数据结构——HDU1312:Red and Black(DFS)
Write a program to count the number of black tiles which he can reach by repeating the moves described above.
consists of multiple data sets. A data set starts with a line containing
two positive integers W and H; W and H are the numbers of tiles in the
x- and y- directions, respectively. W and H are not more than 20.
There are H more lines in the data set, each of which
includes W characters. Each character represents the color of a tile as
'.' - a black tile
'#' - a red tile
'@' - a man on a black tile(appears exactly once in a data set)
The end of the input is indicated by a line consisting of two zeros.
number of tiles he can reach from the initial tile (including itself).
Sample Input
6 9
11 9
11 6
7 7
0 0
Sample Output
13 解题思路:
深搜的方法解决,题目意思就是从@开始找.并与@连通,碰到#等于碰到了墙,题目很简单,@可以向四个方向上、下、左、右走,所以 用四个坐标标记出来,然后,再一一遍历,递归调用寻找,用一个30*30的数组标识此点有没有走过,避免走重复 程序代码:
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
using namespace std;
int n,m,cot;
char map[][];
int to[][] = {{,},{,},{-,},{,-}}; void dfs(int i,int j)
map[i][j] = '#';
for(int k = ; k<; k++)
int x = i+to[k][];
int y = j+to[k][];
if(x<n && y<m && x>= && y>= && map[x][y] == '.')
} int main()
int i,j,fi,fj;
for(i = ; i<n; i++)
for(j = ; j<m; j++)
if(map[i][j] == '@')
fi = i;
fj = j;
cot= ;
} return ;
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