Awesome Algorithms
Awesome Algorithms
A curated list of awesome places to learn and/or practice algorithms.
Inspired by awesome-awesomeness and all the other awesome Awesome libraries.
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Websites you should use to learn classic algorithms
- Wikipedia - Algorithms - Of course!!
- Wikipedia - Data Structures - and why not ?!!
- Geeks for Geeks -
Lots and lots of well explained and implemented algorithms. - Data Structure Visualizations - Visualize the behavior of Data Structures and play with its operations.
- Algorithms Visualization - A dense article on Algorithms Visualization.
- Big-O Cheat Sheet - Big-O complexities of common algorithms used in Computer Science.
- stoimen's web log - Some algorithms nicely explained.
- VisuAlgo - Visualising data structures and algorithms through animation.
- Algomation - A didactic, animated, exposition of algorithms.
- Algorithmist - The Algorithmist is a resource dedicated to anything algorithms - from the practical realm, to the theoretical realm. There are also links and explanation to problemsets.
- Learn Algorithms - A website that explains some algorithms very well and simply, even for the most novice of programmers.
Online Courses
Free and High Quality Courses Online
- MIT - 6-00sc -
An easy and well explained introduction to algorithms. - MIT - 6-006 -
Well explained algorithms. - MIT - 6-046j -
Similar to the previous one, but with different algorithms. - YogiBearian YouTube Channel - Lots of well explained vidoes on various computer science subjects.
- Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 1 - Course mainly based on the book "Introduction to Algorithm".
- Algorithms: Design and Analysis, Part 2 - Second part, focusing on Greedy and Dynamic paradigms, and NP-Complete problems.
- Udacity Intro to Algorithms - Python-based Algorithms course.
- Khan Academy Algorithms - Algorithm course ministred by Tomas Cormen and Devin Balkcom.
The most highly regarded books to learn algorithms
- Introduction to Algorithms - Essential!
- The Algorithm Design Manual - Easy to read and full of real world examples.
- Algorithm Design - Pretty straight-forward.
- The Art of Computer Programming - The Book.
- Elementary Algorithms - An awesome book about algorithms and data structures.
- Data Structures Using C - The basic concepts and usages of data structures.
- Algorithms - Problems explained with Java, OO good practices, visualizations, and free online resources.
- Swift Algorithms & Data Structures - A practical guide to concepts, theory and code.
- Grokking Algorithms - An illustrated book on algorithms with practical examples.
Github Libraries
Implementations of the most classic algorithms in a wide variety of programming languages
- C
- CoffeeScript
- C#
- by @sorrentmutie
- by @shkolovy
- by @aalhour
- C++
- Erlang
- Go
- Java
- by @phishman3579
- by @asmolich
- by @psjava
- by @jeandersonbc
- by @pedrovgs
- JavaScript
- by @felipernb
- by @nzakas
- by @duereg
- by @mgechev
- Objective-C
- by @ EvgenyKarkan
- Python
- by @nryoung
- by @prakhar1989
- by @laurentluce
- Ruby
- [by @kanwei] (
- [by @sagivo] (
- Scala
- Swift
- [by @kingreza] (
- [by @waynewbishop] (
- Language agnostic
- by @kennyledet
- by @indy256
- by @sagivo
- by @patmorin
Online Judges
Online Judges to practice what you learned above
- UVA -
Hundreds of problems (from previous ACM-ICPC Regionals, World Finals and others). - SPOJ - More problems.
- ACM-ICPC Live Archive -
Hundreds of problems from previous ACM-ICPC Regionals and World Finals. - URI -
Brazilian Online Judge. Not so much problems, but it's growing and it has online contests. - CodeChef -
More problems and monthly online contests. - CodeMarshal -
Real world contests online! - ProjectEuler -
Mathematical problems that can be solved using algorithms (or just a pencil, depends on how much you already know). - TopCoder - Lots of problems and real world/money worthy problems in Graphic Design, Data Science and Development.
- Learneroo Algorithms Tutorials - Learn and practice algorithms by solving challenges online.
- Infoarena - Romanian Online Judge. 1500+ algorithmic problems
- AIZU ONLINE JUDGE - Japanese Online Judge.
- PKU JudgeOnline - Chinese Online Judge.
- Rosalind - A platform for learning bioinformatics and programming through problem solving.
- LavidaOnlineJudge - Korean Online Judge(Half English). 1300+ problems.
- LeetCode - Learn algorithms and prepare for interviews.
- HackerRank - Featured algorithm and functional programming online judges
- HackerEarth - Practice alogrithmic problems & challenges and participate in hiring challenges.
- Codeforces - The only programming contests Web 2.0 platform
- CoderByte - A decent website with algorithm challenges from beginner to advanced levels. Supports most of the popular languages like C++, python, javascript, ruby.
- - Online Judge and contest host with a lot of algorithmic problems in the archive to practice.
Some tools that can help you in the learning of algorithms
- flow-chart.js -
A tool that allows you to create flowcharts that can simulate real algorithms. - interactive-coding-challenges - Interactive, test-driven coding challenges (algorithms and data structures).
And for the sake of copyleft, here's our license:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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