A Tour of Go Numeric Constants
Numeric constants are high-precision values.
An untyped constant takes the type needed by its context.
Try printing needInt(Big)
package main import "fmt" const (
Big = <<
Small = Big >>
) func needInt(x int) int {
return x* +
} func needFloat(x float64) float64{
return x * 0.1
} func main() {
package main import "fmt" const (
Big = <<
Small = Big >>
) func needInt(x int) int {
return x* +
} func needFloat(x float64) float64{
return x * 0.1
} func main() {
var intVariable int =
//var float32Variable float32 = 1.2
// constant 1267650600228229401496703205376 overflows int
fmt.Println(needFloat(Big)) //go语言对类型的要求是很严格的,所以你不能传递int到float中或者float到int
//cannot use float32Variable (type float32) as type int in argument to needInt
//cannot use intVariable (type int) as type float64 in argument to needFloat
//cannot use float32Variable (type float32) as type float64 in argument to needFloat
//fmt.Println(needFloat(float32Variable)) }
//constant 1267650600228229401496703205376 overflows int
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