You do your operations here;
except ExceptionI:
If there is ExceptionI, then execute this block.
except ExceptionII:
If there is ExceptionII, then execute this block.
If there is no exception then execute this block. #The except Clause with No Exceptions
You do your operations here;
If there is any exception, then execute this block.
If there is no exception then execute this block. #The except Clause with Multiple Exceptions
You do your operations here;
except(Exception1[, Exception2[,...ExceptionN]]]):
If there is any exception from the given exception list,
then execute this block.
If there is no exception then execute this block. #The try-finally Clause
You do your operations here;
Due to any exception, this may be skipped.
This would always be executed.
...................... #Argument of an Exception
You do your operations here;
except ExceptionType, Argument:
You can print value of Argument here...


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