
1.  SecurityManager  
2.  SecurityUtils.setSecurityManager

3.  SecurityUtils.getSubject    
4.  token(UsernamePasswordToken等) 
5.  subject.login

Apache Shiro Configuration

Shiro 配置--ini

1. web.xml 中自定义shiro.ini位置(默认位置)
  1. /WEB-INF/shiro.ini or classpath:shiro.ini
  1. <filter>
  2. <filter-name>ShiroFilter</filter-name>
  3. <filter-class>org.apache.shiro.web.servlet.IniShiroFilter</filter-class>
  4. <init-param>
  5. <param-name>configPath</param-name>
  6. <param-value>/WEB-INF/anotherFile.ini</param-value>
  7. </init-param>
  8. </filter>
2. Shiro.ini 示例
  1. # =======================
  2. # Shiro INI configuration
  3. # =======================
  4. [main]
  5. # Objects and their properties are defined here,
  6. # Such as the securityManager, Realms and anything
  7. # else needed to build the SecurityManager
  8. [users]
  9. # The 'users' section is for simple deployments
  10. # when you only need a small number of statically-defined
  11. # set of User accounts.
  12. [roles]
  13. # The 'roles' section is for simple deployments
  14. # when you only need a small number of statically-defined
  15. # roles.
  16. [urls]
  17. # The 'urls' section is used for url-based security
  18. # in web applications. We'll discuss this section in the
  19. # Web documentation


[main]  主配置

configure the application's SecurityManager instance and any of its dependencies, such as Realms.
配置SecurityManager 及其依赖,如Realms(安全数据源).
  1. [main]
  2. sha256Matcher = org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.Sha256CredentialsMatcher # 加密密码匹配
  3. # true = hex, false = base64:
  4. sha256Matcher.storedCredentialsHexEncoded = false
  5. myRealm = com.company.security.shiro.DatabaseRealm
  6. myRealm.connectionTimeout = 30000
  7. myRealm.username = jsmith # 内部被转换为 myRealm.setUsername("jsmith");
  8. myRealm.password = secret
  9. myRealm.credentialsMatcher = $sha256Matcher # 凭证(密码)加密
  10. securityManager.sessionManager.globalSessionTimeout = 1800000

多个属性(逗号 ,)
  1. securityManager.sessionManager.sessionListeners = $sessionListener1, $sessionListener2
  1. object1 = com.company.some.Class
  2. object2 = com.company.another.Class
  3. ...
  4. anObject = some.class.with.a.Map.property
  5. anObject.mapProperty = key1:$object1, key2:$object2
  1. myRealm = com.company.security.MyRealm
  2. ...
  3. myRealm = com.company.security.DatabaseRealm #(覆盖了前面的myRealm)

[users] 用户配置

  1. [users]
  2. admin = secret # A password is required.
  3. lonestarr = vespa, goodguy, schwartz
  4. darkhelmet = ludicrousspeed, badguy, schwartz
  5. # user1 = sha256-hashed-hex-encoded password, role1, role2, ... # 可以使用 shiro 的Command Line Hasher 来加密密码。需要配置 credentialsMatcher
格式: 用户 = 密码,角色1,角色2,... ,角色N
  1. username = password, roleName1, roleName2, ..., roleNameN

[roles] 角色配置

  1. [roles]
  2. # 'admin' role has all permissions, indicated by the wildcard '*'
  3. admin = * # 所有权限
  4. # The 'schwartz' role can do anything (*) with any lightsaber:
  5. schwartz = lightsaber:* # 角色 schwartz 拥有对资源 lightsaber 做任何事的权限
  6. # The 'goodguy' role is allowed to 'drive' (action) the winnebago (type) with
  7. # license plate 'eagle5' (instance specific id)
  8. goodguy = winnebago:drive:eagle5 # 角色 goodguy 拥有对 id 为 eagle5 的 winnebago 资源执行 drive 的权限
格式:角色 = 权限定义1,权限定义2,... ,权限定义N
  1. rolename = permissionDefinition1, permissionDefinition2, ..., permissionDefinitionN


[url] web应用中url过滤

  1. [urls]
  2. /index.html = anon
  3. /user/create = anon
  4. /account/**=ssl,authc # Any request to my application's path of /account or any of it's sub paths (/account/foo, /account/bar/baz, etc) will trigger the 'ssl, authc' filter chain
  5. /user/** = authc
  6. /admin/** = authc, roles[administrator]
  7. /rest/** = authc, rest
  8. /remoting/rpc/** = authc, perms["remote:invoke"]
  1. URL_Ant_Path_Expression = Path_Specific_Filter_Chain
1. 所有URL都是相对于 HttpServletRequest.getContextPath()  值而言的
2. URL过滤原则是 FIRST MATCH WINS.  后面的不会覆盖前面的!
  1. filter1[optional_config1], filter2[optional_config2], ..., filterN[optional_configN] # 如 authc, perms["remote:invoke"]
注意:若filter不是shiro中已定义的(DefaultFilter),而是自己继承 PathMatchingFilter 实现的,则需要在【main】中先声明
测试时,可以在【main】中禁用 filter
  1. [main]
  2. ...
  3. # configure Shiro's default 'ssl' filter to be disabled while testing:
  4. ssl.enabled = false


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