cx,cy);
- }
- if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.Q)) {
- mapActor.setZoom(mapActor.getZoom()-0.0001f,cx,cy);
- }*/
- if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.LEFT)) {
- mapActor.setX(mapActor.getX()+1);
- }
- if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.RIGHT)) {
- mapActor.setX(mapActor.getX()-1);
- }
- if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.DOWN)) {
- mapActor.setY(mapActor.getY()+1);
- }
- if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.UP)) {
- mapActor.setY(mapActor.getY()-1);
- }
- }
- public int getStageId() {
- return stageId;
- }
- public void setStageId(int stageId) {
- this.stageId = stageId;
- }
- }
- package com.zhfy.game.screen.actor;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.GL20;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Pixmap;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.PixmapIO;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Texture;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Batch;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.BitmapFont;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.Sprite;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.TextureRegion;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.InputEvent;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label.LabelStyle;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ClickListener;
- import com.zhfy.game.config.ResConfig;
- import com.zhfy.game.config.ResConfig.Map;
- import com.zhfy.game.framework.ComUtil;
- import com.zhfy.game.framework.GameFramework;
- import com.zhfy.game.framework.GameMap;
- import com.zhfy.game.framework.GameUtil;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.content.BTLDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.content.MapBinDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefMap;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefPt;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefStage;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.Coord;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.SpriteDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.SpriteListDAO;
- public class SMapActor extends Actor {
- //做实时绘制前的备份
- // 本类用来存放背景地图,获取地图范围,移动,缩放背景地图,确定点击位置等,以及环状地图
- //private DefMap defMap;
- private Pixmap pixmap;// 临时画布
- private MapBinDAO mapBinDAO;
- private BTLDAO btlDao;
- private DefStage defStage;
- private List<Integer> coastGrid;
- private List<Integer> regionGrid;
- private Texture textureMain;// 主图
- private Texture textureCountry;
- private Pixmap pixmapCountry;
- private Sprite spriteMain;// 主图
- private Sprite spriteCountry;
- private GameFramework gameFramework;
- private float x;
- private float y;
- private int w;
- private int h;
- private int mapId;
- private int mapW_px;
- private int mapH_px;
- private boolean ifLoop;// 是否循环
- private boolean drawLoop;
- private float zoom;
- private float zoomMax;
- private float zoomMin;
- private float xMin;
- private float yMin;
- private float xMax;
- private float yMax;
- private float vw;
- private float vh;
- private float vx;
- private float vy;
- private Coord coord;
- private Coord gridCoord;
- private AssetManager am;
- Color oldColor;
- private int screenId;
- private boolean ifNeedUnload;//是否需要卸载,在资源加载完后卸载,如果未加载完退出,在退出时顺带清理资源
- public float getVx() {
- return vx;
- }
- public void setVx(float vx) {
- this.vx = vx;
- }
- public float getVy() {
- return vy;
- }
- public void setVy(float vy) {
- this.vy = vy;
- }
- // 颜色层
- //private Texture textureGrid;
- private SpriteDAO spriteGrid;
- private SpriteListDAO spriteGrids;
- private int gw;
- private int gh;
- public SMapActor(int stageId, float vw, float vh, AssetManager am, int screenId) {
- super();
- this.am=am;
- ifLoop = true;//TODO
- drawLoop=false;
- ifNeedUnload=false;
- this.screenId=screenId;
- // 获取defMap
- this.gameFramework=new GameFramework();
- defStage = gameFramework.getDefStageByStageId(stageId);
- long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
- btlDao=gameFramework.getBtlDaoByStageId(stageId);
- long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); // 记录结束时间
- Gdx.app.log("stage加载时间", (end-start)+"");
- mapBinDAO = gameFramework.getMapDaoByMapId(stageId);;
- //mapBinDAO=new MapBinDAO(btlDao);
- coastGrid=mapBinDAO.getIdsByAround(12);
- regionGrid=mapBinDAO.getAllRegionIds();
- {
- // 绘制主要图
- textureMain= new Texture(GameMap.drawSmallMapAndClearPixmap(stageId,am));
- spriteMain= new Sprite(textureMain);
- }
- {
- this.x = 0;// TODO 随后设计为玩家起始位置
- this.y = 0;
- this.w = mapBinDAO.getMapWidth();
- this.h = mapBinDAO.getMapHeight();
- this.vw = vw;
- this.vh = vh;
- // 实际宽高
- this.mapW_px = textureMain.getWidth();
- this.mapH_px = textureMain.getHeight();
- this.zoom = 1f;
- this.zoomMax = 1.2f;
- this.zoomMin = 0.5f;
- this.xMax = mapW_px*this.zoom-vw;;
- this.yMax = mapH_px*this.zoom-vh;
- this.yMin = 0;
- this.xMin = 0;
- }
- /**/{//绘制一个区域图
- // 绘制画布转为装饰
- long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
- pixmapCountry = GameMap.createPixmap((int)(w*ResConfig.Map.SMALLMAP_SCALE),(int)(h*ResConfig.Map.SMALLMAP_SCALE));
- GameMap.getPixmapByDaoForColor(mapBinDAO,pixmapCountry,ResConfig.Map.SMALLMAP_SCALE,coastGrid);
- //PixmapIO.writePNG(Gdx.files.external("textureColor.png"), pixmapCountry);
- textureCountry=new Texture(pixmapCountry);
- long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //获取结束时间
- Gdx.app.log("色图构建", " 运行时间:"+(endTime - startTime) + "ms");
- spriteCountry= new Sprite(textureCountry);
- spriteCountry.setSize(textureMain.getWidth(),textureMain.getHeight());
- }
- /*{
- // 绘制画布转为装饰
- pixmap = GameMap.createPixmap((int)(w*ResConfig.Map.SMALLMAP_SCALE),(int)(h*ResConfig.Map.SMALLMAP_SCALE));
- pixmap=GameMap.coverImgByPtimgId(pixmap, 2);
- gameFramework.getPixmapDecorateByDao(pixmap, mapBinDAO,am,ResConfig.Map.SMALLMAP_SCALE);
- PixmapIO.writePNG(Gdx.files.external("textureDecorate.png"), pixmap);
- pixmap.dispose();
- }*/
- setSize(spriteMain.getWidth(), spriteMain.getHeight());
- addListener(new ClickListener() {
- @Override
- public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) {//TODO 点击生成任务区域
- // 点击图片,图片隐藏
- // super.clicked(event, x, y);
- // // Gdx.app.log("点击的精灵位置1", "x:" + (getX()/getZoom()+x)+" y:"
- // // +(getY()/getZoom()+ y));
- //
- // // 由于要在actor等中使用坐标绘图,所以采用libgdx的actor坐标系
- // // 左下为0,0,向右上方向负数扩展
- //
- // // Gdx.app.log("点击背景位置1", "bgx:" + getX()+" bgy:" + getY()+"
- // // zoom:" + getZoom()+" x:" + x+" y:" + y+" rgw:" +
- // // getRegion().getRegionWidth()+" rgh:" +
- // // getRegion().getRegionHeight());
- // // Gdx.app.log("点击背景位置2", "actX:" + (getX()-x)/getZoom()+"
- // // actY:"+ (getY()-y)/getZoom());
- //coord = GameMap.getHotCell(getImgXCoordByActX((getX() - x) / getZoom()), getImgYCoordByActY((getY() - y) / getZoom()),zoom);
- //Gdx.app.log("点击背景位置3", "imgX:" + getImgXCoordByActX((getX() - x) / getZoom()) + " imgY:" + getImgYCoordByActY((getY() - y) / getZoom()));
- //Gdx.app.log("点击背景位置4", "imgX:" + coord.getX() + " imgY:" + coord.getY());
- /*pixmapCountry.drawLine(200, (int)x, 50, (int)y);
- textureCountry.draw(pixmapCountry, 0, 0);*/
- // MapBinDAO mapBinDAO, Pixmap pixmap,float scale,int regionId,Color color,List<Integer> coastGrid
- pixmapCountry=GameMap.updateColorByRegion(mapBinDAO,pixmapCountry, Map.SMALLMAP_SCALE,regionGrid.get(ComUtil.getOneByListRand(regionGrid)),GameUtil.getColorByNum((int)(Math.random()*60000)),coastGrid);
- textureCountry.draw(pixmapCountry,0,0);
- }
- });
- }
- @Override
- public void act(float delta) {
- super.act(delta);
- }
- @Override
- public void draw(Batch batch, float parentAlpha) {
- super.draw(batch, parentAlpha);
- if (spriteMain == null || !isVisible()) {
- return;
- }
- {
- Gdx.gl.glClear(GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
- //一次性绘制
- //oldColor=batch.getColor();
- batch.draw(spriteMain, getX(), getY(), getOriginX(), getOriginY(), getWidth(), getHeight(),
- getZoom(), getZoom(), getRotation());
- batch.draw(spriteCountry, getX(), getY(), getOriginX(), getOriginY(), getWidth(), getHeight(),
- getZoom(), getZoom(), getRotation());
- //batch.setColor(Color.RED);
- if(drawLoop){
- batch.draw(spriteMain, getX()+mapW_px*this.zoom, getY(), getOriginX(), getOriginY(), getWidth(), getHeight(),
- getZoom(), getZoom(), getRotation());
- batch.draw(spriteCountry, getX()+mapW_px*this.zoom, getY(), getOriginX(), getOriginY(), getWidth(), getHeight(),
- getZoom(), getZoom(), getRotation());
- }
- //batch.setColor(oldColor);
- }
- }
- public float getX() {
- return x;
- }
- public void setX(float x) {
- if(ifLoop){////判断当前坐标是否需要循环显示右边
- if(x<=xMin&&x >= (-xMax * zoom + vw)){
- drawLoop=false;
- }else if(x>xMin){//从起点向左
- drawLoop=true;
- x=(-xMax -vw)+x;
- }else if(x < (-xMax + vw)&&x>(-xMax )){//划入右边,接近循环
- drawLoop=true;
- }else if(x<=(-xMax -vw)) {//划出并还原
- drawLoop=false;
- x = x + xMax +vw;
- }/**/
- }else {
- if (x > xMin) {
- x = xMin;
- } else if (x < -(xMax)) {
- x = -(xMax);
- }
- }
- this.x = x;
- }
- public float getY() {
- return y;
- }
- public void setY(float y) {
- if (y > yMin) {
- y = yMin;
- } else if (y < -yMax) {
- y = -yMax;
- }
- this.y = y;
- }
- public int getW() {
- return w;
- }
- public void setW(int w) {
- this.w = w;
- }
- public int getH() {
- return h;
- }
- public void setH(int h) {
- this.h = h;
- }
- public float getVw() {
- return vw;
- }
- public void setVw(float vw) {
- this.vw = vw;
- }
- public float getVh() {
- return vh;
- }
- public void setVh(float vh) {
- this.vh = vh;
- }
- public float getZoom() {
- return zoom;
- }
- public void setZoom(float zoom,float cx,float cy) {
- this.xMax = mapW_px*zoom-vw;;
- this.yMax = mapH_px*zoom-vh;
- this.xMin = 0;
- this.yMin = 0;
- if (zoom > zoomMax) {
- zoom = zoomMax;
- } else if (zoom < zoomMin) {
- zoom = zoomMin;
- } else {
- setX( x + ((x - cx) * (zoom-this.zoom)) / zoom);
- setY( y + ((y - (vh-cy)) * (zoom-this.zoom)) / zoom);
- this.zoom = zoom;
- }
- }
- // 将↓→坐标(左上角为0,0,越向右下越大)转为←↓act坐标(左下角为0,0,越向右上越小)
- public float getActXCoordByImgX(float print_x) {
- return (-print_x);
- }
- public float getActYCoordByImgY(float print_y) {
- return (print_y - spriteMain.getHeight());
- }
- // 将←↓act坐标(左下角为0,0,越向右上越小)转化为↓→坐标(左上角为0,0,越向右下越大)
- // 将↓→坐标(左上角为0,0,越向右下越大)转为←↓act坐标(左下角为0,0,越向右上越小)
- public float getImgXCoordByActX(float print_x) {
- if(print_x!=0f) {
- return (-print_x);
- }else {
- return 0f;
- }
- }
- public float getImgYCoordByActY(float print_y) {
- return (spriteMain.getHeight() + print_y);
- }
- // 清理5张图层
- public void dispose() {
