Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.


I was ever told that we should follow our hearts, because it could tell us what we are desiring for, what we are longing to do, sometimes it even can give us the direction we can go forward.

However, I find it is difficult to follow my heart, just due to the reason that I even can't keep a clear mind in this busy, ever-changing world.

Don't get lost in the chaos of life. Sometimes just stop to have a short glimpse of the roadside, and to think about whether the direction is right and how we can go faster and more smoothly.

Brain is obviously a good thing, but not every of us can take it when we are involved in the daily work and trivialities.

Nevertheless, in some cases, it would be better to follow one's heart and fight for one's dream, despite there are considerable amounts of obstacles.

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.


From Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

I remember that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a well-known British novelist, whose series of detective fictions successfully depicted the famous detector Sherlock Holmes.

I think some traits of a successful detector, such as carefulness, reasoning abilities, are also very important to every of us, especially for a programmer.

That provides us a guideline to analyze the problems and to find out the solutions.

Don't merely rely on the simple outputs and breakpoints, please always consciously improve the ability of logic reasoning and analysis, so that we can gradually develop a systematic methodology of sovling problems.

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