编译禁用“jack” 和 “crystalhd” :




在控制台输入如下命令可看到 ffmpeg 详细的编译选项。
[root@localhost ffmpeg]# ./configure --help Usage: configure [options]
Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions] Standard options:
--help print this message
--logfile=FILE log tests and output to FILE [config.log]
--disable-logging do not log configure debug information ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
这几个参数重要,决定了ffmpeg编译出来的文件放在系统的什么地方。 --prefix=PREFIX install in PREFIX []
--bindir=DIR install binaries in DIR [PREFIX/bin]
--datadir=DIR install data files in DIR [PREFIX/share/ffmpeg]
--libdir=DIR install libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib]
--shlibdir=DIR install shared libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib]
--incdir=DIR install includes in DIR [PREFIX/include]
--mandir=DIR install man page in DIR [PREFIX/share/man]
Configuration options:
--disable-static do not build static libraries [no]
--enable-shared build shared libraries [no]
--enable-gpl allow use of GPL code, the resulting libs
and binaries will be under GPL [no]
--enable-version3 upgrade (L)GPL to version [no]
--enable-nonfree allow use of nonfree code, the resulting libs
and binaries will be unredistributable [no]
--disable-doc do not build documentation
--disable-ffmpeg disable ffmpeg build
--disable-ffplay disable ffplay build
--disable-ffprobe disable ffprobe build
--disable-ffserver disable ffserver build
--disable-avdevice disable libavdevice build
--disable-avcodec disable libavcodec build
--disable-avcore disable libavcore build
--disable-avformat disable libavformat build
--disable-swscale disable libswscale build
--enable-postproc enable GPLed postprocessing support [no]
--disable-avfilter disable video filter support [no]
--disable-pthreads disable pthreads [auto]
--enable-w32threads use Win32 threads [no]
--enable-x11grab enable X11 grabbing [no]
--disable-network disable network support [no]
--disable-mpegaudio-hp faster (but less accurate) MPEG audio decoding [no]
--enable-gray enable full grayscale support (slower color)
--disable-swscale-alpha disable alpha channel support in swscale
--disable-fastdiv disable table-based division
--enable-small optimize for size instead of speed
--disable-aandct disable AAN DCT code
--disable-dct disable DCT code
--disable-fft disable FFT code
--disable-golomb disable Golomb code
--disable-huffman disable Huffman code
--disable-lpc disable LPC code
--disable-mdct disable MDCT code
--disable-rdft disable RDFT code
--disable-vaapi disable VAAPI code
--disable-vdpau disable VDPAU code
--disable-dxva2 disable DXVA2 code
--enable-runtime-cpudetect detect cpu capabilities at runtime (bigger binary)
--enable-hardcoded-tables use hardcoded tables instead of runtime generation
--enable-memalign-hack emulate memalign, interferes with memory debuggers 这个选项 牛B 啊!
--disable-everything disable all components listed below --disable-encoder=NAME disable encoder NAME
--enable-encoder=NAME enable encoder NAME
--disable-encoders disable all encoders
--disable-decoder=NAME disable decoder NAME
--enable-decoder=NAME enable decoder NAME
--disable-decoders disable all decoders
--disable-hwaccel=NAME disable hwaccel NAME
--enable-hwaccel=NAME enable hwaccel NAME
--disable-hwaccels disable all hwaccels
--disable-muxer=NAME disable muxer NAME
--enable-muxer=NAME enable muxer NAME
--disable-muxers disable all muxers
--disable-demuxer=NAME disable demuxer NAME
--enable-demuxer=NAME enable demuxer NAME
--disable-demuxers disable all demuxers
--enable-parser=NAME enable parser NAME
--disable-parser=NAME disable parser NAME
--disable-parsers disable all parsers
--enable-bsf=NAME enable bitstream filter NAME
--disable-bsf=NAME disable bitstream filter NAME
--disable-bsfs disable all bitstream filters
--enable-protocol=NAME enable protocol NAME
