
    程序分析:利用 while 或 for 语句,条件为输入的字符不为 '\n'。


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import string
s = raw_input('请输入一个字符串:\n')
letters = 0
space = 0
digit = 0
others = 0
while i < len(s):
c = s[i]
i += 1
if c.isalpha():
letters += 1
elif c.isspace():
space += 1
elif c.isdigit():
digit += 1
others += 1
print 'char = %d,space = %d,digit = %d,others = %d' % (letters,space,digit,others)
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import string
s = raw_input('请输入一个字符串:\n')
letters = 0
space = 0
digit = 0
others = 0
for c in s:
if c.isalpha():
letters += 1
elif c.isspace():
space += 1
elif c.isdigit():
digit += 1
others += 1
print 'char = %d,space = %d,digit = %d,others = %d' % (letters,space,digit,others)


123runoobc kdf235*(dfl
char = 13,space = 2,digit = 6,others = 2

    Python3 下参考方案(可使用中文作为变量):


a = input('请输入一串字符:')
英文 = 0
空格= 0
数字= 0
其他= 0
for i in a:
if i.isalpha():
英文 += 1
elif i.isspace():
空格 += 1
elif i.isnumeric():
数字 += 1
其他 += 1
print('英文 = %s,空格 = %s,数字 = %s,其他 = %s' % (英文,空格,数字,其他))

    Python3 下测试:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

InPut = input('输入任意字符:')
letters = []
spaces = []
digits = []
others = []
for i in iter(InPut):
if i.isalpha() == True:
elif i.isspace() == True:
elif i.isdigit() == True:
字母: {}, 个数: {};
空字符: {}, 个数: {};
数字: {}, 个数: {};
其他: {}, 个数: {}'''.format(letters, len(letters), spaces, len(spaces), digits, len(digits), others, len(others)))


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import re def splitFunc():
tmpStr = raw_input("输入字符串:")
charNum = 0
digNum = 0
otherNum =0
for i in range(len(tmpStr)):
if re.match('\d',tmpStr[i]):
digNum +=1
elif re.match('[a-zA-Z]',tmpStr[i]):
charNum +=1
elif re.match('\s',tmpStr[i]):
spaceNum +=1
otherNum +=1
print "字符:",charNum
print "数字:",digNum
print "空格:",spaceNum
print "其他:",otherNum
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import re
str=raw_input('请输入一串字符:') r1=re.compile('[a-zA-Z]')
print '英文字母的个数为: %d' %len(re.findall(r1,str))
print '数字的个数为: %d' %len(re.findall(r2,str))
print '空格的个数为: %d' %len(re.findall(' ',str))
print '其他字符的个数为: %d' %(len(str)-len(re.findall(r1,str))-len(re.findall(r2,str))-len(re.findall(' ',str)))

    python3 参考方法:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

a = str(input("输入一行字符:"))
count1 = 0 #统计英文字母个数
count2 = 0 #统计数字个数
count3 = 0 #统计空格个数
count4 = 0 #统计其他字符
for i in range(len(a)): #利用字符在ASCII码中的位置逐个统计
if("0" <= a[i] <= "9"):
count2 += 1
elif("A" <= a[i] <= "Z" or "a" <= a[i] <= "z"):
count1 += 1
elif(a[i] == " "):
count3 += 1
count4 = len(a) - count1 - count2 - count3

    使用匿名函数 lambda:

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- s = raw_input('请输入一个字符串:\n')
print "开始统计..."
list = [0, 0, 0, 0]
temp = [lambda i : 1 if (i.isalpha()) else 0, lambda i : 1 if (i.isspace()) else 0, lambda i : 1 if (i.isdigit()) else 0]
for i in s:
    list[0] += temp[0](i) # 字母
    list[1] += temp[1](i) # 空格
    list[2] += temp[2](i) # 数字
    list[3] = len(s) - list[0] - list[1] - list[2] # 特殊字符 print list

    用 decode() 解码可以统计中文个数,utf-8 下一个中文占 3 位:

# encoding:utf-8

import re

str = raw_input('请输入一行字符:')
str = str.decode('utf-8') # 解码成 unicode 类型,在 unicode 类型中,汉字占一位
word = 0
num = 0
space = 0
other = 0
for i in str:
if re.match(r'\d', i):
num += 1
elif re.match(r'\w', i) and not re.match(r'\d', i):
word += 1
elif re.match(' ', i):
space += 1
other += 1
print '字母个数为:', word
print '数字个数为:', num
print '空格个数为:', space
print '其他字符个数:', other

    Python3 测试,可以统计中文:


#不能有效区分汉字。。。好像没有特定识别汉字的通用表达\s这样的#4E00~9FFFh 是中文的数字区域
import re
s = input('输入一串字符:')
char = re.findall(r'[a-zA-Z]',s)
num = re.findall(r'[0-9]',s)
blank = re.findall(r' ',s)
chi = re.findall(r'[\u4E00-\u9FFF]',s)
other = len(s)-len(char)-len(num)-len(blank)-len(chi)
print("字母:", len(char),"\n数字:", len(num),"\n空格:",len(blank),"\n中文:",len(chi),"\n其他:",other)
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- s ='12 3 45 & *?.;hGGK L67890' dic = {'letter':0,'integer':0,'space':0,'other':0}
for i in s:
if i>'a' and i<'z' or i>'A' and i<'Z':
dic['letter'] += 1
elif i in '0123456789':
dic['integer'] += 1
elif i == ' ':
dic['space'] += 1
dic['other'] += 1
print dic




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