- if(pixmapCountry!=null){
- pixmapCountry.dispose();
- pixmapCountry=null;
- }
- if (textureMain != null) {
- textureMain.dispose();
- textureMain=null;
- }
- if (textureCountry!=null){
- textureCountry.dispose();
- textureCountry=null;
- }
- if (ifNeedUnload) {
- GameUtil.unloadSingleResByScreenId(am, screenId);
- }
- }
- public Pixmap getPixmap() {
- return pixmap;
- }
- public void setPixmap(Pixmap pixmap) {
- this.pixmap = pixmap;
- }
- public MapBinDAO getMapBinDAO() {
- return mapBinDAO;
- }
- public void setMapBinDAO(MapBinDAO mapBinDAO) {
- this.mapBinDAO = mapBinDAO;
- }
- public Texture gettextureMain() {
- return textureMain;
- }
- public void settextureMain(Texture textureMain) {
- this.textureMain = textureMain;
- }
- public Sprite getspriteMain() {
- return spriteMain;
- }
- public void setspriteMain(Sprite spriteMain) {
- this.spriteMain = spriteMain;
- }
- public SpriteDAO getSpriteGrid() {
- return spriteGrid;
- }
- public void setSpriteGrid(SpriteDAO spriteGrid) {
- this.spriteGrid = spriteGrid;
- }
- public float getZoomMax() {
- return zoomMax;
- }
- public void setZoomMax(float zoomMax) {
- this.zoomMax = zoomMax;
- }
- public int getGw() {
- return gw;
- }
- public void setGw(int gw) {
- this.gw = gw;
- }
- public int getGh() {
- return gh;
- }
- public void setGh(int gh) {
- this.gh = gh;
- }
- public SpriteListDAO getSpriteGrids() {
- return spriteGrids;
- }
- public void setSpriteGrids(SpriteListDAO spriteGrids) {
- this.spriteGrids = spriteGrids;
- }
- }
- package com.zhfy.game.framework;
- import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.FileInputStream;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.InputStream;
- import java.lang.reflect.Field;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Properties;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Pixmap;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Pixmap.Format;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.PixmapIO;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Texture;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.TextureData;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.g2d.TextureRegion;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Stage;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.XmlReader;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.XmlReader.Element;
- import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.viewport.StretchViewport;
- import com.zhfy.game.MainGame;
- import com.zhfy.game.config.ResConfig;
- import com.zhfy.game.framework.tool.BTLTooL;
- import com.zhfy.game.framework.tool.FSearchTool;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.content.BTLDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.content.MapBinDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefMap;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefPt;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefStage;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefTerrainimg;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.PixmapDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.PixmapListDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.TextureDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.TextureListDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.TextureRegionDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.TextureRegionListDAO;
- import com.zhfy.game.screen.actor.base.BaseActor;
- public class GameFramework {
- //private TextureListDAO imgLists;
- //private Texture imgBg;
- //private List<Stage> stages;
- private byte[] bt;// 等待清空
- //private MapBinDAO mapBinDao;// 等待清空
- //private Pixmap pixmap;// 使用完就清空
- //private PixmapListDAO pixmapLists;// 使用完就清空
- private FSearchTool tool ;//哪个用到哪个初始化
- /*//TODO
- // 通过使用场景来清理图片
- public void textureDispose(int beforeScreenId,int nextScreenId) {
- Gdx.app.log("执行了内存销毁 " ," screenId:"+beforeScreenId);
- //获取当前场景,下一个场景要加载的资源图
- //比对资源,把不用的资源清除掉
- // 通过使用场景id获取图片名集合
- List<String> nameList = getTextureNameByScreenId(beforeScreenId);
- // 根据图片名集合清理资源
- imgLists.clearTexture(nameList);
- // 清理背景图
- if (imgBg != null) {
- imgBg.dispose();
- imgBg = null;
- }
- }*/
- // 通过screenId获取要读取的图片资源
- public List<String> getTextureNameByScreenId(int screenId) {
- List<String> strs = new ArrayList<String>();
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- Element root = ResConfig.ConfigScreen;
- int childNum = root.getChildCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < childNum; i++) {
- if (root.getChild(i).getInt("id") == screenId) {
- Array<Element> xmlFiles = root.getChild(i)
- .getChildrenByNameRecursively("xmlFile");
- for (Element xmlFile : xmlFiles) {
- strs.add(xmlFile.get("name"));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- return strs;
- }
- /*// 根据screenid,获取要加载的资源
- public TextureRegionListDAO getTextureReigonByScreenId(int screenId) {
- // 验证imgLists是否有东西
- List<String> nameList = getTextureNameByScreenId(screenId);
- TextureRegionListDAO imgList = new TextureRegionListDAO();
- for (int i = 0; i < nameList.size(); i++) {
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- *//**
- * root是整个xml文件从根节点算起,此处是指<Credits> </Credits>
- *//*
- Element root = reader.parse(
- Gdx.files.internal("image/" + nameList.get(i) + ".xml"));
- String imgFile = root.getAttribute("imagePath");
- // 每个图片添加的时候都要加使用场景,多场景用;分割screenid="1"
- Array<Element> images = root.getChildrenByNameRecursively("sprite");
- for (Element image : images) {
- TextureRegion imgRegion = new TextureRegion(
- imgLists.getName(nameList.get(i)).getTexture(),
- image.getInt("x"), image.getInt("y"), image.getInt("w"),
- image.getInt("h"));
- TextureRegionDAO imgRegionDAO = new TextureRegionDAO();
- imgRegionDAO.setTextureRegion(imgRegion);
- imgRegionDAO.setRefx(image.getInt("refx"));
- imgRegionDAO.setRefy(image.getInt("refy"));
- imgRegionDAO.setName(image.get("n").replace(".png", ""));
- imgList.add(imgRegionDAO);
- // Gdx.app.log("getImgName",image.get("n").replace(".png", "")+"
- // x:"+image.getInt("refx")+" y:"+image.getInt("refy"));
- }
- }
- imgList.check();
- return imgList;
- }*/
- /*// 根据imgName,获取要加载的资源
- public TextureRegionListDAO getTextureReigonByImgFileName(
- String imgFileName) {
- // 验证imgLists是否有东西
- TextureRegionListDAO imgList = new TextureRegionListDAO();
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- Element root = reader
- .parse(Gdx.files.internal("image/" + imgFileName + ".xml"));
- String imgFile = root.getAttribute("imagePath");
- // 每个图片添加的时候都要加使用场景,多场景用;分割screenid="1"
- Array<Element> images = root.getChildrenByNameRecursively("sprite");
- for (Element image : images) {
- TextureRegion imgRegion = new TextureRegion(
- imgLists.getName(imgFileName).getTexture(),
- image.getInt("x"), image.getInt("y"), image.getInt("w"),
- image.getInt("h"));
- TextureRegionDAO imgRegionDAO = new TextureRegionDAO();
- imgRegionDAO.setTextureRegion(imgRegion);
- imgRegionDAO.setRefx(image.getInt("refx"));
- imgRegionDAO.setRefy(image.getInt("refy"));
- imgRegionDAO.setName(image.get("n").replace(".png", ""));
- imgList.add(imgRegionDAO);
- // Gdx.app.log("getImgName",image.get("n").replace(".png", "")+"
- // x:"+image.getInt("refx")+" y:"+image.getInt("refy"));
- }
- imgList.check();
- return imgList;
- }*/
- // TODO 未验证
- // 根据imgName,获取要加载的资源
- /*public PixmapListDAO getPixmapByImgFileName(String fileName) {
- PixmapListDAO pixmapLists=new PixmapListDAO();
- // 验证pixmapLists是否有东西
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- Element root = reader
- .parse(Gdx.files.internal("pixmap/" + fileName + ".xml"));
- // 每个图片添加的时候都要加使用场景,多场景用;分割screenid="1"
- Array<Element> images = root.getChildrenByNameRecursively("sprite");
- for (Element image : images) {
- PixmapDAO pixmapDAO = new PixmapDAO();
- pixmapDAO.setPixmap( new Pixmap(Gdx.files.internal("pixmap/"+image.get("n"))));;
- pixmapDAO.setRefx(image.getInt("refx"));
- pixmapDAO.setRefy(image.getInt("refy"));
- pixmapDAO.setName(image.get("n").replace(".png", ""));
- pixmapLists.add(pixmapDAO);
- }
- pixmapLists.check();
- return pixmapLists;
- }*/
- /* // 根据screenId获取加载的背景图名称
- public Texture getBgTextureByScreenId(int screenId,AssetManager as) {
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- String str = "";
- Element root = ResConfig.ConfigScreen;
- int childNum = root.getChildCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < childNum; i++) {
- if (root.getChild(i).getInt("id") == screenId) {
- str = root.getChild(i).get("bgImg");
- //imgBg = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("image/" + str + ".png"));
- imgBg =as.get("image/" + str + ".png", Texture.class);
- return imgBg;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }*/
- // 根据screenId来把资源存入 getResourceByScreentId
- /*public void init(int screenId) {
- imgLists = new TextureListDAO();
- List<String> nameList = getTextureNameByScreenId(screenId);
- //stages = new ArrayList<Stage>();
- for (int i = 0; i < nameList.size(); i++) {
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- *//**
- * root是整个xml文件从根节点算起,此处是指<Credits> </Credits>
- *//*
- Element root = reader.parse(
- Gdx.files.internal("image/" + nameList.get(i) + ".xml"));
- String imgFile = root.getAttribute("imagePath");
- // 加入临时文件
- TextureDAO tempImgDao = new TextureDAO();
- tempImgDao.setName(imgFile.toString().substring(0,
- imgFile.toString().lastIndexOf(".")));
- tempImgDao.setTexture(
- new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("image/" + imgFile)));
- imgLists.add(tempImgDao);
- // Gdx.app.log( "setImgName", imgFile.toString().substring(0,
- // imgFile.toString().lastIndexOf(".")));
- }
- }*/
- // 根据配置文件生成相关stage对象并返回
- // stage相当于一个窗口,一个游戏场景由一个或多个窗口组成
- // 暂时废弃
- /* public List<Stage> getStagesByScreenId(int screenId) {
- Stage stage = new Stage(new StretchViewport(ResConfig.FIX_WORLD_WIDTH,
- Gdx.graphics.getHeight() * ResConfig.FIX_WORLD_WIDTH / Gdx.graphics.getWidth()));
- GameFramework framework = new GameFramework();
- // 根据screenId获取下级元素
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- Element root = reader
- .parse(Gdx.files.internal("config/config_layout.xml"));
- int childNum = root.getChildCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < childNum; i++) {
- if (root.getChild(i).getInt("screenId") == screenId) {
- // 绘制背景图
- imgBg = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(
- "image/" + root.getChild(i).get("bg") + ".png"));
- BaseActor actor = new BaseActor(new TextureRegion(imgBg));
- stage.addActor(actor);
- // 如果defaultWinId不为空,则查找对应win