--disable-protocol=NAME disable protocol NAME
--disable-protocols disable all protocols
--disable-indev=NAME disable input device NAME
--disable-outdev=NAME disable output device NAME
--disable-indevs disable input devices
--disable-outdevs disable output devices
--disable-devices disable all devices
--enable-filter=NAME enable filter NAME
--disable-filter=NAME disable filter NAME
--disable-filters disable all filters --list-decoders show all available decoders
--list-encoders show all available encoders
--list-hwaccels show all available hardware accelerators
--list-muxers show all available muxers
--list-demuxers show all available demuxers
--list-parsers show all available parsers
--list-protocols show all available protocols
--list-bsfs show all available bitstream filters
--list-indevs show all available input devices
--list-outdevs show all available output devices
--list-filters show all available filters
了 avi 这种常见视频格式的解码库,这样就不需要我们手动添加了。 External library support:
--enable-avisynth enable reading of AVISynth script files [no]
--enable-bzlib enable bzlib [autodetect]
--enable-frei0r enable frei0r video filtering
--enable-libopencore-amrnb enable AMR-NB de/encoding via libopencore-amrnb [no]
--enable-libopencore-amrwb enable AMR-WB decoding via libopencore-amrwb [no]
--enable-libopencv enable video filtering via libopencv [no]
--enable-libdc1394 enable IIDC- grabbing using libdc1394
and libraw1394 [no]
--enable-libdirac enable Dirac support via libdirac [no]
--enable-libfaac enable FAAC support via libfaac [no]
--enable-libgsm enable GSM support via libgsm [no]
--enable-libmp3lame enable MP3 encoding via libmp3lame [no]
--enable-libnut enable NUT (de)muxing via libnut,
native (de)muxer exists [no]
--enable-libopenjpeg enable JPEG decoding via OpenJPEG [no]
--enable-librtmp enable RTMP[E] support via librtmp [no]
--enable-libschroedinger enable Dirac support via libschroedinger [no]
--enable-libspeex enable Speex decoding via libspeex [no]
--enable-libtheora enable Theora encoding via libtheora [no]
--enable-libvorbis enable Vorbis encoding via libvorbis,
native implementation exists [no]
--enable-libvpx enable VP8 support via libvpx [no] x264为新一代H.264标准的编解码器,它与2003年发布。在同行中编解码的效率是可是相当之高 。
质量可超 rmvb。
--enable-libx264 enable H. encoding via x264 [no] --enable-libxavs enable AVS encoding via xavs [no] xvid 为老一代的编解码器。
--enable-libxvid enable Xvid encoding via xvidcore,
native MPEG-/Xvid encoder exists [no]
--enable-mlib enable Sun medialib [no]
--enable-zlib enable zlib [autodetect] Advanced options (experts only):
--source-path=PATH path to source code [/opt/friendlyarm/video/ffmpeg]
--cross-prefix=PREFIX use PREFIX for compilation tools []
--enable-cross-compile assume a cross-compiler is used
--sysroot=PATH root of cross-build tree
--sysinclude=PATH location of cross-build system headers
--target-os=OS compiler targets OS []
--target-exec=CMD command to run executables on target
--target-path=DIR path to view of build directory on target
--nm=NM use nm tool
--ar=AR use archive tool AR [ar]
--as=AS use assembler AS []
--cc=CC use C compiler CC [gcc]
--ld=LD use linker LD
--host-cc=HOSTCC use host C compiler HOSTCC
--host-cflags=HCFLAGS use HCFLAGS when compiling for host
--host-ldflags=HLDFLAGS use HLDFLAGS when linking for host
--host-libs=HLIBS use libs HLIBS when linking for host
--extra-cflags=ECFLAGS add ECFLAGS to CFLAGS []
--extra-ldflags=ELDFLAGS add ELDFLAGS to LDFLAGS []
--extra-libs=ELIBS add ELIBS []
--extra-version=STRING version string suffix []
--build-suffix=SUFFIX library name suffix []
--arch=ARCH select architecture []
--cpu=CPU select the minimum required CPU (affects
instruction selection, may crash on older CPUs)
--disable-asm disable all assembler optimizations
--disable-altivec disable AltiVec optimizations
--disable-amd3dnow disable 3DNow! optimizations
