内部开发环境 git代码托管说明
随着员工的增加 代码的开发版本管理 提上了日程。初步计划:
1 一台机器 git代码版本管理
2 运行环境 内部开发运行环境
软件工程师 通过git 每天吧代码从本地push到 git服务器,git服务器 实时的最新的动态同步到运行环境服务器。
软件工程师 通过192.168.1.241进行测试代码
#rsync Written by zhumaohai
#For more information please visit http://www.centos.bz
echo "Please input the rsync username:"
read username
echo "Please input the rsync username password:"
read password
echo "Please input the allow ip address:"
read allowip
echo "Please input the path you want to rsync:"
read rsyncpath
echo "==========================input all completed========================"
echo "==========================install rsync========================"
yum -y install rsync
useradd $username
mkdir /etc/rsyncd
cat >/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.conf<<EOF
# Minimal configuration file for rsync daemon
# See rsync() and rsyncd.conf() man pages for help # This line is required by the /etc/init.d/rsyncd script
pid file = /var/run/rsyncd.pid
port =
#address = $serverip
#uid = nobody
#gid = nobody
uid = root
gid = root use chroot = yes
read only = yes #limit access to private LANs
hosts allow=$allowip
hosts deny=* max connections =
motd file = /etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.motd #This will give you a separate log file
#log file = /var/log/rsync.log #This will log every file transferred - up to ,+ per user, per sync
#transfer logging = yes log format = %t %a %m %f %b
syslog facility = local3
timeout = [home]
path = $rsyncpath
ignore errors
auth users = $username
secrets file = /etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets
echo "$username:$password" > /etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets
chmod /etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets
cat >/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.motd<<EOF
+ centos.bz rsync - +
/usr/bin/rsync --daemon --config=/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.conf
echo "/usr/bin/rsync --daemon --config=/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.conf" >>/etc/rc.d/rc.local
ps -aux | grep rsync
客户端配置密码文件 不需要用户名 只要密码 切记
/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets #只需密码
rsync -vzrtopg --progress --delete root@ /ranmufei/test/ --password-file=/etc/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets
客户端 运行以上代码同步home模块的配置 到本地 ranmufei/test/ 目录下!!
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