- if (!root.getChild(i).get("defaultWinId").equals("")) {
- int childNum1 = root.getChild(i).getChildCount();
- for (int i1 = 0; i1 < childNum1; i1++) {
- // 生成win下的各个组件 pixmap 拼合图 textures 装饰图 buttons 按钮
- Element pixmaps = root.getChild(i).getChild(i1)
- .getChildByName("pixmaps");
- // Gdx.app.log("imgs",imgs.size+"");
- // 临时-拼合图
- {
- Array<Element> pixmapList = pixmaps
- .getChildrenByNameRecursively("pixmap");
- for (Element pixmap : pixmapList) {
- Array<Element> imgs = pixmap
- .getChildrenByNameRecursively("img");
- // Gdx.app.log("imgs",imgs.size+"");
- for (Element img : imgs) {
- }
- }
- }
- Element textures = root.getChild(i).getChild(i1)
- .getChildByName("textures");
- // 装饰图
- {
- }
- Element buttons = root.getChild(i).getChild(i1)
- .getChildByName("buttons");
- // 按钮
- {
- }
- if (stage != null) {
- //stages.add(stage);
- }
- // 打开默认窗口
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return null;
- }*/
- // 根据mapid生成MapBinDAO类 画全图
- public MapBinDAO getMapDaoByMapId(int mapId) {
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- String str = "";
- Element root = reader.parse(Gdx.files.internal("config/def_map.xml"));
- int childNum = root.getChildCount();
- MapBinDAO mapBinDao=null;
- for (int i = 0; i < childNum; i++) {
- if (root.getChild(i).getInt("id") == mapId) {
- str = root.getChild(i).get("name");
- //TODO 安卓不能加载,会闪退
- bt = Gdx.files.local("bin/" + str + ".bin").readBytes();
- //bt = Gdx.files.internal("bin/" + str + ".bin").readBytes();
- try {
- mapBinDao = GameMap.saveBin(bt);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return mapBinDao;
- }
- }
- return mapBinDao;
- }
- public BTLDAO getBtlDaoByStageId(int stageId) {
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- String str = "";
- // FileHandle file = Gdx.files.internal("rule/rule_fb1_btl.xml");
- Element root = reader.parse(Gdx.files.internal("config/def_stage.xml"));
- int childNum = root.getChildCount();
- BTLDAO btlDao=null;
- for (int i = 0; i < childNum; i++) {
- if (root.getChild(i).getInt("id") == stageId) {
- str = root.getChild(i).get("name");
- bt = Gdx.files.internal("stage/" + str + ".btl").readBytes();
- try {
- btlDao = BTLTooL.LoadBtl("rule/rule_fb1_btl.xml",bt);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return btlDao;
- }
- }
- return btlDao;
- }
- //根据传入的地图编号保存地图
- public void saveMapDaoByMapId(MapBinDAO mapbin,int mapId) {
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- String str = "";
- Element root = reader.parse(Gdx.files.internal("config/def_map.xml"));
- int childNum = root.getChildCount();
- for (int i = 0; i < childNum; i++) {
- if (root.getChild(i).getInt("id") == mapId) {
- str = root.getChild(i).get("name");
- String path="bin/" + str + ".bin";
- GameMap.saveMapBin(mapbin,path);
- }
- }
- }
- //根据MapId获得地图属性
- public DefMap getDefMapByMapId(int id) {
- DefMap defMap = new DefMap();
- List<DefMap> defMaps = new ArrayList<DefMap>();
- try {
- defMaps = GameUtil.getDaoListByClass(defMap, "config/def_map.xml");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- if (defMaps != null) {
- try {
- tool= new FSearchTool(defMaps, "id");
- return (DefMap) tool.searchTask((id+""));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- //根据MapId获得地图属性
- public DefStage getDefStageByStageId(int id) {
- DefStage defStage = new DefStage();
- List<DefStage> defStages = new ArrayList<DefStage>();
- try {
- defStages = GameUtil.getDaoListByClass(defStage, "config/def_stage.xml");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- if (defStages != null) {
- try {
- tool= new FSearchTool(defStages, "id");
- return (DefStage) tool.searchTask((id+""));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- // 依据id画全图
- public Texture getMapByMapId(int id,AssetManager am,float scale) {
- // 2.1加载图片资源 一次性使用 用完就删
- //TextureRegionListDAO mapRegionList = getTextureReigonByImgFileName("bt_tiles");
- PixmapListDAO pixmapLists=getPixmapListByFileName("pm_tiles",am);
- MapBinDAO mapBinDao=null;
- // 2.2加载地图属性
- DefTerrainimg defTerrainimg = new DefTerrainimg();
- DefMap defMap = new DefMap();
- List<DefTerrainimg> defTerrainimgs = new ArrayList<DefTerrainimg>();
- List<DefMap> defMaps = new ArrayList<DefMap>();
- boolean state=false;
- try {
- defTerrainimgs = GameUtil.getDaoListByClass(defTerrainimg,
- "config/def_terrainimg.xml");
- defMaps = GameUtil.getDaoListByClass(defMap, "config/def_map.xml");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- // 2.3加载bin
- mapBinDao = getMapDaoByMapId(id);
- // 2.4读取map.xml获取地图属性
- if (defMaps != null) {
- /*for (int i = 0; i < defMaps.size(); i++) {
- if (defMaps.get(i).getId() == id) {
- defMap = defMaps.get(i);
- state=true;
- break;
- }
- }*/
- try {
- tool= new FSearchTool(defMaps, "id");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // TODO Auto-generated catch block
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- defMap =(DefMap) tool.searchTask((id+""));
- if(defMap!=null) {
- state=true;
- }
- }
- if(state) {
- Gdx.app.log("存在地图:", "继续");
- }else {
- Gdx.app.log("不存在地图:", "终止");
- return null;
- }
- // 2.5生成Pixmap
- Pixmap pixmap=GameMap.createPixmapByDefMap(defMap);
- //绘制底纹
- pixmap=GameMap.coverImgByPtimgId(pixmap,2);
- long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //获取开始时间
- //绘图
- pixmap=GameMap.getPixmapByDao(mapBinDao,pixmap,pixmapLists,defTerrainimgs,0,mapBinDao.getMapbin().size(),scale);
- long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //获取结束时间
- Gdx.app.log("地图构建", " 运行时间:"+(endTime - startTime) + "ms");
- // 再由新的 Pixmap 对象生成一个新的 Texture 对象
- Texture textureMap = new Texture(pixmap, Format.RGBA8888,false);
- if(pixmap!=null) {
- //这里输出截图进行测试
- //PixmapIO.writePNG(Gdx.files.external(defMap.getName()+".png"), pixmap);
- pixmap.dispose();
- //Gdx.app.log("地图图片保存", "成功");
- }
- //clearPixmapListByFileName("pm_tiles");
- return textureMap;
- }
- // 根据条件画图
- public Pixmap getPixmapDecorateByDao(Pixmap pixmap,MapBinDAO mapBinDao,AssetManager am,float scale) {
- // 2.1加载图片资源 一次性使用 用完就删
- //TextureRegionListDAO mapRegionList = getTextureReigonByImgFileName("bt_tiles");
- PixmapListDAO pixmapLists=getPixmapListByFileName("pm_tiles",am);
- // 2.2加载地图属性
- DefTerrainimg defTerrainimg = new DefTerrainimg();
- List<DefTerrainimg> defTerrainimgs = new ArrayList<DefTerrainimg>();
- try {
- defTerrainimgs = GameUtil.getDaoListByClass(defTerrainimg,
- "config/def_terrainimg.xml");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //获取开始时间
- //绘图
- pixmap=GameMap.getPixmapByDao(mapBinDao,pixmap,pixmapLists,defTerrainimgs,0,mapBinDao.getMapbin().size(),scale);
- long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //获取结束时间
- Gdx.app.log("地图构建", " 运行时间:"+(endTime - startTime) + "ms");
- //clearPixmapListByFileName("pm_tiles");
- return pixmap;
- }
- //根据条件给陆地打孔 废弃
- /* public Pixmap getLandByDAO(MapBinDAO mapBinDAO, Pixmap pixmap, int mapx, int mapy,int mapw,int maph) {
- //加载打孔图片
- PixmapListDAO pixmapLists=getPixmapListByFileName("pm_shadow");
- pixmap=GameMap.getLandByDAO(mapBinDAO,pixmap,pixmapLists,mapx,mapy,mapw,maph);
- //clearPixmapListByFileName("pm_shadow");
- return pixmap;
- }*/
- //加载内存图片PixmapListDAO pixmapLists 目标pm_tiles 则传入pm_tiles TODO
- public static PixmapListDAO getPixmapListByFileName(String fileName,AssetManager am) {
- //1读取路径下说明文件
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- Element root = reader
- .parse(Gdx.files.internal("pixmap/"+fileName.substring(3)+"/" + fileName + ".xml"));
- // 每个图片添加的时候都要加使用场景,多场景用;分割screenid="1"
- Array<Element> images = root.getChildrenByNameRecursively("sprite");
- //验证pixmapLists是否有东西
- PixmapListDAO pixmapLists=new PixmapListDAO();
- //2根据说明文件添加到pixmapLists
- for (Element image : images) {
- PixmapDAO pixmapDAO = new PixmapDAO();
- //pixmapDAO.setPixmap( new Pixmap(Gdx.files.internal("pixmap/"+fileName.substring(3)+"/" +image.get("n"))));;
- pixmapDAO.setPixmap(am.get("pixmap/"+fileName.substring(3)+"/" +image.get("n"),Pixmap.class));
- pixmapDAO.setRefx(image.getInt("refx"));
- pixmapDAO.setRefy(image.getInt("refy"));
- pixmapDAO.setName(image.get("n").replace(".png", ""));
- pixmapLists.add(pixmapDAO);
- }
- pixmapLists.check();
- return pixmapLists;
- }
- //清除内存图片PixmapListDAO pixmapLists
- /*public void clearPixmapListByFileName(String fileName) {
- //1读取路径下说明文件
- //2根据说明文件移除pixmapLists的内容,并depose
- XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
- Element root = reader
- .parse(Gdx.files.internal("pixmap/"+fileName.substring(3)+"/" + fileName + ".xml"));
- // 每个图片添加的时候都要加使用场景,多场景用;分割screenid="1"
- Array<Element> images = root.getChildrenByNameRecursively("sprite");
- for (Element image : images) {
- pixmapLists.remove(image.get("n").replace(".png", ""));
- }
- pixmapLists.check();
- }*/
- }
package com.zhfy.game.model.content; import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Pixmap;
import com.zhfy.game.framework.ComUtil;
import com.zhfy.game.framework.GameMap;
import com.zhfy.game.framework.GameUtil;
import com.zhfy.game.model.content.btl.BtlModule1;
import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefMap;
import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefTerrainimg;
import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.Coord; public class MapBinDAO { public int mapVersion;// 2-地图版本
public int mapWidth;// 4-长
public int mapHeight;// 4-宽
public List<MapBin> MapBin;// //写死了
public MapBinDAO(BTLDAO btlDao){
if(btlDao!=null) {
MapBin=new ArrayList<MapBin>();
MapBin mapBin;
for(BtlModule1 bm1:btlDao.getBm1()) {
mapBin=new MapBin();
} public int getMapVersion() {
return mapVersion;
} public void setMapVersion(int mapVersion) {
this.mapVersion = mapVersion;
} public int getMapWidth() {
return mapWidth;
} public void setMapWidth(int mapWidth) {
this.mapWidth = mapWidth;
} public int getMapHeight() {
return mapHeight;
} public void setMapHeight(int mapHeight) {
this.mapHeight = mapHeight;
} public List<MapBin> getMapbin() {
return MapBin;
} public void setMapbin(List<MapBin> MapBin) {
this.MapBin = MapBin;
} public void initRegionId() {
int i, iMax;
iMax = MapBin.size();
for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
} //随机装饰(除特殊装饰,以及ref有值的外)
public void randomAllDecoration() {
Random rand = new Random();
Map map = GameMap.getDecorateRandMaxMap(); //Map(id_type+"_min",idx_min) Map(id_type+"_max",idx_max)
int i;
int iLength = MapBin.size();
int vMin, vMax;
for (i = 0; i < iLength; i++) {
* if(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()==5) { Gdx.app.log("MapBin.i:",
* "imin:"+(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+"_"+MapBin.get(i).