--disable-amd3dnowext disable 3DNow! extended optimizations
--disable-mmx disable MMX optimizations
--disable-mmx2 disable MMX2 optimizations
--disable-sse disable SSE optimizations
--disable-ssse3 disable SSSE3 optimizations
--disable-armv5te disable armv5te optimizations
--disable-armv6 disable armv6 optimizations
--disable-armv6t2 disable armv6t2 optimizations
--disable-armvfp disable ARM VFP optimizations
--disable-iwmmxt disable iwmmxt optimizations
--disable-mmi disable MMI optimizations
--disable-neon disable neon optimizations
--disable-vis disable VIS optimizations
--disable-yasm disable use of yasm assembler
--enable-pic build position-independent code
--malloc-prefix=PFX prefix malloc and related names with PFX
--enable-sram allow use of on-chip SRAM
--disable-symver disable symbol versioning Developer options (useful when working on FFmpeg itself):
--disable-debug disable debugging symbols
--enable-debug=LEVEL set the debug level []
--disable-optimizations disable compiler optimizations
--enable-extra-warnings enable more compiler warnings
--disable-stripping disable stripping of executables and shared libraries
--samples=PATH location of test samples for FATE NOTE: Object files are built at the place where configure is launched. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 以下翻译来自网络,ffmpeg的版本未知,放在一起只是为了参考下。 [root@web ffmpeg]# ./configure --help Usage: configure [options]
Options: [defaults in brackets after descriptions] Standard options: 基本选项参数
--help 显示此帮助信息|print this message
--log[=FILE|yes|no] 记录测试并输出到config.err文件|log tests and output to FILE [config.err]
--prefix=PREFIX 安装程序到指定目录(默认/usr/local)|install in PREFIX [/usr/local]
--libdir=DIR 安装库到指定目录(默认prefix/lib)|install libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib]
--shlibdir=DIR 指定共享库路径(默认prefix/lib)|install shared libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib]
--incdir=DIR 指定includes路径(默认prefix/include/ffmpeg)|install includes in DIR[PREFIX/include/ffmpeg]
--mandir=DIR 指定man page路径(默认prefix/man)install man page in DIR [PREFIX/man]
--enable-mp3lame 启用mp3编码libmp3lame(默认关闭)enable MP3 encoding via libmp3lame[default=no]
--enable-libogg 启用ogg支持libogg(默认关闭)enable Ogg support via libogg [default=no]
--enable-vorbis 启用Vorbis支持libvorbis(默认关闭)enable Vorbis support via libvorbis [default=no]
--enable-faad 启用faad支持libfaad(默认关闭)enable FAAD support via libfaad [default=no]
--enable-faadbin 启用faad运行时链接支持(默认关闭)build FAAD support with runtime linking[default=no]
--enable-faac 启用faac支持libfaac(默认关闭)enable FAAC support via libfaac [default=no]
--enable-libgsm 启用GSM支持libgsm(默认关闭)enable GSM support via libgsm [default=no]
--enable-xvid 启用xvid支持xvidcore(默认关闭)enable XviD support via xvidcore [default=no]
--enable-x264 启用H.264编码(默认关闭)enable H. encoding via x264 [default=no]
--enable-mingw32 启用MinGW本地/交叉win环境编译|enable MinGW native/cross Windows compile
--enable-mingwce 启用MinGW本地/交叉winCE环境编译enable MinGW native/cross WinCE compile
--enable-a52 启用A52支持(默认关闭)enable GPLed A52 support [default=no]
--enable-a52bin 启用运行时打开liba52.so.(默认关闭)open liba52.so. at runtime [default=no]
--enable-dts 启用DTS支持(默认关闭)enable GPLed DTS support [default=no]
--enable-pp 启用后加工支持(默认关闭)enable GPLed postprocessing support [default=no]
--enable-static 构建静态库(默认启用)build static libraries [default=yes]
--disable-static 禁止构建静态库(默认关闭)do not build static libraries [default=no]
--enable-shared 构建共享库(默认关闭)build shared libraries [default=no]
--disable-shared 禁止构建共享库(默认启用)do not build shared libraries [default=yes]
--enable-amr_nb 启用amr_nb float音频编解码器|enable amr_nb float audio codec
--enable-amr_nb-fixed 启用fixed amr_nb codec | use fixed point for amr-nb codec
--enable-amr_wb 启用amr_wb float音频编解码器|enable amr_wb float audio codec
--enable-amr_if2 启用amr_wb IF2音频编解码器|enable amr_wb IF2 audio codec
--enable-sunmlib 启用Sun medialib(默认关闭) | use Sun medialib [default=no]
