
string appDomainPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"\";
if (isWebApp)
appDomainPath = System.Web.HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath + @"bin\";
string SavePath = string.Format(@"{0}pdfTemplate\{1}{2}.{3}", appDomainPath, saveFileName, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff"), "pdf");
string ImageLogoPath = string.Format(@"{0}pdfTemplate\{1}.{2}", appDomainPath, "logo", "jpg");
string ImageLogoERcodePath = string.Format(@"{0}pdfTemplate\{1}.{2}", appDomainPath, "logoErcode", "png"); using (Document document = new Document())
string chinese = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Fonts), "simhei.ttf");
BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(chinese, BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED);
Font cn = new Font(baseFont, 12, Font.NORMAL);
Font fontToLabel = new Font(baseFont, 10, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.BLACK);
Font fontToValue = new Font(baseFont, 12, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);
Font fontToValue8 = new Font(baseFont, 10, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK);
Font fontLIGHT_GRAY = new Font(baseFont, 10, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(@SavePath, FileMode.Create));
PdfContentByte ConByte_Up = writer.DirectContent;//当前页
#region header title //最后一个参数是颜色,这里可以是rgb格式,也可以是默认定义的
Phrase Phr_HeaderTitle = new Phrase("x x 书", new Font(baseFont, 22, Font.BOLD, BaseColor.BLACK));
ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(ConByte_Up, Element.ALIGN_CENTER, Phr_HeaderTitle, 300, 786, 0); //add logo
Image imgLogo = Image.GetInstance(ImageLogoPath);
AddImageToDoc(writer, imgLogo, 3, 744 + imgLogo.Height); Image imgLogoERcode = Image.GetInstance(ImageLogoERcodePath);
AddImageToDoc(writer, imgLogoERcode, 510, 720 + imgLogo.Height, 0.4f); #endregion #region header 头部内容 AddNewLable(dicTitle, "致:", "QHContactPerson", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 3, 720); AddNewLable(dicTitle, "我司", "JJCompanyNa", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 3, 690);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "委派", "kyename", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 180, 690);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "于", "GoodsTime", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 160 * 2, 690, 20);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "至贵处取货,请予以配合。", "", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 150 * 3, 690);
#endregion float Tleft = 18f;
float TcurrLableYSum = 792 - 72 * 2;
float TcurrLabelWidth = 60f;
float TcurrWidthAdd = 200f;
float TcurrHeigthAdd = 25f; #region header 头部详细内容 792 #region 加背影 ConByte_Up.SetColorFill(BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY);
ConByte_Up.Rectangle(6, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd * 4 + 15, 580, TcurrHeigthAdd * 4.3);
ConByte_Up.Stroke(); ConByte_Up.SetColorStroke(BaseColor.GRAY);
ConByte_Up.MoveTo(TcurrWidthAdd + Tleft - 8, TcurrLableYSum + 20);
ConByte_Up.SetLineDash(3f, 3f);
ConByte_Up.LineTo(TcurrWidthAdd + Tleft - 8, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd * 2 - 30);
ConByte_Up.Stroke(); ConByte_Up.SetColorStroke(BaseColor.GRAY);
ConByte_Up.MoveTo(TcurrWidthAdd * 2 + Tleft - 8, TcurrLableYSum + 20);
ConByte_Up.SetLineDash(3f, 3f);
ConByte_Up.LineTo(TcurrWidthAdd * 2 + Tleft - 8, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd * 2 - 30);
ConByte_Up.Stroke(); #endregion
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "取货联系人", "QHContactPerson", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, Tleft, TcurrLableYSum, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, TcurrLabelWidth);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "寄件公司", "JJCompanyNa", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, TcurrWidthAdd + Tleft, TcurrLableYSum, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, TcurrLabelWidth);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "取货司机", "QHMan", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, (TcurrWidthAdd * 2) + Tleft, TcurrLableYSum, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, TcurrLabelWidth);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "联系方式", "QHContactWay", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, Tleft, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, TcurrLabelWidth);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "寄件人", "JJContactPerson", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, TcurrWidthAdd + Tleft, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, TcurrLabelWidth);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "取货车牌号", "QHCar", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, (TcurrWidthAdd * 2) + Tleft, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, TcurrLabelWidth);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "取货地址", "QHAddress", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue8, Tleft, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd * 2, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, TcurrLabelWidth, true, 200, 15);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "联系方式", "JJContactWay", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, TcurrWidthAdd + Tleft, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd * 2, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, TcurrLabelWidth);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "司机联系方式", "QHManContactWay", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, (TcurrWidthAdd * 2) + Tleft, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd * 2, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, TcurrLabelWidth); //备注
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "备注:", "JJRemark", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, Tleft, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd * 4, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, TcurrLabelWidth, true, 550, 15); //签字
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "签字:", "Siger", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, (TcurrWidthAdd) + Tleft * 3, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd * 8, 30);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "日期:", "SigerDate", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, (TcurrWidthAdd * 2), TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd * 8, 30); #endregion var getPageOne = dicList.Take(2);
#region 明细第一页,最多两个 AddListDetails(dicTitle, fontToLabel, fontToValue, fontToValue8, fontLIGHT_GRAY,