* getBlockType()+"_min")+" imax:"+(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+"_"+
* MapBin.get(i).getBlockType()+"_max")); }
if (map.containsKey(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile() + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_min") && map.containsKey(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile() + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_max") && MapBin.get(i).getBackRefX() == 0 && MapBin.get(i).getBackRefY() == 0) { vMin = (Integer) map.get(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile() + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_min");
vMax = (Integer) map.get(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile() + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_max");
//Gdx.app.log("", " backTile:"+MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+" type:"+MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+" max:"+map.get(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+"_"+MapBin.get(i).getBlockType()+"_max")+" min:"+map.get(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+"_"+MapBin.get(i).getBlockType()+"_min")+" backIdx:"+backIdx);
MapBin.get(i).setBackIdx(rand.nextInt(vMax - vMin + 1) + vMin);
if (map.containsKey(MapBin.get(i).getForeTile() + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_min") && map.containsKey(MapBin.get(i).getForeTile() + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_max") && MapBin.get(i).getForeRefX() == 0 && MapBin.get(i).getForeRefY() == 0) {
vMin = (Integer) map.get(MapBin.get(i).getForeTile() + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_min");
vMax = (Integer) map.get(MapBin.get(i).getForeTile() + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_max");
//Gdx.app.log("", " backTile:"+MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+" type:"+MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+" max:"+map.get(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+"_"+MapBin.get(i).getBlockType()+"_max")+" min:"+map.get(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+"_"+MapBin.get(i).getBlockType()+"_min")+" backIdx:"+backIdx);
MapBin.get(i).setForeIdx(rand.nextInt(vMax - vMin + 1) + vMin);
} //随机增加2层装饰
public void randomForeDecoration() {
int foreId, vMin, vMax;
Random rand = new Random();
Map map = GameMap.getDecorateRandMaxMap();
int i;
int iLength = MapBin.size();
Object o1; for (i = 0; i < iLength; i++) {
//4丘陵 4 5 6
//5山地 4 5 6
//6森林 4 5 6
if (rand.nextInt(100) < 31 && map.containsKey(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile() + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_min") && map.containsKey(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile() + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_max") && MapBin.get(i).getBackTile() > 3 && MapBin.get(i).getBackTile() < 7) {
foreId = 4 + rand.nextInt(3);
o1 = map.get(foreId + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_min");
if (o1 != null && MapBin.get(i).getForeRefX() == 0 && MapBin.get(i).getForeRefY() == 0) {
vMin = (Integer) map.get(foreId + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_min");
vMax = (Integer) map.get(foreId + "_" + MapBin.get(i).getBlockType() + "_max");
//Gdx.app.log("", " backTile:"+MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+" type:"+MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+" max:"+map.get(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+"_"+MapBin.get(i).getBlockType()+"_max")+" min:"+map.get(MapBin.get(i).getBackTile()+"_"+MapBin.get(i).getBlockType()+"_min")+" backIdx:"+backIdx);
MapBin.get(i).setForeIdx(rand.nextInt(vMax - vMin + 1) + vMin);
} else {
} //规则 有建筑或有地名的区块=id 否则为0
public void resetRegionId() {
int i;
int iMax = MapBin.size();
for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
if (MapBin.get(i).getAreaId() == 0 && MapBin.get(i).getBuildId() == 0) {
} else {
} //根据纬度生成随机气候 TODO
public void randomClimate() { } //随机海岸河流 TODO
public void randomCoastRever() { } //完全随机地图 TODO
public void randomAll(int i) { } //重新切割省区 TODO
public void cutRegion() {
Random rand = new Random();
int tempId, exct = 0, i = 0, iMax = 0, j, jMax, rsct, riSize;
List<Integer> regions = null;
List<Integer> temps = null;
Map regionCountMap = new HashMap();
Boolean ifSea =false; for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
regions = getRegions(j);
Gdx.app.log("阶段1", "核心地块数" + regions.size()+"获得地块类:"+j); //循环 挨个对核心地块进行循环
while (exct < 20-j && regions.size() != 0) {
for (i = regions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
tempId = getRegionId(regions.get(i));
if (tempId >= 0) {
riSize = getIdByRegion(tempId).size();
if (riSize > (13 + Math.random() * 5)) {
} else {
} else {
Gdx.app.log("阶段2", "核心地块数" + regions.size() + " 循环次数:" + exct);
//循环2 自定义随机地块 // 随机一定条件取核心值
//循环挨个核心地块循环 //如果核心地块周围有非核心地块的空地且面积不超过一定值,则染色(条件可放宽),否则移除,直到移除全部地块
regions = getRegionIdsByChance((int) 5,ifSea);
rsct = getRegionForIdIs0();
Gdx.app.log("阶段3", "剩余绘制数" + rsct);
for (Integer rg : regions) {
if(!ifSea&&MapBin.get(rg).getBlockType()==1){ }else{
} }
} int rgc = 0;//可用地块
while (rsct > 0) {//空白地块不能等于0
jMax = regions.size();
if(jMax==0) {
for (j = jMax - 1; j >= 0; j--) {//regions.get(j)为当前地块值
//定义当前地块为特定地块 //循环填充周围地块
iMax=(int)(10 + Math.random() * 10);
for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
rgc = getRegionId(regions.get(j));
if (rgc == -1) {
} else {
rsct = getRegionForIdIs0();
Gdx.app.log("阶段3", "剩余绘制数" + rsct + " 核心地块数:" + regions.size());
} /* 自检,合并不规范地块 */
regions = getIdsForBlankRegion();
for (Integer region : regions) {//rsCoords.size() rand.nextInt(
temps = getAroundIdById(region, 9);
if (temps.size() != 0) {
} else {
temps = getAroundIdById(region, 0);
if (temps.size() != 0) {
} else {
Gdx.app.log("警告:有空白地块无法合并到周围地块:", region + "");
} }
//Map.Entry entry;
int rgct, argId;
List<Integer> argIds, regionCounts;
checkRegion(); regionCountMap = getRegionCountMap();
regionCounts = ComUtil.getKeyByMap(regionCountMap);
for (Integer rgId : regionCounts) {
if (regionCountMap.containsKey(rgId) && regionCountMap.get(rgId) != null) {
rgct = Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(rgId).toString());
if (rgct < 7) {
if (MapBin.get(rgId).getBuildId() == 1) {
argIds = getAroundRegionId(rgId);//获取周围地块
for (Integer tarId : argIds) {
if (Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(tarId).toString()) < 6 && MapBin.get(tarId).getBuildId() != 1 && MapBin.get(tarId).getBlockType() != 1) {
updateRegionIds(rgId, tarId);
regionCountMap.put(rgId, (Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(tarId).toString()) + Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(rgId).toString())));
} else if (MapBin.get(rgId).getBuildId() == 4) {
if(ifSea) {//如果容许海洋,则合并
argIds = getAroundRegionId(rgId);//获取周围地块
for (Integer tarId : argIds) {
if (Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(tarId).toString()) < 6 && MapBin.get(tarId).getBuildId() != 4 && MapBin.get(tarId).getBlockType() == 1) {
updateRegionIds(rgId, tarId);
regionCountMap.put(rgId, (Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(tarId).toString()) + Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(rgId).toString())));
} else if (MapBin.get(rgId).getBlockType() != 1 && MapBin.get(rgId).getBuildId() == 0) {
argIds = getAroundRegionId(rgId);//获取周围地块
for (Integer tarId : argIds) {
if (Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(tarId).toString()) < 6 && MapBin.get(tarId).getBuildId() != 4 && MapBin.get(tarId).getBlockType() != 1) {
updateRegionIds(rgId, tarId);
regionCountMap.put(rgId, (Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(tarId).toString()) + Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(rgId).toString())));
} } else if (MapBin.get(rgId).getBlockType() == 1&&ifSea) {
//3:低于5的海洋地块合并到周围地块数量最低的海洋地块 argIds = getAroundRegionId(rgId);//获取周围地块
for (Integer tarId : argIds) {
if (Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(tarId).toString()) < 6 && MapBin.get(tarId).getBuildId() != 4 && MapBin.get(tarId).getBlockType() == 1) {
updateRegionIds(rgId, tarId);
regionCountMap.put(rgId, (Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(tarId).toString()) + Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(rgId).toString())));
} else if (MapBin.get(rgId).getBlockType() != 1 && MapBin.get(rgId).getBuildId() != 1) {
//4:低于5的非城市建筑陆地地块合并到最近的城市地块 argIds = getAroundRegionId(rgId);//获取周围地块
for (Integer tarId : argIds) {
if (Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(tarId).toString()) < 6 && MapBin.get(tarId).getBuildId() != 4 && MapBin.get(tarId).getBlockType() != 1) {
updateRegionIds(rgId, tarId);
regionCountMap.put(rgId, (Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(tarId).toString()) + Integer.parseInt(regionCountMap.get(rgId).toString())));
} } else {
Gdx.app.log("警告:未检测到的地块:", rgId + "");
} //0查看所有孤岛类地块并合并到周围地块
regions = getIdsForBlankRegion();
for (Integer region : regions) {//rsCoords.size() rand.nextInt(
if (MapBin.get(region).getBlockType() == 1) {
temps = getAroundIdById(region, 3);
} else {
temps = getAroundIdById(region, 4);
if (temps.size() != 0) {
} else {
Gdx.app.log("警告:有空白地块无法合并到周围地块:", region + "");
for(MapBin mapbin:MapBin){
Gdx.app.log("执行完成", "");
} //重新切割省区
public void cutRegionForE(int maxC) {
Random rand = new Random();
int tempId, exct = 0, i = 0, iMax = 0, j, jMax, rsct, riSize;
List<Integer> regions = null;
List<Integer> temps = null;
Map regionCountMap = new HashMap(); {
regions = getRegions(1);
Gdx.app.log("阶段1", "核心地块数" + regions.size()+"获得地块类:"+1); //循环 挨个对核心地块进行循环
while (exct < maxC && regions.size() != 0) {
for (i = regions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
tempId = getRegionIdForE(regions.get(i));
if (tempId >= 0) {
} else {
Gdx.app.log("阶段2", "核心地块数" + regions.size() + " 循环次数:" + exct);
} //打印空白陆地地块和海洋有港口的地块
// logBlankGrid();
} //把region是target的修改为 rgId
private void updateRegionIds(Integer rgId, Integer targetId) {
if(MapBin.get(MapBin.get(rgId).getRegionId()).getRegionId()!=MapBin.get(rgId).getRegionId()) {
Gdx.app.log("警告:不合法,修正前", "rgId:"+rgId+" targetId:"+targetId);
Gdx.app.log("警告:不合法,修正后", "rgId:"+rgId+" targetId:"+targetId);
for (MapBin mapBin : MapBin) {
if (mapBin.getRegionId() == targetId) {
} } public List<Integer> getAroundRegionId(int rgId) {
List<Integer> regions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> tempId;
int i, iMax = MapBin.size();
int blockType = MapBin.get(rgId).getBlockType();
for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
if (MapBin.get(i).getRegionId() == rgId) {
if (blockType != 1) {
tempId = getAroundIdById(i, 4);
} else {
tempId = getAroundIdById(i, 3);
for (Integer id : tempId) {
if (MapBin.get(id).getRegionId() != rgId) {
tempId = new ArrayList<Integer>();//去重
for (Integer in : regions) {
if (!tempId.contains(in)) {
return tempId;
} //根据条件获得核心地块
private List<Integer> getRegions(int i) { //0 全部核心地块 只限城市和海港
//1 只限于陆地的核心地块 只限城市
//2 只限于陆地的核心地块 只限工厂且未被覆盖
//3 只限于陆地的核心地块 只限机场且未被覆盖
//4 只限于陆地的核心地块 只限油库且未被覆盖
//5 只限于海洋的核心地块 只限海港
//6 全部核心地块,不限类型
int m;
int mMax = MapBin.size();
List<Integer> regions = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (i == 0) {
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
if (MapBin.get(m).getAreaId() != 0 || (MapBin.get(m).getBuildId() == 1 || MapBin.get(m).getBuildId() == 4)) {
} else if (i == 1) {
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
if (MapBin.get(m).getBlockType() != 1 && (MapBin.get(m).getAreaId() != 0 || (MapBin.get(m).getBuildId() == 1))) {
} else if (i == 2) {
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
if (MapBin.get(m).getBlockType() != 1 && (MapBin.get(m).getRegionId() == m || MapBin.get(m).getRegionId() == 0) && (MapBin.get(m).getAreaId() != 0 || (MapBin.get(m).getBuildId() == 2))) {
} else if (i == 3) {
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
if (MapBin.get(m).getBlockType() != 1 && (MapBin.get(m).getRegionId() == m || MapBin.get(m).getRegionId() == 0) && (MapBin.get(m).getAreaId() != 0 || (MapBin.get(m).getBuildId() == 3))) {
} else if (i == 4) {
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
if (MapBin.get(m).getBlockType() != 1 && (MapBin.get(m).getRegionId() == m || MapBin.get(m).getRegionId() == 0) && (MapBin.get(m).getAreaId() != 0 || (MapBin.get(m).getBuildId() == 5))) {
} else if (i == 5) {
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
if (MapBin.get(m).getBlockType() == 1 && (MapBin.get(m).getAreaId() != 0 || (MapBin.get(m).getBuildId() == 4))) {