--enable-pthreads 启用pthreads(多线程)(默认关闭)use pthreads [default=no]
--enable-dc1394 启用libdc1394、libraw1394抓取IIDC-(默认关闭)enable IIDC- grabbing using libdc1394 and libraw1394 [default=no]
--enable-swscaler 启用计数器支持?(默认关闭)software scaler support [default=no]
--enable-avisynth 允许读取AVISynth脚本本件(默认关闭)allow reading AVISynth script files [default=no]
--enable-gpl 允许使用GPL(默认关闭)allow use of GPL code, the resulting libav* and ffmpeg will be under GPL [default=no] Advanced options (experts only): 高级选项参数(供专业人员使用)
--source-path=PATH 源码的路径(当前为/root/flv/ffmpeg)| path to source code [/root/flv/ffmpeg]
--cross-prefix=PREFIX 为编译工具指定路径 | use PREFIX for compilation tools []
--cross-compile 假定使用了交叉编译 | assume a cross-compiler is used
--cc=CC 指定使用何种C编译器(默认gcc)use C compiler CC [gcc]
--make=MAKE 使用特定的make | use specified make [make]
--extra-cflags=ECFLAGS 添加ECFLAGS到CFLAGS | add ECFLAGS to CFLAGS []
--extra-ldflags=ELDFLAGS 添加ELDFLAGS到LDFLAGS(默认-Wl,--as-needed)| add ELDFLAGS to LDFLAGS [ -Wl,--as-needed]
--extra-libs=ELIBS 添加ELIBS | add ELIBS []
--build-suffix=SUFFIX 为专用程序添加后缀 | suffix for application specific build []
--arch=ARCH 选择机器架构(默认x86)select architecture [x86]
--cpu=CPU 选用最低的cpu(影响指令的选择,可以在老CPU上出错) | selects the minimum cpu required (affects instruction selection, may crash on older CPUs)
--powerpc-perf-enable 启用PPC上面的性能报告(需要启用PMC)enable performance report on PPC
(requires enabling PMC)
--disable-mmx 禁用MMX | disable MMX usage
--disable-armv5te 禁用armv5te | disable armv5te usage
--disable-iwmmxt 禁用iwmmxt | disable iwmmxt usage
--disable-altivec 禁用AltiVec | disable AltiVec usage
--disable-audio-oss 禁用OSS音频支持(默认启用)disable OSS audio support [default=no]
--disable-audio-beos 禁用BeOS音频支持(默认启用)disable BeOS audio support [default=no]
--disable-v4l 禁用video4linux提取(默认启用)disable video4linux grabbing [default=no]
--disable-v4l2 禁用video4linux2提取(默认启用)disable video4linux2 grabbing [default=no]
--disable-bktr 禁用bktr视频提取(默认启用)disable bktr video grabbing [default=no]
--disable-dv1394 禁用DV1394提取(默认启用)disable DV1394 grabbing [default=no]
--disable-network 禁用网络支持(默认支持)disable network support [default=no]
--disable-ipv6 禁用ipv6支持(默认支持)disable ipv6 support [default=no]
--disable-zlib 禁用zlib(默认支持)disable zlib [default=no]
--disable-simple_idct 禁用simple IDCT例程(默认启用)disable simple IDCT routines [default=no]
--disable-vhook 禁用video hooking支持 | disable video hooking support
--enable-gprof enable profiling with gprof [no]
--disable-debug 禁用调试符号 | disable debugging symbols
--disable-opts 禁用编译器最优化 | disable compiler optimizations
--disable-mpegaudio-hp 启用更快的解码MPEG音频(但精确度较低)(默认禁用)faster (but less accurate) MPEG audio decoding [default=no]
--disable-protocols 禁用 I/O 协议支持(默认启用)disable I/O protocols support [default=no]
--disable-ffserver 禁用生成ffserver | disable ffserver build
--disable-ffplay 禁用生成ffplay | disable ffplay build
--enable-small 启用优化文件尺寸大小(牺牲速度)optimize for size instead of speed
--enable-memalign-hack 启用模拟内存排列,由内存调试器干涉? | emulate memalign, interferes with memory debuggers
--disable-strip 禁用剥离可执行程序和共享库 | disable stripping of executables and shared libraries
--disable-encoder=NAME 禁用XX编码器 | disables encoder NAME
--enable-encoder=NAME 启用XX编码器 | enables encoder NAME
--disable-decoder=NAME 禁用XX解码器 | disables decoder NAME
--enable-decoder=NAME 启用XX解码器 | enables decoder NAME
--disable-encoders 禁用所有编码器 | disables all encoders
--disable-decoders 禁用所有解码器 | disables all decoders
--disable-muxer=NAME 禁用XX混音器 | disables muxer NAME
--enable-muxer=NAME 启用XX混音器 | enables muxer NAME
--disable-muxers 禁用所有混音器 | disables all muxers
--disable-demuxer=NAME 禁用XX解轨器 | disables demuxer NAME
--enable-demuxer=NAME 启用XX解轨器 | enables demuxer NAME
--disable-demuxers 禁用所有解轨器 | disables all demuxers
--enable-parser=NAME 启用XX剖析器 | enables parser NAME
--disable-parser=NAME 禁用XX剖析器 | disables parser NAME
--disable-parsers 禁用所有剖析器 | disables all parsers



