于是查看这个特殊字段,显示为^I(在Linux下可以通过cat -A命令能够查看这个特殊字符),对应键盘上的Tab键,于是便将trim()函数拉出来看了一下:
public String trim() {
int len = value.length;
int st = 0;
char[] val = value; /* avoid getfield opcode */ while ((st < len) && (val[st] <= ' ')) {
while ((st < len) && (val[len - 1] <= ' ')) {
return ((st > 0) || (len < value.length)) ? substring(st, len) : this;
Returns a string whose value is this string, with any leading and trailing whitespace removed.
If this String object represents an empty character sequence, or the first and last characters of character sequence represented by this String object both have codes greater than '\u005Cu0020' (the space character), then a reference to this String object is returned.
Otherwise, if there is no character with a code greater than '\u005Cu0020' in the string, then a String object representing an empty string is returned.
Otherwise, let k be the index of the first character in the string whose code is greater than '\u005Cu0020', and let m be the index of the last character in the string whose code is greater than '\u005Cu0020'. A String object is returned, representing the substring of this string that begins with the character at index k and ends with the character at index m-that is, the result of this.substring(k, m + 1).
This method may be used to trim whitespace (as defined above) from the beginning and end of a string.
A string whose value is this string, with any leading and trailing white space removed, or this string if it has no leading or trailing white space.


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