} else if (i == 6) {
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
if(!regions.contains(MapBin.get(m).getRegionId())) {
return regions;
} //根据id获得周围6边的地块id
* type 0全部 1获取region为0的地块 3获取周围的有region的海洋地块 4获取周围的有region的陆地地块
* 5只获取region为0的海洋地块 6只获取region为0的陆地地块 7只获取region为0的陆地平原地块
* 8只获取region为0的陆地非平原地块 9根据id区分海洋陆地,获取region为0的地块
* 10 获取周围是陆地的地块 11获取周围是海洋的地块
* 12获取沿海陆地地块
public List<Integer> getAroundIdById(int id, int type) {
List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> rsIds = new ArrayList<Integer>();
boolean top = false;
boolean foot = false;
boolean left = false;
boolean right = false;
int y = (int) id / mapWidth;
int x = id - y * mapWidth;
int t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6; if ((x&1) == 1) {
t1 = id - 1;
t2 = id - mapWidth;
t3 = id + 1;
t4 = id + mapWidth - 1;
t5 = id + mapWidth;
t6 = id + mapWidth + 1;
} else {
t1 = id - mapWidth - 1;
t2 = id - mapWidth;
t3 = id - mapWidth + 1;
t4 = id - 1;
t5 = id + mapWidth;
t6 = id + 1;
if (x == 0) {
left = true;
if (x == mapWidth - 1) {
right = true;
if (y == 0) {
top = true;
if (y == mapHeight - 1) {
foot = true;
} if (!top && !left) {
if (!top) {
if (!top && !right) {
if (!foot && !left) {
if (!foot) {
if (!foot && !right) {
} //type 0全部 1只读取region为0的值 5只获取region为0的海洋地块 6只获取region为0的陆地地块
//7只获取region为0的陆地平原地块 8只获取region为0的陆地非平原地块
//10 获取周围是陆地的地块 11获取周围是海洋的地块
if (type == 0) {
return ids;
} else {
for (Integer id2 : ids) {
if (type == 1 && MapBin.get(id2).getRegionId() == 0) {
} else if (type == 6 && MapBin.get(id2).getRegionId() == 0 && MapBin.get(id2).getBlockType() != 1) {
} else if (type == 5 && MapBin.get(id2).getRegionId() == 0 && (MapBin.get(id2).getBlockType() == 1 || MapBin.get(id2).getBackTile() == 1)) {
} else if (type == 7 && MapBin.get(id2).getRegionId() == 0 && MapBin.get(id2).getBlockType() != 1 && MapBin.get(id2).getBackTile() == 0) {
} else if (type == 8 && MapBin.get(id2).getRegionId() == 0 && MapBin.get(id2).getBlockType() != 1 && MapBin.get(id2).getBackTile() != 0) {
} else if (type == 3 && MapBin.get(id2).getRegionId() != 0 && (MapBin.get(id2).getBlockType() == 1)) {
} else if (type == 4 && MapBin.get(id2).getRegionId() != 0 && (MapBin.get(id2).getBlockType() != 1)) {
} else if (type == 9 && ((MapBin.get(id).getBlockType()!=1) ==(MapBin.get(id2).getBlockType() != 1))) {
} else if (type == 10 && (MapBin.get(id2).getBlockType() != 1)) {
} else if (type == 11 && (MapBin.get(id2).getBlockType() == 1)) {
}else if (type == 12 && (MapBin.get(id2).getBlockType() == 1)&& (MapBin.get(id).getBlockType() != 1)) {
return rsIds;
} public List<Integer> getAroundIdByIds(List<Integer> ids, int type) {
List<Integer> rss = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (Integer id : ids) {
List<Integer> rs = getAroundIdById(id, type);
return rss;
} private List<Integer> getIdByRegion(int regionId) {
int m;
int mMax = MapBin.size();
List<Integer> rs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
if (MapBin.get(m).getRegionId() == regionId) {
int s=m;
return rs;
} //-1找不到
public int getRegionId(int r) {
List<Integer> rsIds;
if (MapBin.get(r).getBlockType() == 1) {//海
rsIds = getAroundIdById(r, 5);
if (rsIds.size() == 0) {
rsIds = getAroundIdByIds(getIdByRegion(r), 5);
if (rsIds == null || rsIds.size() == 0) {
return -1;
return getShortAroundId(rsIds, MapBin.get(r).getRegionId());
} else {//陆
rsIds = getAroundIdById(r, 7);
if (rsIds.size() != 0&&ComUtil.ifGet(30)) {
return getShortAroundId(rsIds, MapBin.get(r).getRegionId());
} else {
rsIds = getAroundIdById(r, 8);
if (rsIds.size() != 0&&ComUtil.ifGet(30)) {
return getShortAroundId(rsIds, MapBin.get(r).getRegionId());
} else {
rsIds = getAroundIdById(r, 6);
if (rsIds.size() != 0&&ComUtil.ifGet(30)) {
return getShortAroundId(rsIds, MapBin.get(r).getRegionId());
} else {
rsIds = getAroundIdByIds(getIdByRegion(r), 6);
if (rsIds != null && rsIds.size() == 0&&ComUtil.ifGet(50)) {
rsIds = getAroundIdByIds(getIdByRegion(r), 7);
if (rsIds != null && rsIds.size() == 0) {
rsIds = getAroundIdByIds(getIdByRegion(r), 8);
if (rsIds != null && rsIds.size() == 0) {
return -1;
if (rsIds == null) {
return -1;
return getShortAroundId(rsIds, MapBin.get(r).getRegionId());
} //-1找不到
public int getRegionIdForE(int r) {
List<Integer> rsIds;
List<Integer> tempIds;
if (MapBin.get(r).getBlockType() == 1) {//海
rsIds = getAroundIdById(r, 5);
if (rsIds.size() == 0) {
rsIds = getAroundIdByIds(getIdByRegion(r), 5);
if (rsIds == null || rsIds.size() == 0) {
return -1;
return getShortAroundId(rsIds, MapBin.get(r).getRegionId());
} else {//陆
rsIds = getAroundIdById(r, 6);
if (rsIds.size() == 0) {
tempIds= getIdByRegion(r);
rsIds = getAroundIdByIds(tempIds, 6);
if (rsIds == null || rsIds.size() <3) {
//Gdx.app.log("清除核心", r+"");
return -1;
int id= getShortAroundId(rsIds, MapBin.get(r).getRegionId());
return id;
} //chance 最高获取概率,最低默认为10 如果不容许有海洋地块,则多抽0.1
private List<Integer> getRegionIdsByChance(int chance,boolean ifSea) {
chance= (int) (chance*1.2);
} int cutSide = 5;
Random rand = new Random(); int i, j, m,rsMax,rpMax;
int mMax = MapBin.size();//chance<(int)(Math.random()*(100)
List<Integer> rs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
if (MapBin.get(m).getRegionId() == 0) {
}else if(!ifSea&&MapBin.get(m).getBlockType()!=1){
if (rs.size() == 0) {
return rs;
/*List<Coord> coords = converCoords(rs);
List<Coord> rsCoords = new ArrayList<Coord>();
rs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (i = mapWidth; i >= 0; i = i - cutSide) {
for (j = mapHeight; j >= 0; j = j - cutSide) {
for (m = coords.size() - 1; m >= 0; m--) {
if (coords.get(m).getX() > i && coords.get(m).getY() > j) {
if (rsCoords.size()>0) {
if (coords.size() == 0) {
int tempId;
for(i = 0;i<rpMax;i++){
tempId=new Random().nextInt(rs.size());
} Gdx.app.log("获得随机核心", rsMax+":"+result.size());
return result;
} //获取空白值
private int getRegionForIdIs0() {
int ct = 0, m, mMax = MapBin.size();
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
if (MapBin.get(m).getRegionId() == 0) {
return ct;
} //获得空白地块
private List<Integer> getIdsForBlankRegion() {
int m;
int mMax = MapBin.size();
List<Integer> rs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
if (MapBin.get(m).getRegionId() == 0) {
return rs;
} //将id转为coord(x,y,id,regionId)
private Coord converCoord(int id) {
int y = (int) id / mapWidth;
int x = id - y * mapWidth;
return new Coord(x, y, id, MapBin.get(id).getRegionId());
} //将id转为coord
private List<Coord> converCoords(List<Integer> ids) {
int m;
int mMax = ids.size();
List<Coord> rsIds = new ArrayList<Coord>();
for (m = 0; m < mMax; m++) {
int s=m;
return rsIds;
} //获得最近的地块
public int getShortAroundId(List<Integer> ids, int regionId) {
// Gdx.app.log("求最近的地块,regionId", regionId+"");
List<Coord> coords = converCoords(ids);
int i, j, iMax = coords.size(), tempId = -1;double jl,jl2;
Coord coord = converCoord(regionId);
for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < iMax; j++) {
jl=Math.pow((coords.get(i).getX() - coord.getX()),2) + Math.pow((coords.get(i).getY() - coord.getY()),2);
jl2=(Math.pow((coords.get(j).getX() - coord.getX()),2) + Math.pow((coords.get(j).getY() - coord.getY()),2));
//Gdx.app.log("求最近的地块,交换前", "i:"+coords.get(i).getId()+" 距离系数:"+jl);
// Gdx.app.log("求最近的地块,交换前", "j:"+coords.get(i).getId()+" 距离系数:"+jl2); if (jl<jl2) { // 交换两数的位置
//Gdx.app.log("求最近的地块,交换前", "i:"+coords.get(i).getId()+" j:"+coords.get(j).getId());
ComUtil.swap(coords, i, j);
//Gdx.app.log("求最近的地块,交换后", "i:"+coords.get(i).getId()+" j:"+coords.get(j).getId());
//Gdx.app.log("求最近的地块,最前", coords.get(0).getId()+"");
//Gdx.app.log("求最近的地块,最后", coords.get(coords.size()-1).getId()+"");
Random rand = new Random();
{//去除非同一势力 TODO
for (i = coords.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if(!ifComLegion(coords.get(i).getId(),coord.getId())) {
} if (coords.size() > 2) {
tempId = coords.get(rand.nextInt(2)).getId();
} else if (coords.size() == 0) {
return -1;
} else {
tempId = coords.get(0).getId();
// 1.8的写法 取出List中的对象的属性值
//List<Integer> xs = coords.stream().map(Coord::getX).collect(Collectors.toList());
//List<Integer> ys = coords.stream().map(Coord::getY).collect(Collectors.toList()); List<Integer> xs=new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> ys=new ArrayList<Integer>(); for(Coord cd:coords){
} int maxX=Collections.max(xs);
int minX=Collections.min(xs);
int maxY=Collections.max(ys);
int minY=Collections.min(ys); if((maxX-minX)>3||(maxY-minY)>3) {
if((maxY-minY)!=0&&(maxX-minX)!=0&&((maxX-minX)/(maxY-minY)>2||(maxY-minY)/(maxX-minX)>2)||getRegionCountByRegionId(regionId)<((maxX-minX)*(maxY-minY)/3)) {
return -1;
/*if(getRegionCountByRegionId(regionId)>(10 + Math.random() * 5)) {
return -1;
return tempId;
} //获取各region的数量记录为map
private Map getRegionCountMap() {
Map rsMap = new HashMap();
for (MapBin mapBin : MapBin) {
if (!rsMap.containsKey(mapBin.getRegionId())) {
rsMap.put(mapBin.getRegionId(), 1);
} else {
rsMap.put(mapBin.getRegionId(), Integer.parseInt(rsMap.get(mapBin.getRegionId()).toString()) + 1);
return rsMap;
} //获取通过region获取region的数量
private int getRegionCountByRegionId(int regionId) {
int c=0;
for (MapBin mapBin : MapBin) {
if (mapBin.getRegionId()==regionId) {
return c;
} //通过region获取ids
public List<Integer> getIdsByRegionId(int regionId){
List<Integer> rs= new ArrayList<Integer>();
int c=0;
for (MapBin mapBin : MapBin) {
if (mapBin.getRegionId()==regionId) {
return rs;
public List<Integer> getAllRegionIds(){
List<Integer> rs = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (MapBin mapBin : MapBin) {
if (mapBin.getRegionId()!=0&&!rs.contains(mapBin.getRegionId())) {
return rs;
} //合并孤岛类地块
private void mergeIslandGridByRegion() {
int i,iMax=MapBin.size(),rsI=0;
String rz;
List<Integer> rs;
int tempRegionId;
for (i=0;i<iMax;i++) {
rs= getAroundIdById(i,9);
for(Integer id:rs) {
if(MapBin.get(id).getRegionId()!=MapBin.get(i).getRegionId()) {
if(rsI>4) {
rz= ComUtil.getListMostRepeatData(rs);
} }
} public static void main(String[] args) {
int i; for (i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
System.out.println("sj:" + (int) (10 + Math.random() * 15));
} } //检查所属的区块是不是合法的region,如果不是给周围的地块 TODO测试
private void checkRegion() {
int i,iMax=MapBin.size();String rsI;
List<Integer> rs;
for (i=0;i<iMax;i++) {
rs= getAroundIdById(i,9);
if(MapBin.get(MapBin.get(i).getRegionId()).getRegionId()!=MapBin.get(i).getRegionId()) {
if(rsI!=null&&rsI!="") {
//Gdx.app.log("所属区域region不合法:", "i:"+i);
} //打印空白的非海洋地块(包括港口)
private void logBlankGrid() {
int i=0;
for (MapBin mapBin : MapBin) {
if (mapBin.getRegionId()==0&&(mapBin.getBackTile()!=1&&mapBin.getBackTile()!=2)) {
Gdx.app.log("空白地块", i+"");
} //验证势力是否一致 r源id i目标id
private boolean ifComLegion(int r,int i) {
int sourceLegion=MapBin.get(r).getFacility();
int regionLegion=MapBin.get(i).getFacility();
if(sourceLegion==regionLegion) {
return true;
}else if(sourceLegion==255) {
return true;
}else {
return false;
} } //将海港城市归为最近的陆地城市
private void updHabourRegionForE() {
List<Integer> habour= getRegions(5);
List<Integer> rsIds,tempIds;int id;
Random rand = new Random();
for(Integer r:habour) {
rsIds = getAroundIdById(r, 4);
if (rsIds.size() == 0) {
Gdx.app.log("警告", r+":海港周围为空");
}else {
id= rsIds.get(rand.nextInt(rsIds.size()));
if(id!=-1&&MapBin.get(r).getRegionId()==r) {
} public void updHabourForE() {
} //替换当前的地区的所有相同区块为一个id的所在区块
public void replaceRegionIdById(int id){
int regionId=MapBin.get(id).getRegionId();
for (MapBin mapBin : MapBin) {
} //替换当前空白的地块以及与其相邻的地块的region
public void replaceRegionIdForFFArea(int id,int regionId){
List<Integer> rs= new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> tempI;
List<Integer> tempIds=getAroundIdById(id, 6);
int n=0;
tempIds= (List<Integer>) ((ArrayList<Integer>) rs).clone();
for(int i:tempIds){
tempI=getAroundIdById(i, 6);
}while(ComUtil.ifListContainListByInteger(rs,tempIds)); for(int i:rs){
} //批量获取符合某种条件的地块,条件参看getAroundIdById
public List<Integer> getIdsByAround(int type){
List<Integer> rsGrid=new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> rs;
int id=0;
for (MapBin mapBin : MapBin) {
rs = getAroundIdById(id, type);
return rsGrid;
} }
package com.zhfy.game.framework; import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx;
import com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager;
import com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Pixmap;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Pixmap.Blending;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Pixmap.Filter;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.PixmapIO;