已经测试,可以解码H264和RTP, LIB和DLL一共2.7M

./configure --disable-everything --disable-muxers --disable-avdevice --disable-armv5te --disable-armv6 --disable-armv6t2 --disable-armvfp --disable-zlib --disable-bzlib --disable-debug --disable-ffmpeg --disable-ffserver --disable-ffplay --disable-muxers --disable-filters --disable-devices --disable-encoders --disable-hwaccels --enable-static --enable-memalign-hack --enable-small --enable-decoder=h264 --enable-demuxers --enable-parsers --enable-protocols



gcc -shared -fPIC -o ffmpeg-0.8.dll -Wl,--whole-archive libswscale.a libavcodec.a libavfilter.a libavutil.a libavformat.a -Wl,--no-whole-archive -lwsock32 -lpthread -lSDL -lvfw32




OBJS-$(!CONFIG_SMALL)                   += inverse.o


) ff_svq3_add_idct_c等无法识别,link错误

用在h264.c里#if CONFIG_SVQ3_DECODER和#endif注释掉这些函数

小弟愚钝翻译的很不标准 将就着看吧
--help print this message
--logfile=FILE log tests and output to FILE [config.err] //测试和输出到文件记录
--disable-logging do not log configure debug information //不要日志调试的信息
--prefix=PREFIX install in PREFIX [] //安装在前缀
--bindir=DIR install binaries in DIR [PREFIX/bin] //安装2进制文件
--datadir=DIR install data files in DIR [PREFIX/share/ffmpeg] //安装数据文件目录
--libdir=DIR install libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib] //安装lib文件目录
--shlibdir=DIR install shared libs in DIR [PREFIX/lib] //安装分享lib在目录
--incdir=DIR install includes in DIR [PREFIX/include] //安装include在目录
--mandir=DIR install man page in DIR [PREFIX/share/man] //安装手页册到目录 Configuration options:
--disable-static do not build static libraries [no] //不建立静态库
--enable-shared build shared libraries [no] // 建立共享库
--enable-gpl allow use of GPL code, the resulting libs //允许GPL代码 生成在lib 和2进制文件
and binaries will be under GPL [no]
--enable-nonfree allow use of nonfree code, the resulting libs //允许nonfree代码生成lib 和2进制文件
and binaries will be unredistributable [no]
--disable-ffmpeg disable ffmpeg build //取消建立ffmpeg
--disable-ffplay disable ffplay build //
--disable-ffserver disable ffserver build //
--enable-postproc enable GPLed postprocessing support [no] //使GPled后置处理支持
--enable-avfilter video filter support [no] //视频过滤支持
--enable-avfilter-lavf video filters dependent on avformat [no] //依赖avformat过滤器
--enable-beosthreads use BeOS threads [no] //使用BeOS线程
--enable-os2threads use OS/ threads [no] //使用OS/2线程
--enable-pthreads use pthreads [no] //pthreads
--enable-w32threads use Win32 threads [no] //win32
--enable-x11grab enable X11 grabbing [no] //使用X11夺走
--disable-network disable network support [no] //禁用网络支持
--disable-ipv6 disable IPv6 support [no] //禁用ipv6支持
--disable-mpegaudio-hp faster (but less accurate) MPEG audio decoding [no] //快(但不准确)的音频解码
--enable-gray enable full grayscale support (slower color) //使全灰度支持(慢,颜色)
--disable-swscale-alpha disable alpha channel support in swscale //使alpha管道在swscale失去支持
--disable-fastdiv disable table-based division //禁用table-based的分工
--enable-small optimize for size instead of speed //优化尺寸代替速度
--disable-aandct disable AAN DCT code //禁用AAN dct编码
--disable-fft disable FFT code //禁用FFT代码
--disable-golomb disable Golomb code //禁用Golomb代码
--disable-mdct disable MDCT code //取消MDCT代码
--disable-rdft disable RDFT code //取消RDFT代码
--enable-runtime-cpudetect detect cpu capabilities at runtime (bigger binary) //检测cpu的能力在运行时(更大的2进制)
