
supervisorctl status报如下错误:

error: <class 'xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError'>, syntax error: line 1, column 0: file: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/xmlrpclib.py line: 557


error: <class 'socket.error'>, [Errno 113] No route to host: file: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/socket.py line: 571



cat /etc/selinux/config查看防火墙配置



[inet_http_server]         ; inet (TCP) server disabled by default




[etc]$ supervisord
Error: No config file found at default paths (/usr/local/etc/supervisord.conf, /usr/local/supervisord.conf, supervisord.conf, etc/supervisord.conf, /etc/supervisord.conf, /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf); use the -c option to specify a config file at a different path
For help, use /usr/local/bin/supervisord -h



1、supervisord -c /a/b/x/s/super.conf。这样启动的supervisor可以任意路径和任意的配置文件名字;

但是,执行supervisorctl的时候,也要指定配置文件的名字和路径,像:supervisor -c /a/b/x/s/super.conf status这样

如果你直接执行supervisorctl status,就会报下面的错误

error: <class 'socket.error'>, [Errno 113] No route to host: file: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/socket.py line: 571


3、执行命令supervisord 和 supervisorctl 的时候,都会在默认路径下搜索配置文件;

error: <class 'socket.error'>, [Errno 113] No route to host: file: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/socket.py line: 571


supervisor.sock是以.sock 为后缀的文件而已,UNIX 系统不以后缀区分文件类型,但为了识别,通常使用后缀来标识一下。.sock文件通常是UNIX 域套接字(UNIX domain socket),即通过文件系统(而非网络地址)进行寻址和访问的套接字

上面的是Unix domain socket,是操作系统内部通信,所以只可以本地访问





Unix domain socket

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A Unix domain socket or IPC socket (inter-process communication socket) is a data communications endpoint for exchanging data between processes executing on the same host operating system. Like named pipes, Unix domain sockets support transmission of a reliable stream of bytes (SOCK_STREAM, compare to TCP). In addition, they support ordered and reliable transmission of datagrams (SOCK_SEQPACKET), or unordered and unreliable transmission of datagrams (SOCK_DGRAM, compare to UDP). The Unix domain socket facility is a standard component of POSIX operating systems.

The API for Unix domain sockets is similar to that of an Internet socket, but rather than using an underlying network protocol, all communication occurs entirely within the operating system kernel. Unix domain sockets use the file system as their address name space. Processes reference Unix domain sockets as file system inodes, so two processes can communicate by opening the same socket.

In addition to sending data, processes may send file descriptors across a Unix domain socket connection using the sendmsg() and recvmsg() system calls. This allows the sending processes to grant the receiving process access to a file descriptor for which the receiving process otherwise does not have access.[1] This can be used to implement a rudimentary form of capability-based security.[2] For example, this allows the Clam AntiVirus scanner to run as an unprivileged daemon on Linux and BSD, yet still read any file sent to the daemon's Unix domain socket.


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