Love is blind, hard to find, difficult to get, and impossible to forget.


It is almost impossible to find love, sincere love if we don't know ourselves, because we may not know who is our Mr. Right among those people me meet in our life.

Life is a crime, sometimes, it can break the world's laws, it makes us feel so fine, it doesn't see any flaws.

It is a wonderful feeling when there is someone who loves you.

Maybe she is not beautiful, she is not clever, but the love she dedicates to me really makes me feel very comfortable.

I enjoy that feeling, and I know I should take the responsiblities correspondingly to make her happy.

Idleness, like kisses, to be sweet must be stolen.


From Jerome K.Jerome.

Sitting around with nothing to do can drive one crazy, we must do something to make our life meaningful.

An idle mind is not just boring, but also unhappy, thus we must work, we need to be busy, not only to make our days full and enjoyable, but also to make ourselves grow up into useful men.

Remember, work contributes to personal status and also can foster humility and equality.

It requires individuality and it raises our social status and personal value.

It prepares us for the coming future.

So just get down to the business that can produce some benefits to the world.

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