--enable-hardcoded-tables use hardcoded tables instead of runtime generation //使用编码表替换运行时产生
--enable-memalign-hack emulate memalign, interferes with memory debuggers //模仿memalign影响记忆的调试器
--enable-beos-netserver enable BeOS netserver //使用beos netserver
--disable-encoder=NAME disable encoder NAME //禁用编码器的名字
--enable-encoder=NAME enable encoder NAME //使用编码器的名字
--disable-encoders disable all encoders //禁用所有编码器
--disable-decoder=NAME disable decoder NAME //禁用解码器的名字
--enable-decoder=NAME enable decoder NAME //使用解码器的名字
--disable-decoders disable all decoders //禁用所有解码器的名字
--disable-hwaccel=NAME disable hwaccel NAME //禁用hwaccel名字
--enable-hwaccel=NAME enable hwaccel NAME //启用hwaccel名字
--disable-hwaccels disable all hwaccels //禁用所有hwaccel
--disable-muxer=NAME disable muxer NAME //muxer
--enable-muxer=NAME enable muxer NAME
--disable-muxers disable all muxers
--disable-demuxer=NAME disable demuxer NAME //demuxer
--enable-demuxer=NAME enable demuxer NAME
--disable-demuxers disable all demuxers
--enable-parser=NAME enable parser NAME //解析器
--disable-parser=NAME disable parser NAME
--disable-parsers disable all parsers
--enable-bsf=NAME enable bitstream filter NAME //设置数据流过滤器名字
--disable-bsf=NAME disable bitstream filter NAME //禁用数据过滤器名字
--disable-bsfs disable all bitstream filters //禁用所有数据过滤器名字
--enable-protocol=NAME enable protocol NAME //设置协议的名字
--disable-protocol=NAME disable protocol NAME
--disable-protocols disable all protocols
--disable-indevs disable input devices //禁用输入设备
--disable-outdevs disable output devices //禁用输出设备
--disable-devices disable all devices //禁用说有输入设备
--enable-filter=NAME enable filter NAME //使用过滤器名称
--disable-filter=NAME disable filter NAME //禁用过滤器名称
--disable-filters disable all filters //禁用所有过滤器
--list-decoders show all available decoders //显示所有可用的解码器
--list-encoders show all available encoders //显示所有可用的编码器
--list-hwaccels show all available hardware accelerators //显示所有可用的硬件加速器
--list-muxers show all available muxers
--list-demuxers show all available demuxers
--list-parsers show all available parsers //显示所有的解析器
--list-protocols show all available protocols //显示所有可用的协议
--list-bsfs show all available bitstream filters //显示所有可用的数据过滤器
--list-indevs show all available input devices //显示所有可用的输入设备
--list-outdevs show all available output devices //显示所有可用的输出设备
--list-filters show all available filters //显示所有可用的过滤器 External library support: 外部库的支持
--enable-avisynth enable reading of AVISynth script files [no] //使阅读AVISYnth脚本文件
--enable-bzlib enable bzlib [autodetect] //设置bzuilb(自动检测)
--enable-libamr-nb enable libamr-nb floating point audio codec [no] //设置libamr-nb浮点音频解码
--enable-libamr-wb enable libamr-wb floating point audio codec [no] //设置libamr-wb浮点音频解码
--enable-libdc1394 enable IIDC- grabbing using libdc1394
and libraw1394 [no]
--enable-libdirac enable Dirac support via libdirac [no]
--enable-libfaac enable FAAC support via libfaac [no]
--enable-libfaad enable FAAD support via libfaad [no]
--enable-libfaadbin open libfaad.so. at runtime [no]
--enable-libgsm enable GSM support via libgsm [no]
--enable-libmp3lame enable MP3 encoding via libmp3lame [no]
--enable-libnut enable NUT (de)muxing via libnut,
native (de)muxer exists [no]
--enable-libopenjpeg enable JPEG decoding via OpenJPEG [no]
--enable-libschroedinger enable Dirac support via libschroedinger [no]