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Texture;
import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.XmlReader;
import com.zhfy.game.config.ResConfig;
import com.zhfy.game.framework.tool.FileByte;
import com.zhfy.game.model.content.MapBin;
import com.zhfy.game.model.content.MapBinDAO;
import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefMap;
import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefPt;
import com.zhfy.game.model.content.def.DefTerrainimg;
import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.Coord;
import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.PixmapDAO;
import com.zhfy.game.model.framework.PixmapListDAO; public class GameMap {
// 六边形地图绘制 全部static方法 public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // saveBinByWirteByte(fb,"123");
// MapBinDAO fb=apBin("123");
// saveMapBin(fb,"123");
} // 写为bin数组
public static void saveMapBin(MapBinDAO binFile, String Path) {
try {
//FileOutputStream fs_out = new FileOutputStream(Path);//"D://test.bin"
FileByte out=new FileByte();
for (int i = 0; i < binFile.getMapbin().size(); i++) {
FileHandle file = Gdx.files.local(Path);
file.writeBytes(out.getByte(), false);
//out.writeInt(i);//8位 2147483647
//out.writeShort(i2);//4位 32769
//out.writeByte(i3);//2位 127 } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
} public static void saveMapBin2(MapBinDAO binFile, String Path) {
try {
FileOutputStream fs_out = new FileOutputStream(Path);//"D://test.bin"
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(fs_out);
for (int i = 0; i < binFile.getMapbin().size(); i++) {
out.close(); //out.writeInt(i);//8位 2147483647
//out.writeShort(i2);//4位 32769
//out.writeByte(i3);//2位 127
// out.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
}/* */ // 循环遍历 在地块图上 是海洋和海岸的位置打窟窿,海岸使用id为2的抹除相应地形
public static Pixmap getLandByDAO(MapBinDAO mapBinDAO, Pixmap pixmap,PixmapListDAO pixmapLists, int mapx, int mapy,int mapw,int maph) { int x = 0;
int y = 0;
//int x_px_circle = 0;
//int y_px_circle = 0;
int x_px = 0;
int y_px = 0;
PixmapDAO shadowPixmap;
Pixmap shadowTargetPixmap = new Pixmap(46, 40, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);;
String shadowName; HashMap<String, String> terrainimgMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); //六边形四个角的坐标
int hexgaon_x1=0;//左上,左下
int hexgaon_x2=0;//右上,右下
int hexgaon_x3=0;//左中
int hexgaon_x4=0;//右中
int hexgaon_y1=0;//上
int hexgaon_y2=0;//中
int hexgaon_y3=0;//下 //TODO 随后增加对地图属性的解析 int beginIndex=0;
int EndIndex=mapw*maph; int xC;
int yC; Blending blend = pixmap.getBlending(); pixmap.setBlending(Blending.None); for (int id = beginIndex; id < EndIndex; id++) {
x = (id % mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
y = (id / mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
//x_px_circle = (int) (((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * Config.Map.MAP_SCALE + Config.Map.HEXAGON_WIDTH * Config.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2);
//y_px_circle = (int) ((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * Config.Map.MAP_SCALE + Config.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT * Config.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2); x_px = (int) ((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH* ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE);
y_px = (int) (((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)* ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE); if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() == 1 ) { // 这里填充圆,或四个三角形组合的六边形
// pixmap.fillCircle(x_px_circle, y_px_circle, (int) ((Config.Map.HEXAGON_WIDTH+12) * Config.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2));
hexgaon_x1=(int) (((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE +35*ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE);//左上,左下 原来是36
hexgaon_x2=(int) (((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE +113*ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE);//右上,右下 ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH
hexgaon_x3=(int) (((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE-1);//左中
hexgaon_x4=(int) (((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_WIDTH * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE );//右中
hexgaon_y1=(int) ((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE -1);//上
hexgaon_y2=(int) ((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2);//中
hexgaon_y3=(int) ((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE );//下 pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x1, hexgaon_y1, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y1);
pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y1, hexgaon_x4, hexgaon_y2);
pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y3, hexgaon_x4, hexgaon_y2);
pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x1, hexgaon_y3, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y3); // Gdx.app.log("切除陆地", "id:" + id +" x:"+x+" y:"+ y+"
// x_px:"+x_px+" y_px:"+ y_px);
}else if(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() == 2) {
shadowName=terrainimgMap.get(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() + "_" + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackIdx());
if(shadowName!=null) {
shadowPixmap = pixmapLists.getPixmapByName(shadowName);
pixmap.drawPixmap(shadowPixmap.getPixmap(), 0, 0, (int)(shadowPixmap.getPixmap().getWidth()), (int)(shadowPixmap.getPixmap().getHeight()), x_px,
y_px, (int) (shadowPixmap.getPixmap().getWidth() * Config.Map.MAP_SCALE), (int) (shadowPixmap.getPixmap().getHeight() * Config.Map.MAP_SCALE));
*/ //Gdx.app.log("切除海岸边缘","shadowName:"+shadowName);
* 暂时未完成
* */
shadowTargetPixmap.drawPixmap(shadowPixmap.getPixmap(), 0, 0, (int)(shadowPixmap.getPixmap().getWidth()), (int)(shadowPixmap.getPixmap().getHeight()), 0,
0, (int) (shadowPixmap.getPixmap().getWidth() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE), (int) (shadowPixmap.getPixmap().getHeight() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE)); for ( xC=0; xC<(int) (shadowTargetPixmap.getWidth() ); xC++) {
for ( yC=0; yC<(int) (shadowTargetPixmap.getHeight() ); yC++) {
//int color = pixmap.getPixel(xC, yC);
/*if(shadowPixmap.getPixmap().getPixel(xC, yC)>256&&shadowPixmap.getPixmap().getPixel(xC, yC)<66000){
pixmap.drawPixel(xC+x_px, yC+y_px, 0);
/*if(shadowPixmap.getName().equals("coast_58")) {
//Gdx.app.log("切除海岸边缘","color:"+shadowTargetPixmap.getPixel(xC, yC)+" x:"+xC+" y:"+yC);
Gdx.app.log("",""+shadowTargetPixmap.getPixel(xC, yC));
}*/ if(shadowTargetPixmap.getPixel(xC, yC)==65535||shadowTargetPixmap.getPixel(xC, yC)==65022){
pixmap.drawPixel(xC+x_px, yC+y_px,0); Gdx.app.log("切除海岸边缘","color:"+shadowPixmap.getPixmap().getPixel(xC, yC)+" x:"+xC+" y:"+yC); }/*else {
Gdx.app.log("切除海岸边缘","color:"+pixmap.getPixel(xC, yC)+" x:"+xC+" y:"+yC);
}*/ }
} } }
// 把blending设置回来
return pixmap;
} // 通过dao绘制图片
// pixmap要绘制的目标图片
// pixmapLists使用图片
// defTerrainimgs图片说明文件
public static Pixmap getPixmapByDao(MapBinDAO mapBinDAO, Pixmap pixmap, PixmapListDAO pixmapLists, List<DefTerrainimg> defTerrainimgs, int beginIndex, int EndIndex,float scale) {
// 解析dao
if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin() != null) { int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int x_px = 0;
int y_px = 0;
HashMap<String, String> terrainimgMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
// 将要取得的图片的id和名字放入位置
for (DefTerrainimg defTerrainimg : defTerrainimgs) {
terrainimgMap.put(defTerrainimg.getId() + "_" + defTerrainimg.getIdx(), defTerrainimg.getImage());
String imgBack;
String imgFore;
PixmapDAO backPixmap;
PixmapDAO forePixmap;
int refSize=0;//对水面大小补位,否则可能有空缺
//Pixmap.Filter filter;
// 单线程绘制图片
for (int id = beginIndex; id < EndIndex; id++) { x = (id % mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
y = (id / mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
// x_px=(int) ((x-1)*139.5);
// y_px=(int) ((x&1) == 1?(y-1)*161:(y-1)*161+80.5);
x_px = (int) ((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH);
y_px = (int) (((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)); //Gdx.app.log("地图开始构建", "mapId:" + id + " x:" + x + " y:" + y);
if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() != 0 /*&& mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() != 1*/) {
if(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() == 1&&scale<0.5f){
// 获取该位置要画的地形 z
imgBack = terrainimgMap.get(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() + "_" + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackIdx());
if (imgBack == null) {
//Gdx.app.log("地图层1未找到", mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() + "_" + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackIdx());
imgBack = terrainimgMap.get(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() + "_"+ComUtil.getRandom(1,4));
// 获取图像并绘制到上面
backPixmap = pixmapLists.getPixmapByName(imgBack);
if (backPixmap != null) {
(int) (scale*((x_px + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackRefX()+backPixmap.getRefx()) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE))-refSize*2,
(int) (scale*((y_px + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackRefY()+backPixmap.getRefy()) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE))-refSize*2,
(int) (scale*backPixmap.getPixmap().getWidth() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE)+refSize*3,
(int) (scale*backPixmap.getPixmap().getHeight() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE)+refSize*3); //Gdx.app.log("地图层1构建成功", " backid:" + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() + "_" + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackIdx() + "img:" + imgBack);
} /*
* else { Gdx.app.log("地图层1构建失败", " backid:" +
* mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() + "_" +
* mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackIdx()); }
} /*
* else { Gdx.app.log("地图层1忽略构建", ""); }
// 忽略底图和海洋
if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeTile() != 0 && mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeTile() != 1) {
imgFore = terrainimgMap.get(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeTile() + "_" + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeIdx());
if (imgFore == null) {
Gdx.app.log("地图层2未找到",mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeTile() + "_" + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeIdx());
imgFore = terrainimgMap.get(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeTile() + "_1");
forePixmap = pixmapLists.getPixmapByName(imgFore);
if (forePixmap != null) {
(int) (scale*((x_px + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeRefX()+forePixmap.getRefx()) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE)),
(int) (scale*((y_px + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeRefY()+forePixmap.getRefy()) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE)),
(int) (scale*forePixmap.getPixmap().getWidth() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE),
(int) (scale*forePixmap.getPixmap().getHeight() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE));
} /*
* else { Gdx.app.log("地图层2构建成功", " backid:" +
* mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeTile() + "_" +
* mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeIdx()); }
} /*
* else { Gdx.app.log("地图层2", "忽略构建"); }
Gdx.app.log("地图构建", "完成");
// PixmapIO.writePNG(Gdx.files.external("texture_world.png"), pixmap); return pixmap;
} else {
Gdx.app.log("地图构建", "失败");
return null;
} //绘制颜色区块图
public static Pixmap getPixmapByDaoForColor(MapBinDAO mapBinDAO, Pixmap pixmap,float scale,List<Integer> coastGrid) { // 解析dao
if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin() != null) { int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int x_px_circle = 0;
int y_px_circle = 0;
int hexgaon_x1;
int hexgaon_x2;
int hexgaon_x3;
int hexgaon_x4;
int hexgaon_y1;
int hexgaon_y2;
int hexgaon_y3; //沿海地块用圆形来填充
//List<Integer> coastGrid=mapBinDAO.getIdsByAround(12); int color;
int nextRegionId=0;
//先绘制海岸 //沿海地块用圆形来填充
for(int id:coastGrid) {
x = (id % mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
y = (id / mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
x_px_circle = (int) (scale*(((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_WIDTH * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2));
