【oneday_onepage】——Microsoft addresses DevOps with InRelease technology
Microsoft addresses DevOps with InRelease technology
A Microsoft-branded version of InRelease will be available by year's end, the company promised
July 12, 2013, 7:24 PM — Microsoft has completed its purchase of InCycle's InRelease business unit, announced in June, and is now deploying the software to offer DevOps capabilities to its Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server users.
The company has released an InRelease preview for Visual Studio of the company's flagship software and has discussed how the software will be folded into Microsoft's line of development software.
"The real interest in DevOps is about figuring out how to streamline the delivery of the software from the developer's desktop to the production environment," said Brian Harry, Microsoft technical fellow in charge of Team Foundation Server (TFS), Microsoft's application lifecycle management product.
七月 12号 7:24PM
微软在六月宣布已经完成了对InCycle's InRelease 单元的购买。现在正在部署这个软件
为他的Visual Studio和 Team Foundation Server的使用者提供DevOps功能。
公司已经为公司的旗舰软件Visual Studio 发布了InRelease预览版。并且讨论了这个软件将会如何并入微软的开发软件路线。
微软的应用程序生命周期管理产品负责微软技术研究员Brian Harry说“DevOps真正有趣的是关于搞清楚了如何简化软件交付从开发人员的桌面到开发环境。
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