--enable-libspeex enable Speex decoding via libspeex [no]
--enable-libtheora enable Theora encoding via libtheora [no]
--enable-libvorbis enable Vorbis encoding via libvorbis,
native implementation exists [no]
--enable-libx264 enable H. encoding via x264 [no]
--enable-libxvid enable Xvid encoding via xvidcore,
native MPEG-/Xvid encoder exists [no]
--enable-mlib enable Sun medialib [no]
--enable-zlib enable zlib [autodetect] Advanced options (experts only):高级的选项
--source-path=PATH path to source code [/root/ffmpeg-r18656-iphone] //源代码路径
--cross-prefix=PREFIX use PREFIX for compilation tools [] //作为编译工具使用的前缀
--enable-cross-compile assume a cross-compiler is used //假设交叉编译的使用
--sysroot=PATH root of cross-build tree //
--sysinclude=PATH location of cross-build system headers //cross—build系统位置的标题
--target-os=OS compiler targets OS [linux] //
--target-exec=CMD command to run executables on target //编译器目标OS(linux)
--target-path=DIR path to view of build directory on target //建立目录的路径来查看目标上
--nm=NM use nm tool //使用um工具
--as=AS use assembler AS [] //使用汇编语言AS
--cc=CC use C compiler CC [gcc] //用c编译器cc
--host-cc=HOSTCC use host C compiler HOSTCC // 使用主机C编译器hostcc
--host-cflags=HCFLAGS use HCFLAGS when compiling for host //
--host-ldflags=HLDFLAGS use HLDFLAGS when linking for host //当链接主机的时候使用libs库
--host-libs=HLIBS use libs HLIBS when linking for host //lib时使用HLIBS主机链接
--extra-ldflags=ELDFLAGS add ELDFLAGS to LDFLAGS []
--extra-libs=ELIBS add ELIBS []
--extra-version=STRING version string suffix [] //版本字符串后缀
--build-suffix=SUFFIX library name suffix [] //库名字后缀
--arch=ARCH select architecture [i686] //选择建筑
--cpu=CPU select the minimum required CPU (affects ////选择最低需要cpu(影响指令的选择可能坠毁在更老的cpu)
instruction selection, may crash on older CPUs)
--enable-powerpc-perf enable performance report on PPC //设置绩效报告的ppc(需要使用pmc)
(requires enabling PMC)
--disable-altivec disable AltiVec optimizations //禁用Altivec优化
--disable-amd3dnow disable 3DNow! optimizations //禁用3DNOW优化
--disable-amd3dnowext disable 3DNow! extended optimizations //禁用3DNOW扩展优化
--disable-mmx disable MMX optimizations //禁用MMX优化
--disable-mmx2 disable MMX2 optimizations //禁用MMX2优化
--disable-sse disable SSE optimizations //禁用SSE优化
--disable-ssse3 disable SSSE3 optimizations //禁用SSSE3优化
--disable-armv5te disable armv5te optimizations //禁用armv5te优化
--disable-armv6 disable armv6 optimizations //armv6
--disable-armv6t2 disable armv6t2 optimizations //armv6t2
--disable-armvfp disable ARM VFP optimizations //arm vfp
--disable-iwmmxt disable iwmmxt optimizations //iwmmxt
--disable-mmi disable MMI optimizations //mmi
--disable-neon disable neon optimizations //neon
--disable-vis disable VIS optimizations //vis
--disable-yasm disable use of yasm assembler //禁用yasm伤残汇编 Developer options (useful when working on FFmpeg itself): 开发者选项 当工作在FFmpeg本身的时候有用
--disable-debug disable debugging symbols //禁止调试符号
--enable-debug=LEVEL set the debug level [] //设置调试等级
--enable-gprof enable profiling with gprof [] //设置剖析和性能分析
--disable-optimizations disable compiler optimizations //禁用编译器优化选项
--enable-extra-warnings enable more compiler warnings //使更多的编译器选项
--disable-stripping disable stripping of executables and shared libraries //禁用剥夺可执行文件和共享库 NOTE: Object files are built at the place where configure is launched. //提示 :不表文件的地方是建在配置发射




