
    九月 2 14:29:45 [Genymotion] [Debug] Launching download 
    九月 2 14:29:45[Genymotion] [Debug] [downloadFile] "https://cloud.genymotion.com/vmtemplate/ead8fc7f-df52-4b0b-a78d-8021a321a038/getova" ->
"C:\Users\[UserName\AppData\Local/Genymobile/Genymotion/ova/genymotion_vbox86p_4.2.2_150609_211430.ova" //默认镜像存储路径
    九月 2 14:29:45 [Genymotion] [Debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used 
    九月 2 14:29:46 [Genymotion] [Debug] Start timer 
    九月 2 14:29:46 [Genymotion] [Debug] Resume download mode: available 
    九月 2 14:29:46 [Genymotion] [Debug] Remote file size: 154480640 ,current local file size: 595719 
    九月 2 14:29:46 [Genymotion] [Debug] writting to local file with mode OpenMode( "Append|WriteOnly" ) 
    九月 2 14:29:46 [Genymotion] [Debug] Downloading    file   "http://files2.genymotion.com/dists/4.2.2/ova/genymotion_vbox86p_4.2.2_150609_211430.ova"
    九月 2 14:29:46 [Genymotion] [Debug] Start timer 
    九月 2 14:29:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] Slideshow loaded:  OK 
    九月 2 14:30:18 [Genymotion] [Error] Connection Timeout 
    九月 2 14:30:18 [Genymotion] [Debug] Received code: 2 : "" 

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