kudu中的flume sink代码路径:




  public List<Operation> getOperations(Event event) throws FlumeException {
try {
Insert insert = table.newInsert();
PartialRow row = insert.getRow();
row.addBinary(payloadColumn, event.getBody()); return Collections.singletonList((Operation) insert);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FlumeException("Failed to create Kudu Insert object", e);



package com.cloudera.kudu;
public class JsonKuduOperationsProducer implements KuduOperationsProducer {





package com.cloudera.kudu;

import com.google.common.collect.Lists;
import com.google.common.base.Preconditions;
import org.apache.avro.data.Json;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.apache.flume.Context;
import org.apache.flume.Event;
import org.apache.flume.FlumeException;
import org.apache.flume.annotations.InterfaceAudience;
import org.apache.flume.annotations.InterfaceStability;
import org.apache.kudu.ColumnSchema;
import org.apache.kudu.Schema;
import org.apache.kudu.Type;
import org.apache.kudu.client.KuduTable;
import org.apache.kudu.client.Operation;
import org.apache.kudu.client.PartialRow;
import org.apache.kudu.flume.sink.KuduOperationsProducer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.function.Function; @InterfaceAudience.Public
public class JsonKuduOperationsProducer implements KuduOperationsProducer {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonKuduOperationsProducer.class);
private static final String INSERT = "insert";
private static final String UPSERT = "upsert";
private static final List<String> validOperations = Lists.newArrayList(UPSERT, INSERT); public static final String ENCODING_PROP = "encoding";
public static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING = "utf-8";
public static final String OPERATION_PROP = "operation";
public static final String DEFAULT_OPERATION = UPSERT;
public static final String SKIP_MISSING_COLUMN_PROP = "skipMissingColumn";
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SKIP_MISSING_COLUMN = false;
public static final String SKIP_BAD_COLUMN_VALUE_PROP = "skipBadColumnValue";
public static final boolean DEFAULT_SKIP_BAD_COLUMN_VALUE = false;
public static final String WARN_UNMATCHED_ROWS_PROP = "skipUnmatchedRows";
public static final boolean DEFAULT_WARN_UNMATCHED_ROWS = true; private KuduTable table;
private Charset charset;
private String operation;
private boolean skipMissingColumn;
private boolean skipBadColumnValue;
private boolean warnUnmatchedRows; public JsonKuduOperationsProducer() {
} @Override
public void configure(Context context) {
String charsetName = context.getString(ENCODING_PROP, DEFAULT_ENCODING);
try {
charset = Charset.forName(charsetName);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new FlumeException(
String.format("Invalid or unsupported charset %s", charsetName), e);
operation = context.getString(OPERATION_PROP, DEFAULT_OPERATION).toLowerCase();
"Unrecognized operation '%s'",
skipMissingColumn = context.getBoolean(SKIP_MISSING_COLUMN_PROP,
skipBadColumnValue = context.getBoolean(SKIP_BAD_COLUMN_VALUE_PROP,
warnUnmatchedRows = context.getBoolean(WARN_UNMATCHED_ROWS_PROP,
} @Override
public void initialize(KuduTable table) {
this.table = table;
} @Override
public List<Operation> getOperations(Event event) throws FlumeException {
String raw = new String(event.getBody(), charset);
logger.info("get raw: " + raw);
List<Operation> ops = Lists.newArrayList();
if(raw != null && !raw.isEmpty()) {
JSONObject json = null;
//just pass if it is not a json
try {
json = new JSONObject(raw);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (json != null) {
Schema schema = table.getSchema();
Operation op;
switch (operation) {
case UPSERT:
op = table.newUpsert();
case INSERT:
op = table.newInsert();
throw new FlumeException(
String.format("Unrecognized operation type '%s' in getOperations(): " +
"this should never happen!", operation));
//just record the error event into log and pass
try {
PartialRow row = op.getRow();
for (ColumnSchema col : schema.getColumns()) {
try {
if (json.has(col.getName()) && json.get(col.getName()) != null) coerceAndSet(json.get(col.getName()), col.getName(), col.getType(), col.isKey(), col.isNullable(), col.getDefaultValue(), row);
else if (col.isKey() || !col.isNullable()) throw new RuntimeException("column : " + col.getName() + " is null or not exists in " + row);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
String msg = String.format(
"Raw value '%s' couldn't be parsed to type %s for column '%s'",