y_px_circle = (int) (scale*((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2)); //Gdx.app.log("海陆绘制圆", "" + id);
if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getRegionId() != nextRegionId) {
color = GameUtil.getColorByNum(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getRegionId());
nextRegionId = mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getRegionId();
//Gdx.app.log("setColor","id:"+id+" color:"+color);
pixmap.fillCircle(x_px_circle, y_px_circle, (int) ((ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_WIDTH + 13) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2*scale));
} // 单线程绘制所有图片
for (int id = 0; id < mapBinDAO.getMapbin().size(); id++) { x = (id % mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
y = (id / mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1; hexgaon_x1=(int) (scale*(((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE +35*ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE));//左上,左下 原来是36
hexgaon_x2=(int) (scale*(((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE +113*ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE));//右上,右下 ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH
hexgaon_x3=(int) (scale*(((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE-1));//左中
hexgaon_x4=(int) (scale*(((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_WIDTH * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE ));//右中
hexgaon_y1=(int) (scale*((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE -1));//上
hexgaon_y2=(int) (scale*((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2));//中
hexgaon_y3=(int) (scale*((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE ));//下 if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getRegionId() != nextRegionId) {
color = GameUtil.getColorByNum(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getRegionId());
nextRegionId = mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getRegionId();
//Gdx.app.log("setColor","id:"+id+" color:"+color);
} //Gdx.app.log("地图开始构建", "mapId:" + id + " x:" + x + " y:" + y);
if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBlockType()!=1&&mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getRegionId()!=0) { pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x1, hexgaon_y1, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y1);
pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y1, hexgaon_x4, hexgaon_y2);
pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y3, hexgaon_x4, hexgaon_y2);
pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x1, hexgaon_y3, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y3);
} } Gdx.app.log("色图构建", "完成");
// PixmapIO.writePNG(Gdx.files.external("texture_world.png"), pixmap); return pixmap;
} else {
Gdx.app.log("色图构建", "失败");
return null;
public static Pixmap updateColorByRegion(MapBinDAO mapBinDAO, Pixmap pixmap,float scale,int regionId,int color,List<Integer> coastGrid){ //待绘制地块
List<Integer> ids=mapBinDAO.getIdsByRegionId(regionId);
if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin() != null&&ids.size()>0) {
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int x_px_circle = 0;
int y_px_circle = 0;
int hexgaon_x1;
int hexgaon_x2;
int hexgaon_x3;
int hexgaon_x4;
int hexgaon_y1;
int hexgaon_y2;
int hexgaon_y3; //先绘制海岸 //沿海地块用圆形来填充
for(int id:ids) {
if(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBlockType()!=1&&mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getRegionId()!=0 &&coastGrid.contains(id)){
x = (id % mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
y = (id / mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
x_px_circle = (int) (scale*(((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_WIDTH * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2));
y_px_circle = (int) (scale*((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2));
//Gdx.app.log("海陆绘制圆", "" + id);
pixmap.fillCircle(x_px_circle, y_px_circle, (int) ((ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_WIDTH + 13) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2*scale));
// 单线程绘制所有图片
for (int id:ids) { x = (id % mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
y = (id / mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1; hexgaon_x1=(int) (scale*(((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE +35*ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE));//左上,左下 原来是36
hexgaon_x2=(int) (scale*(((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE +113*ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE));//右上,右下 ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH
hexgaon_x3=(int) (scale*(((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE-1));//左中
hexgaon_x4=(int) (scale*(((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_WIDTH * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE ));//右中
hexgaon_y1=(int) (scale*((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE -1));//上
hexgaon_y2=(int) (scale*((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE / 2));//中
hexgaon_y3=(int) (scale*((((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF)) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE ));//下 //Gdx.app.log("地图开始构建", "mapId:" + id + " x:" + x + " y:" + y);
if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBlockType()!=1&&mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getRegionId()!=0) { pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x1, hexgaon_y1, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y1);
pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y1, hexgaon_x4, hexgaon_y2);
pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y3, hexgaon_x4, hexgaon_y2);
pixmap.fillTriangle(hexgaon_x3, hexgaon_y2, hexgaon_x1, hexgaon_y3, hexgaon_x2, hexgaon_y3);
Gdx.app.log("色图构建", "完成"+" regionId:"+regionId+" color:"+color);
//PixmapIO.writePNG(Gdx.files.external("updateColor_"+regionId+".png"), pixmap);
return pixmap;
} else {
Gdx.app.log("色图构建", "失败");
return pixmap;
} // 绘制分区图片 512*512
// pixmap要绘制的目标图片
// pixmapLists使用图片
// defTerrainimgs图片说明文件
public static Pixmap getPixmapForArea(MapBinDAO mapBinDAO, Pixmap pixmap, PixmapListDAO pixmapLists, List<DefTerrainimg> defTerrainimgs, int beginX, int beginY) { int areaW=ResConfig.Map.PT_GRID_WIDTH;
int areaH=ResConfig.Map.PT_GRID_HEIGHT+1; beginX=beginX+1;
beginY=beginY+1; int mapRefX=0;
int mapRefXPx=0; //如果beginX不是1,则要从这个开始的再开始绘制
if(beginX>1) {
mapRefXPx=(int) ((beginX-1)*ResConfig.Atlas.PT_SIDE % (ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH*ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE)/ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE);
}/**/ int areaSum=areaW*areaH;
int mapW=mapBinDAO.mapWidth; //区域偏移量 // 解析dao
if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin() != null) { int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int x_px = 0;
int y_px = 0;
HashMap<String, String> terrainimgMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
// 将要取得的图片的id和名字放入位置
for (DefTerrainimg defTerrainimg : defTerrainimgs) {
terrainimgMap.put(defTerrainimg.getId() + "_" + defTerrainimg.getIdx(), defTerrainimg.getImage());
String imgBack;
String imgFore;
PixmapDAO backPixmap;
PixmapDAO forePixmap;
int id; // 单线程绘制图片
for (int i = 0; i < areaSum; i++) { x = (i % areaW) + 1;
y = (i / areaW) + 1; //判断是否跨行
if(((beginX-1)*areaW+x-1)<mapW) {
}else {
} x_px = (int) ((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH)-mapRefXPx;
y_px = (int) (((id & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT+ ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT )); /*if(beginX==2&&beginY==1) {
Gdx.app.log("测试:", "id:"+id+" x:"+x+" y:"+y+" x_px:"+x_px+" y_px:"+y_px);
}*/ if(id>=mapBinDAO.getMapbin().size()) {
if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() != 0 /*&& mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() != 1*/) { //Gdx.app.log("地图开始构建", "mapId:" + id + " x:" + x + " y:" + y);
// 获取该位置要画的地形 z
imgBack = terrainimgMap.get(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() + "_" + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackIdx());
if (imgBack == null) {
//Gdx.app.log("地图层1未找到", mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() + "_" + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackIdx());
imgBack = terrainimgMap.get(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackTile() + "_"+ComUtil.getRandom(1,4));
// 获取图像并绘制到上面
backPixmap = pixmapLists.getPixmapByName(imgBack);
if (backPixmap != null) { pixmap.drawPixmap(backPixmap.getPixmap(), 0, 0, backPixmap.getPixmap().getWidth(), backPixmap.getPixmap().getHeight(), (int) ((x_px + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackRefX()) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE),
(int) ((y_px + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackRefY()) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE), (int) (backPixmap.getPixmap().getWidth() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE), (int) (backPixmap.getPixmap().getHeight() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE));
// 忽略底图和海洋
if (mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeTile() != 0 && mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeTile() != 1) {
imgFore = terrainimgMap.get(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeTile() + "_" + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeIdx());
if (imgFore == null) {
Gdx.app.log("地图层2未找到",mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeTile() + "_" + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeIdx());
imgFore = terrainimgMap.get(mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeTile() + "_1");
forePixmap = pixmapLists.getPixmapByName(imgFore);
if (forePixmap != null) {
pixmap.drawPixmap(forePixmap.getPixmap(), x_px + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeRefX(), y_px + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getForeRefY(), 0, 0, forePixmap.getPixmap().getWidth(), forePixmap.getPixmap().getHeight());
/*if(beginX==2&&beginY==1) {
PixmapIO.writePNG(Gdx.files.external("texture_"+beginY+"."+beginX+".png"), pixmap);
//PixmapIO.writePNG(Gdx.files.external("texture_"+beginY+"."+beginX+".png"), pixmap); Gdx.app.log("地图构建", "完成");
return pixmap;
} else {
Gdx.app.log("地图构建", "失败");
return null;
} // 读取地图 保存位置编号
public static MapBinDAO saveBin(byte[] bt) throws IOException { MapBinDAO fs = new MapBinDAO(null);
List<MapBin> mps = new ArrayList<MapBin>(); /*
* //TODO根据Index获取保存位置
* //定位bin位置 byte[] bt = GameUtils.readFile("D:\\test1.bin");
// 新建对象
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
int line = 0;// 十六进制标记
for (byte d : bt) {
if (line % 1 == 0) {
buf.append(String.format("%02x", d));
// System.out.println(String.format("%02x", d));
// buf.append(",") ;
// 解析并赋值
int bufTag = 0;
// System.out.println(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag+4));
fs.setMapVersion(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 4), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 4; // System.out.println(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag+8));
int width = Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 8), 16);
bufTag = bufTag + 8;
// System.out.println(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag+8));
int height = Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 8), 16);
bufTag = bufTag + 8;
int totalCount = width * height; // System.out.println(fs.mapVersion);
// System.out.println(width);
// System.out.println(height);
// System.out.println(totalCount); for (int i = 0; i < totalCount; i++) {
MapBin mp = new MapBin();
mp.setBlockType(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setBackTile(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setBackIdx(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setBackRefX(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setBackRefY(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setForeTile(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setForeIdx(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setForeRefX(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setForeRefY(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setWaterPass(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setLandPass(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setRegionId(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 8), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 8;
mp.setClimateId(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag + 2), 16));
