
When you click right-click->Edit with Notepad ++ and get the error “ShellExecute failed (2): Is this command correct?” as seen below:

Solution of ShellExecute Failed (2) Error:

This problem seems to happen after setting Notepad++ to run as administrator on Windows.

To fix it, we will do the following:

1. Open the registry by pressing Win+R (window key and the “r” keys), following by entering “regedit” without the quotes and press enter

2. Go to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key as shown below

3. Search for “notepad++.exe” under that key which has an entry Edit with Notepad++ or Edit with &Notepadd++ (Below is an example)

4. Once found, delete the whole key (it is recommended to take a backup first using right-click->Export first)

If done correctly, the “Edit with Notepad ++” would disappear like shown in the below before/after figure.

Now we need to recreate it but a working version this time.

5. Go to


6. Create a new key under shell called OpenWithNotepad and create a subkey under that called command as seen below:

7. Inside the OpenWithNotepad key, set the (Default) string variable to “Edit with Notepad ++”

8. Create a new string variable called icon and set the value to path-to-notepad++.exe where path-to-notepad++.exe is the full path, e.g. C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe. In my case, I had to set it to C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe since I am running a windows 64-bit version.

9. Inside the command key, set the default string as "path-to-notepad++.exe" "%1" where path-to-notepad++.exe is the full path as we did in step 8

You are done, now you should find a working “Edit with Notepad++” that does not throw out the error in the beginning of this post.


以上是网络上的解决办法,我觉得只要在安装一边notepad 默认路径安装到Program Files (x86) 就可以解决这个问题,因为好多64为的软件安装后会出现这种类型的问题,例如PL/SQL developer.

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