1.Functions Defined for NLTK's Frequency Distributions

Example Description
fdist = FreqDist(samples) create a frequency distribution containing the given samples
fdist[sample] += 1 increment the count for this sample
fdist['monstrous'] count of the number of times a given sample occurred
fdist.freq('monstrous') frequency of a given sample
fdist.N() total number of samples
fdist.most_common(n) the n most common samples and their frequencies
for sample in fdist: iterate over the samples
fdist.max() sample with the greatest count
fdist.tabulate() tabulate the frequency distribution
fdist.plot() graphical plot of the frequency distribution
fdist.plot(cumulative=True) cumulative plot of the frequency distribution
fdist1 |= fdist2 update fdist1 with counts from fdist2
fdist1 < fdist2 test if samples in fdist1 occur less frequently than in fdist2

2.Some Word Comparison Operators

Function Meaning
s.startswith(t) test if s starts with t
s.endswith(t) test if s ends with t
t in s test if t is a substring of s
s.islower() test if s contains cased characters and all are lowercase
s.isupper() test if s contains cased characters and all are uppercase
s.isalpha() test if s is non-empty and all characters in s are alphabetic
s.isalnum() test if s is non-empty and all characters in s are alphanumeric
s.isdigit() test if s is non-empty and all characters in s are digits
s.istitle() test if s contains cased characters and is titlecased (i.e. all words in s have initial capitals)


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