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    1. 查看ffmpeg信息: ldd `which ffmpeg` ffmpeg -filters ffmpeg -h filter=drawtext man ffmpeg ffmpeg --help ...

  2. ffmpeg问题汇总及解决方案 <设置avformat_open_input 超时><转>

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  3. ffmpeg日志调式

    1.播放器打印输出调试日志:ffplay -v debug $URL2.播放器打开详细调试日志:./ffplay -loglevel 563.修改源码修改日志级别:    1)log.c中:stati ...

  4. ubuntu下编译原生ffmpeg

    本文主要介绍Linux 系统下如何编译Ffmpeg,编译环境是Ubuntu 16.04,Ffmpeg版本是3.4.2.Windows环境 下如何编译ffmpeg前面有博文介绍,也录有视频,感兴趣的同学 ...

  5. 转: FFmpeg功能命令汇总

    原文: FFmpeg功能命令汇总 前言 如此强大的FFmpeg,能够实现视频采集.视频格式转化.视频截图.视频添加水印.视频切片.视频录制.视频推流.更改音视频参数功能等.通过终端命令如何实现这些功能 ...

  6. 【视频开发】ffmpeg 的编译选项

    ffmpeg xxxx$ ./configure --help Usage: configure [options] Options: [defaults in brackets after desc ...

  7. 【FFMPEG】ffmpeg 时间戳问题汇总

    ffmpeg 时间戳问题汇总 http://www.cnblogs.com/loveclover/archive/2011/03/23/1993065.html 问题是这样的 用一个 VLC(流媒体客 ...

  8. ffmpeg 常用命令汇总

    最近工作常用到ffmpeg 做一些视频数据的处理转换等,用来做测试,今天总结了一下,并参考了网上一些部分朋友的经验,一起在这里汇总了一下,有需要的朋友可以收藏测试一下,有问题可以回帖交流. 1.ffm ...

  9. ffmpeg部分编译选项

    -enable-neon  (如果使用了arm公司提供的neon加速技术,则可以并行的读取多个元素.参考网址:http://www.cnblogs.com/hrlnw/p/3723072.html) ...


  1. LOJ2325. 「清华集训 2017」小 Y 和恐怖的奴隶主【矩阵快速幂优化DP】【倍增优化】

    LINK 思路 首先是考虑怎么设计dp的状态 发现奴隶主的顺序没有影响,只有生命和个数有影响,所以就可以把每个生命值的奴隶主有多少压缩成状态就可以了 然后发现无论是什么时候一个状态到另一个状态的转移都 ...

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    bzoj luogu descirption 现在有一棵以 \(1\) 为根节点的由 \(n\) 个节点组成的树,树上每个节点上都有一个权值 \(v_i\) .现在有 \(Q\) 次操作,操作如下: ...

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  10. 报错:Can't find a source file at "xxxxx“Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.

    调试问题: Can't find a source file at "/tmp/TI_MKLIB6sLCzz/SRC/exit.c" Locate the file or edit ...