This time I need you to calculate the f(n) . (3<=n<=1000000)

f(n)= Gcd(3)+Gcd(4)+…+Gcd(i)+…+Gcd(n). 
C[n][k] means the number of way to choose k things from n some things. 
gcd(a,b) means the greatest common divisor of a and b.


There are several test case. For each test case:One integer n(3<=n<=1000000). The end of the in put file is EOF.


For each test case: 
The output consists of one line with one integer f(n).

Sample Input


Sample Output

37556486 本来毫无思路,然而打了个表找了找规律,发现Gcd(x)无非两种情况:
2.其他的时候Gcd(x)=1 然后就是个水题了
#define ll long long
#define maxn 1000000
using namespace std;
int zs[maxn/],t=,n;
ll f[maxn+];
bool v[maxn+]; inline void init(){
for(int i=;i<=maxn;i++){
if(!v[i]) f[i]=i,zs[++t]=i;
for(int j=,u;j<=t&&(u=zs[j]*i)<=maxn;j++){
} for(int i=;i<=maxn;i++) f[i]+=f[i-];
} int main(){
while(scanf("%d",&n)==) printf("%lld\n",f[n]);
return ;

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