// This class provides a facility similar to the CRT atexit(), except that
// we control when the callbacks are executed. Under Windows for a DLL they
// happen at a really bad time and under the loader lock. This facility is
// mostly used by base::Singleton.
// The usage is simple. Early in the main() or WinMain() scope create an
// AtExitManager object on the stack:
// int main(...) {
// base::AtExitManager exit_manager;
// }
// When the exit_manager object goes out of scope, all the registered
// callbacks and singleton destructors will be called.



class AtExitManager {
// This constructor will allow this instance of AtExitManager to be created
// even if one already exists. This should only be used for testing!
// AtExitManagers are kept on a global stack, and it will be removed during
// destruction. This allows you to shadow another AtExitManager.
AtExitManager(bool shadow); public:
typedef void (*AtExitCallbackType)(void*); AtExitManager(); // The dtor calls all the registered callbacks. Do not try to register more
// callbacks after this point.
~AtExitManager(); // Registers the specified function to be called at exit. The prototype of
// the callback function is void func().
static void RegisterCallback(AtExitCallbackType func, void* param); // Calls the functions registered with RegisterCallback in LIFO order. It
// is possible to register new callbacks after calling this function.
static void ProcessCallbacksNow();


int main(...)
base::AtExitManager exit_manager; ....


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