$(window).load(function() { $('.flexslider').flexslider({  animation: "fade",              //String: Select your animation type, "fade" or "slide"图片变换方式:淡入淡出或者滑动  slideDirection: "horizontal",   //String: Select the sliding direction, "horizontal" or "vertical"图片设置为滑动式时的滑动方向:左右或者上下  slideshow: true,                //Boolean: Animate slider automatically 载入页面时,是否自动播放  slideshowSpeed: 7000,           //Integer: Set the speed of the slideshow cycling, in milliseconds 自动播放速度毫秒  animationDuration: 600,         //Integer: Set the speed of animations, in milliseconds动画淡入淡出效果延时  directionNav: true,             //Boolean: Create navigation for previous/next navigation? (true/false)是否显示左右控制按钮  controlNav: true,               //Boolean: Create navigation for paging control of each clide? Note: Leave true for manualControls usage是否显示控制菜单  keyboardNav: true,              //Boolean: Allow slider navigating via keyboard left/right keys键盘左右方向键控制图片滑动  mousewheel: false,              //Boolean: Allow slider navigating via mousewheel鼠标滚轮控制制图片滑动  prevText: "Previous",           //String: Set the text for the "previous" directionNav item  nextText: "Next",               //String: Set the text for the "next" directionNav item  pausePlay: false,               //Boolean: Create pause/play dynamic element  pauseText: 'Pause',             //String: Set the text for the "pause" pausePlay item  playText: 'Play',               //String: Set the text for the "play" pausePlay item  randomize: false,               //Boolean: Randomize slide order 是否随即幻灯片  slideToStart: 0,                //Integer: The slide that the slider should start on. Array notation (0 = first slide)初始化第一次显示图片位置  animationLoop: true,            //Boolean: Should the animation loop? If false, directionNav will received "disable" classes at either end 是否循环滚动  pauseOnAction: true,            //Boolean: Pause the slideshow when interacting with control elements, highly recommended.  pauseOnHover: false,            //Boolean: Pause the slideshow when hovering over slider, then resume when no longer hovering  controlsContainer: "",          //Selector: Declare which container the navigation elements should be appended too. Default container is the flexSlider element. Example use would be ".flexslider-container", "#container", etc. If the given element is not found, the default action will be taken.  manualControls: "",             //Selector: Declare custom control navigation. Example would be ".flex-control-nav li" or "#tabs-nav li img", etc. The number of elements in your controlNav should match the number of slides/tabs.自定义控制导航  manualControlEvent:"",          //String:自定义导航控制触发事件:默认是click,可以设定hover  start: function(){},            //Callback: function(slider) - Fires when the slider loads the first slide  before: function(){},           //Callback: function(slider) - Fires asynchronously with each slider animation  after: function(){},            //Callback: function(slider) - Fires after each slider animation completes  end: function(){}               //Callback: function(slider) - Fires when the slider reaches the last slide (asynchronous)

参数 描述 默认值
animation 动画效果类型,有”fade”:淡入淡出,”slide”:滑动 “fade”
easing 内容切换时缓动效果,需要jquery easing插件支持 “swing”
direction 内容滚动方向,有”horizontal”:水平方向 和”vertical”:垂直方向 “horizontal”
animationLoop 是否循环滚动 true
startAt 初始滑动时的起始位置,定位从第几个开始滑动 0
slideshow 是否自动滑动 true
slideshowSpeed 滑动内容展示时间(ms) 7000
animationSpeed 内容切换时间(ms) 600
initDelay 初始化时延时时间 0
pauseOnHover 鼠标滑向滚动内容时,是否暂停滚动 false
touch 是否支持触摸滑动 true
directionNav 是否显示左右方向箭头按钮 true
keyboard 是否支持键盘方向键操作 true
minItems 一次最少展示滑动内容的单元个数 1
maxItems 一次最多展示滑动内容的单元个数 0
move 一次滑动的单元个数 0
回调函数 start: function(){}, 
before: function(){},
after: function(){}, 
end: function(){}, 
added: function(){}, 
removed: function(){}, 
init: function(){},

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