bufTag = bufTag + 2;
mp.setBuildId(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag+2),16));
mp.setBuildLv(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag+2),16));
mp.setFacility(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag+2),16));
mp.setAreaId(Integer.parseInt(buf.substring(bufTag, bufTag+4),16));
fs.setMapbin(mps); return fs;
} public static int getWidth(int w) {
return (int) ((148 + ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH * (w - 1)));
} public static int getHeight(int h) {
return (int) ((192 + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT * (h - 1)));
} // 六边形网格定位
// @param xPos 输入,所需查询的点的x坐标
// @param yPos 输入,所需查询的点的y坐标
// @param cell_x 输出,改点所在网格的x坐标
// @param cell_y 输出,改点所在网格的y坐标
public static Coord getHotCell(float xPos, float yPos,float zoom) { float GRID_WIDTH = ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH;// (CELL_BORDER*1.5f)
float GRID_HEIGHT =ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT;// (CELL_BORDER*0.8660254f)
float Grid_BORDER=GRID_WIDTH/1.5f; int cell_y;
int cell_x;
cell_x = (int) (xPos / GRID_WIDTH);
float x = xPos - cell_x * GRID_WIDTH; cell_y = (int) (yPos / GRID_HEIGHT);
float y = yPos - cell_y * GRID_HEIGHT; //if(! (Grid_BORDER-Math.abs((x-1/2*GRID_WIDTH))>Math.abs(y-1/2*GRID_HEIGHT)/Math.sqrt(3))) {
if(! (Math.abs(GRID_WIDTH/2-x)+Math.abs(GRID_HEIGHT/2-y)/Math.sqrt(3)<=Grid_BORDER*Math.sqrt(3))) {
if(x>GRID_WIDTH/2) {
} /*if( cell_x % 2==1 && y<64) {
if((cell_x&1)!=1&& y>64) {
if(cell_y<0) {
}*/ Coord coord = new Coord(cell_x, cell_y);
return coord; } // 六边形网格定位
// @param xPos 输入,所需查询的点的x坐标
// @param yPos 输入,所需查询的点的y坐标,y必须转换,因为以左上开始计算
// @param cell_x 输出,改点所在网格的x坐标
// @param cell_y 输出,改点所在网格的y坐标
public static Coord getHotCell2(float xPos, float yPos) { float GRID_WIDTH =ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH;
float GRID_HEIGHT =ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT;// (CELL_BORDER*0.8660254f)
float GRID_W_B=(GRID_WIDTH/4);//宽-变成/2 即小长 int cell_y;
int cell_x;
float vertex_x_px;
float vertex_y_px;
cell_x = (int) (xPos / GRID_WIDTH);
float x = Math.abs(xPos - cell_x * GRID_WIDTH);
cell_y = (int) (yPos / GRID_HEIGHT);
float y = Math.abs(yPos - cell_y * GRID_HEIGHT); //先判断位置
if(x<GRID_W_B) {
if(y<GRID_HEIGHT/2) {
if(x/Math.tan(60)<y) {
}else {
if(x/Math.tan(60)<(y-GRID_HEIGHT/2)) {
}/**/ if( cell_x % 2==0 && y<64) {
}else if(cell_x % 2!=0){
/*if((cell_x&1)!=1&& y>64) {
if(cell_y<0) {
}*/ vertex_x_px=cell_x*GRID_WIDTH*ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE;
Coord coord = new Coord(-cell_x, cell_y-1,vertex_x_px,vertex_y_px);
return coord;
} // TODO
// 横六边形地图类
class hexagonMap {
private int w;
private int h;
private float w_px;// 单个像素长度
private float h_px;// 单个像素宽度
private float sum_w_px;
private float sum_h_px;
} //画六边形网格
public static Pixmap drawHexagonGrid(Pixmap pixmap, MapBinDAO mapBinDAO)// 画网格
// 加载边框
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int x_px = 0;
int y_px = 0;
// 将要取得的图片的id和名字放入位置
Pixmap gridPixmap = new Pixmap(Gdx.files.internal("pixmap/tiles/grid.png"));
// 绘制网格图片
for (int id = 0; id < mapBinDAO.getMapbin().size(); id++) {
x = (id % mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
y = (id / mapBinDAO.getMapWidth()) + 1;
// x_px=(int) ((x-1)*139.5);
// y_px=(int) ((x&1) == 1?(y-1)*161:(y-1)*161+80.5);
x_px = (int) ((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH);
y_px = (int) (((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF));
// Gdx.app.log("绘制地图网格", "mapId:" + id + " x:" + x + " y:" + y);
pixmap.drawPixmap(gridPixmap, 0, 0, gridPixmap.getWidth(), gridPixmap.getHeight(), (int) ((x_px + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackRefX()) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE), (int) ((y_px + mapBinDAO.getMapbin().get(id).getBackRefY()) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE),
(int) (gridPixmap.getWidth() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE), (int) (gridPixmap.getHeight() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE));
// 清除边框
return pixmap;
} //画六边形网格
public static Pixmap drawHexagonGridByView(Pixmap pixmap,AssetManager am)// 画网格
// 加载边框
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int x_px = 0;
int y_px = 0;
// 将要取得的图片的id和名字放入位置
//Pixmap gridPixmap = new Pixmap(Gdx.files.internal("pixmap/tiles/grid.png"));
Pixmap gridPixmap = am.get(("pixmap/tiles/grid.png"),Pixmap.class); int w=(int)(pixmap.getWidth()/ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH/ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE)+3;
int h=(int)(pixmap.getHeight()/ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT/ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE)+3;
int size=w*h; // 绘制网格图片
for (int id = 0; id < size; id++) {
x = (id % w) + 1;
y = (id / w) + 1;
// x_px=(int) ((x-1)*139.5);
// y_px=(int) ((x&1) == 1?(y-1)*161:(y-1)*161+80.5);
x_px = (int) ((x - 1) * ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH);
y_px = (int) (((x & 1) == 1 ? (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT : (y - 1) * ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT_REF));
//Gdx.app.log("绘制地图网格", "mapId:" + id + " x:" + x + " y:" + y+ " x_px:" + x_px + " y_px:" + y_px);
pixmap.drawPixmap(gridPixmap, 0, 0, gridPixmap.getWidth(), gridPixmap.getHeight(), (int) ((x_px)* ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE), (int) ((y_px) * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE),
(int) (gridPixmap.getWidth() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE), (int) (gridPixmap.getHeight() * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE));
// 清除边框
return pixmap;
} // Pixmap大小计算
// w=186+139.5*(x-1) h=242+161*(y-1)
// int w = (int) (186 + 139.5 * (defMap.getWidth() - 1));
// int h = 242 + 161 * (defMap.getHeight() - 1);
// int w = (int) ((148 + ResConfig.Map.GRID_WIDTH * (defMap.getWidth() - 1)));
// int h = (int) ((191 + ResConfig.Map.HEXAGON_HEIGHT * (defMap.getHeight() - 1)));
public static Pixmap createPixmapByDefMap(DefMap defMap) {
int w = GameMap.getWidth(defMap.getWidth());
int h = GameMap.getHeight(defMap.getHeight()); int sum = defMap.getWidth() * defMap.getHeight();
* if(sum>10000) { scale=(float) (((int)(10-(sum-10000)*0.0001))*0.06);
* }
w = (int) (w * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE);
h = (int) (h * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE); //Gdx.app.log("地图大小", "sum:" + sum + " w:" + defMap.getWidth() + " h:" + defMap.getHeight());
//Gdx.app.log("地图图片大小", "缩放比例:" + Config.Map.MAP_SCALE + " w_px:" + w + " h_px:" + h);
return new Pixmap(w, h, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
} public static Pixmap createPixmap(int mapW,int mapH) {
int w = GameMap.getWidth(mapW);
int h = GameMap.getHeight(mapH); int sum = w * h;
* if(sum>10000) { scale=(float) (((int)(10-(sum-10000)*0.0001))*0.06);
* }
w = (int) (w * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE);
h = (int) (h * ResConfig.Map.MAP_SCALE); //Gdx.app.log("地图大小", "sum:" + sum + " w:" + defMap.getWidth() + " h:" + defMap.getHeight());
//Gdx.app.log("地图图片大小", "缩放比例:" + Config.Map.MAP_SCALE + " w_px:" + w + " h_px:" + h);
return new Pixmap(w, h, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
} //创建一个当前窗口大小的画布
public static Pixmap createPixmapByView(float vw,float vh) {
int w = (int)vw;
int h = (int)vh;
//Gdx.app.log("海洋地图:"," w:" + w + " h:" +h); return new Pixmap(w, h, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888);
} // 使用前必须初始化 pixmap
// ptId-->type -1固定 1海洋 0底图通用 2沙漠 3雪地 4草地 5泥地 6外星 7热带草地
public static Pixmap coverImgByPtimgId(Pixmap pixmap, int ptId) {
// 通过配置文件获取读取的pt
DefPt defPt = new DefPt();
List<DefPt> defPts = new ArrayList<DefPt>();
try {
defPts = GameUtil.getDaoListByClass(defPt, "config/def_pt.xml");
} catch (Exception e) {
String imgPtStr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < defPts.size(); i++) {
if (defPts.get(i).getId() == ptId) {
imgPtStr = defPts.get(i).getImage();
if (imgPtStr != null && pixmap != null) {
// 获取图片资源
Pixmap imgPt = new Pixmap(Gdx.files.internal("pixmap/pts/" + imgPtStr));
// 获取目标长宽,并循环绘制
int w = (int) ((pixmap.getWidth() / imgPt.getWidth()) + 1);
int h = (int) ((pixmap.getHeight() / imgPt.getHeight()) + 1);
int x = 0;
int y = 0;
int x_px;
int y_px;
int coverCount = w * h; // Gdx.app.log("地图底图开始构建", "w:" + w + " h:" + h );
for (int i = 0; i < coverCount; i++) {
x = i % w;
y = (int) (i / w);
x_px = x * imgPt.getWidth();
y_px = y * imgPt.getHeight();
Gdx.app.log("地图底图开始构建", " id:" + i + " x:" + x + " y:" + y+ "x_px:" + x_px + " y_px:" + y_px);
pixmap.drawPixmap(imgPt, x_px, y_px, 0, 0, imgPt.getWidth(), imgPt.getHeight());
int color = pixmap.getPixel(12, 12);
//pixmap.drawPixel(xC, yC, color);
}*/ // 清除资源
return pixmap;
} //获得地形装饰的最高上限,最低下限为0
//储存方式为 Map(id_type+"_min",idx_min) Map(id_type+"_max",idx_max)
public static Map getDecorateRandMaxMap() {
DefTerrainimg defTerrainimg = new DefTerrainimg();
List<DefTerrainimg> defTerrainimgs = new ArrayList<DefTerrainimg>();
try {
defTerrainimgs = GameUtil.getDaoListByClass(defTerrainimg,
} catch (Exception e) {
int i,iLength;
Map map=new HashMap();
for(i=0;i<iLength;i++) {//省略掉类型为-1的值
if(defTerrainimgs.get(i).getType()==-1) {
} else if(!map.containsKey((defTerrainimgs.get(i).getId()+"_"+defTerrainimgs.get(i).getType()+"_min"))) {
map.put(defTerrainimgs.get(i).getId()+"_"+defTerrainimgs.get(i).getType()+"_min", defTerrainimgs.get(i).getIdx());
} else if(!map.containsKey((defTerrainimgs.get(i).getId()+"_"+defTerrainimgs.get(i).getType()+"_max"))) {
map.put(defTerrainimgs.get(i).getId()+"_"+defTerrainimgs.get(i).getType()+"_max", defTerrainimgs.get(i).getIdx());
}else if((Integer)map.get(defTerrainimgs.get(i).getId()+"_"+defTerrainimgs.get(i).getType()+"_min")>defTerrainimgs.get(i).getIdx() ) {
map.put(defTerrainimgs.get(i).getId()+"_"+defTerrainimgs.get(i).getType()+"_min", defTerrainimgs.get(i).getIdx());
}else if((Integer)map.get(defTerrainimgs.get(i).getId()+"_"+defTerrainimgs.get(i).getType()+"_max")<defTerrainimgs.get(i).getIdx() ) {
map.put(defTerrainimgs.get(i).getId()+"_"+defTerrainimgs.get(i).getType()+"_max", defTerrainimgs.get(i).getIdx());
return map;
} //添加周围的id坐标
public static List<Coord> addCoordByIds(List<Integer> aroundIds,int w){
int cell_x,cell_y;float vertex_x_px,vertex_y_px;
List<Coord> coords = new ArrayList<Coord>(); for(Integer id:aroundIds) {
coords.add(new Coord(cell_x,cell_y,vertex_x_px,vertex_y_px));
return coords;
} //根据smallMap文件绘制图片顺便清理图片
public static Pixmap drawSmallMapAndClearPixmap(int mapId,AssetManager am){
XmlReader reader = ResConfig.reader;
XmlReader.Element root = reader.parse(Gdx.files.internal("config/def_smallmap.xml"));
int childNum = root.getChildCount();
String imgFileName;
int w=0;
int h=0;
Pixmap pixmap = null;XmlReader.Element xmlFile;
for (int i = 0; i < childNum; i++) {
if (root.getChild(i).getInt("id")==mapId) {
pixmap = GameMap.createPixmapByView(xmlFile.getInt("width"), xmlFile.getInt("height"));
for(int j=0;j<xmlFile.getChildCount();j++) {
//PixmapIO.writePNG(Gdx.files.external("smallWorld.png"), pixmap);
return pixmap;
} }
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感觉非常讨厌. 图片可以直接显示,但是视频的预览图感觉很不舒服. 查了一下 , 用ShellExView 禁用一下 MF XXXX Property Handler 就可以了. 官网最下面可以下载: ...
- APP图标设计小技巧:在iOS上快速获得APP图标的真实预览图
严格来说,这并不是一篇关于前端开发的文章,因为涉及到的知识非常浅.这只是一个向设计狮们分享的小经验,只是其中用到了一些前端内容. 最近接了个私活,了解到一个初创公司正在高价悬赏Logo(主要用于APP ...
- 如何实现一个HTTP请求库——axios源码阅读与分析 JavaScript
概述 在前端开发过程中,我们经常会遇到需要发送异步请求的情况.而使用一个功能齐全,接口完善的HTTP请求库,能够在很大程度上减少我们的开发成本,提高我们的开发效率. axios是一个在近些年来非常火的 ...
- Redis源码解析:30发布和订阅
- js构造函数+原型
注:普通对象与函数对象 var o1 = {}; var o2 =new Object(); var o3 = new f1(); function f1(){}; var f2 = function ...
- poj1160 动态规划
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #define INF 999999999 #define Min(x,y) (x<y?x:y) ...
- 码云及git使用
首次使用码云,将本地文件与之关联(创建仓库之后的页面截图) git -- 版本控制(协同开发软件) git add . # 将当前文件下所有内容添加到临时缓存区 git commit -m " ...
- 数据库----SQL基本查询
SQL基本查询 查表 :show create table 表名(show tables); describe 表名:(desc 表名)// 模糊查询:show table like '%c%';(查 ...
- 【AHOI2013复仇】从一道题来看DFS及其优化的一般步骤和数组分层问题【转】
http://www.cppblog.com/MatoNo1/archive/2012/09/23/191708.html —————————————————————————————————————— ...
- Spring boot随时获取ApplicationContex
@Service public class SpringManager implements ApplicationListener<ContextRefreshedEvent> { pr ...
- Leetcode36.Valid Sudoku有效的数独
判断一个 9x9 的数独是否有效.只需要根据以下规则,验证已经填入的数字是否有效即可. 数字 1-9 在每一行只能出现一次. 数字 1-9 在每一列只能出现一次. 数字 1-9 在每一个以粗实线分隔的 ...
- PHPStorm 批量选择,多光标同时编辑相同的内容