raw, col.getType(), col.getName());
logOrThrow(skipBadColumnValue, msg, e);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
String msg = String.format(
"Column '%s' has no matching group in '%s'",
col.getName(), raw);
logOrThrow(skipMissingColumn, msg, e);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("get error [" + e.getMessage() + "]: " + raw, e);
return ops;
} protected <T> T getValue(T defaultValue, Object val, boolean isKey, boolean isNullable, Object columnDefaultValue, boolean compressException, Function<String, T> fromStr) {
T result = defaultValue;
try {
if (val == null) {
if (isKey || !isNullable) {
throw new RuntimeException("column is key or not nullable");
if (columnDefaultValue != null && !"null".equals(columnDefaultValue)) {
if (columnDefaultValue instanceof String) result = fromStr.apply((String)columnDefaultValue);
else result = (T)columnDefaultValue;
} else {
boolean isConverted = false;
//handle: try to convert directly
// try {
// result = (T)val;
// isConverted = true;
// } catch (Exception e1) {
//// e1.printStackTrace();
// }
//handle: parse from string
if (!isConverted) result = fromStr.apply(val.toString());
} catch(Exception e) {
if (compressException) e.printStackTrace();
else throw e;
return result;
} private SimpleDateFormat[] sdfs = new SimpleDateFormat[]{
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.000'Z'"),
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"),
new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
for (SimpleDateFormat sdf : sdfs) sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
} private void coerceAndSet(Object rawVal, String colName, Type type, boolean isKey, boolean isNullable, Object defaultValue, PartialRow row)
throws NumberFormatException {
switch (type) {
case INT8:
row.addByte(colName, (rawVal != null && rawVal instanceof Boolean) ? (Boolean)rawVal ? (byte)1 : (byte)0 : this.getValue((byte)0, rawVal, isKey, isNullable, defaultValue, this.skipBadColumnValue, (String str) -> Byte.parseByte(str)));
case INT16:
row.addShort(colName, this.getValue((short)0, rawVal, isKey, isNullable, defaultValue, this.skipBadColumnValue, (String str) -> Short.parseShort(str)));
case INT32:
row.addInt(colName, this.getValue(0, rawVal, isKey, isNullable, defaultValue, this.skipBadColumnValue, (String str) -> Integer.parseInt(str)));
case INT64:
row.addLong(colName, this.getValue(0l, rawVal, isKey, isNullable, defaultValue, this.skipBadColumnValue, (String str) -> Long.parseLong(str)));
case BINARY:
row.addBinary(colName, rawVal == null ? new byte[0] : rawVal.toString().getBytes(charset));
case STRING:
row.addString(colName, rawVal == null ? "" : rawVal.toString());
case BOOL:
row.addBoolean(colName, this.getValue(false, rawVal, isKey, isNullable, defaultValue, this.skipBadColumnValue, (String str) -> Boolean.parseBoolean(str)));
case FLOAT:
row.addFloat(colName, this.getValue(0f, rawVal, isKey, isNullable, defaultValue, this.skipBadColumnValue, (String str) -> Float.parseFloat(str)));
case DOUBLE:
row.addDouble(colName, this.getValue(0d, rawVal, isKey, isNullable, defaultValue, this.skipBadColumnValue, (String str) -> Double.parseDouble(str)));
Long value = this.<Long>getValue(null, rawVal, isKey, isNullable, defaultValue, this.skipBadColumnValue, (String str) -> {
Long result = null;
if (str != null && !"".equals(str)) {
boolean isPatternOk =false;
//handle: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
if (str.contains("-") && str.contains(":")) {
for (SimpleDateFormat sdf : sdfs) {
try {
result = sdf.parse(str).getTime() * 1000;
isPatternOk = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
//handle: second, millisecond, microsecond
if (!isPatternOk && (str.length() == 10 || str.length() == 13 || str.length() == 16)) {
result = Long.parseLong(str);
if (str.length() == 10) result *= 1000000;
if (str.length() == 13) result *= 1000;
return result;
if (value != null) row.addLong(colName, value);
logger.warn("got unknown type {} for column '{}'-- ignoring this column", type, colName);
} private void logOrThrow(boolean log, String msg, Exception e)
throws FlumeException {
if (log) {
logger.warn(msg, e);
} else {
throw new FlumeException(msg, e);
} @Override
public void close() {

去掉类JsonStr2Map,主要是getValue和coerceAndSet配合,支持默认值,支持null,支持传递任意类型(自动适配处理),支持boolean转byte,时间类型支持yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss等pattern和秒、毫秒、微秒4种格式,并且会自动将秒和毫秒转成微秒;



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