January 18 2017 Week 3 Wednesday
True liberty is to have power over oneself in all things.
Liberty isn't meaning that you can do whatever you want, or you needn't do whatever you don't want.
Liberty is that you can control yourself in all things, in all conditions.
There are always things you don't want to happen, but they really happen, then you must control yourslef, your temper, your spirits, try to accept the reality, try to analyze where the problems lie and to find out some solutions.
Life is one fool thing after another whereas love is two fool things after each other.
I am not a fool, that may be the reason why I don't have love.
Try to be a fool sometimes, especailly while staying with the girl you want.
We all want to change, but we must know that we can't change in one moment, that is a process.
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