writer, ConByte_Up, TcurrLableYSum - TcurrHeigthAdd * 10, TcurrHeigthAdd, getPageOne); //页数
string pageSize = string.Format("页码:{0}/{1}", 1, 1); #endregion #region 明细第n页,每页最多4个
var getPageGetMoreTow = dicList.Skip(2); var currNextList = getPageGetMoreTow.Take(4);
var AllPageSize = Math.Ceiling(getPageGetMoreTow.Count() / 4F);
if (AllPageSize > 0)
pageSize = string.Format("页码:{0}/{1}", 1, AllPageSize);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, pageSize, "", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 300, 10, Element.ALIGN_CENTER); int runNM = 0;
while (currNextList.Count() > 0)
document.NewPage(); AddListDetails(dicTitle, fontToLabel, fontToValue, fontToValue8, fontLIGHT_GRAY,
writer, ConByte_Up, 800, TcurrHeigthAdd, currNextList, true); //下次
currNextList = getPageGetMoreTow.Skip(4 * runNM).Take(4); //页数
pageSize = string.Format("页码:{0}/{1}", runNM + 1, AllPageSize);
AddNewLable(dicTitle, pageSize, "", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 300, 10, Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
} #endregion ////新页面
//AddImageToDoc(writer, imgLogo, 3, 744 + imgLogo.Height);
//AddImageToDoc(writer, imgLogoERcode, 510, 720 + imgLogo.Height, 0.4f); }


private int AddListDetails(Dictionary<string, string> dicTitle, Font fontToLabel, Font fontToValue, Font fontToValue8,
Font fontLIGHT_GRAY, PdfWriter writer, PdfContentByte ConByte_Up, float TcurrBaseY, float TcurrHeigthAdd, IEnumerable<Dictionary<string, string>> getPageOne, bool hasPage = false)
int beseRun = 0;
foreach (var item in getPageOne)
if (!hasPage)
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "--------------------------------------------------由此撕开--------------------------------------------------", "",
ConByte_Up, fontLIGHT_GRAY, fontToValue, 300, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (beseRun * 8) + TcurrHeigthAdd, Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
} if (item.ContainsKey("YDCode"))
var YDCode = item["YDCode"];
var ydcode1Image = GetImageCode128(YDCode);
var ydcode1ImageToPost = GetImageToPoint(ydcode1Image, 0.45f, 0, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (beseRun * 8) - TcurrHeigthAdd * 3.5f);
} AddNewLable(item, "", "YDCode", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 20, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (beseRun * 8) - TcurrHeigthAdd * 4);
AddNewLable(item, "收件公司:", "SJCompanyNa", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 180, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (beseRun * 8), Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45);
AddNewLable(item, "收件地址", "SJAddress", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue8, 380, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (beseRun * 8), Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 18); if (item.ContainsKey("DeliveryDetail"))
var getdeliveryDetails = item["DeliveryDetail"].JsonTo<List<GoodsInfo>>();
if (getdeliveryDetails != null && getdeliveryDetails.Count > 0)
ConByte_Up.Rectangle(180 - 2, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (2 + beseRun * 8) - 3, 380, 15);
ConByte_Up.Stroke(); //货物详情明细:
AddNewLable(item, "型号", "", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 180, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (2 + beseRun * 8), Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15);
AddNewLable(item, "名称", "", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 180 + 80 * 1, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (2 + beseRun * 8), Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15);
AddNewLable(item, "件数", "", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 180 + 80 * 2, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (2 + beseRun * 8), Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15);
AddNewLable(item, "其它内容1", "", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 180 + 80 * 3, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (2 + beseRun * 8), Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15);
AddNewLable(item, "其它内容2", "", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 180 + 80 * 4, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (2 + beseRun * 8), Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15); int currRun2 = 0;
foreach (var item2 in getdeliveryDetails)
AddNewLable(item, item2.Model, "", ConByte_Up, fontToValue8, fontToLabel, 180, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (3 + beseRun * 8) - currRun2 * TcurrHeigthAdd, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15);
AddNewLable(item, item2.Name, "", ConByte_Up, fontToValue8, fontToLabel, 180 + 80 * 1, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (3 + beseRun * 8) - currRun2 * TcurrHeigthAdd, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15);
AddNewLable(item, item2.Quantity, "", ConByte_Up, fontToValue8, fontToLabel, 180 + 80 * 2, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (3 + beseRun * 8) - currRun2 * TcurrHeigthAdd, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15);
AddNewLable(item, item2.Other1, "", ConByte_Up, fontToValue8, fontToLabel, 180 + 80 * 3, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (3 + beseRun * 8) - currRun2 * TcurrHeigthAdd, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15);
AddNewLable(item, item2.Other2, "", ConByte_Up, fontToValue8, fontToLabel, 180 + 80 * 4, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (3 + beseRun * 8) - currRun2 * TcurrHeigthAdd, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15); currRun2++;
AddNewLable(item, "货物详情:", "DeliveryDetail", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 180, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (2 + beseRun * 8), Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15); }
AddNewLable(item, "货物详情:", "DeliveryDetail", ConByte_Up, fontToLabel, fontToValue, 180, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (2 + beseRun * 8), Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 45, true, 550, 15); } beseRun++; if (beseRun < getPageOne.Count())
AddNewLable(dicTitle, "--------------------------------------------------由此撕开--------------------------------------------------", "",
ConByte_Up, fontLIGHT_GRAY, fontToValue, 300, TcurrBaseY - TcurrHeigthAdd * (beseRun * 8) + TcurrHeigthAdd, Element.ALIGN_CENTER);
} return beseRun;
} private static void AddNewLable(Dictionary<string, string> dic, string lableName, string keyName, PdfContentByte ConByte_Up, Font fontToLabel, Font fontToValue, float x, float y, int ealign = Element.ALIGN_LEFT, float w = 30, bool isMuli = false, float muliWidth = 130, float muliHeightAdd = 30, float rotation = 0)
if (y <= 0)
y = 10;
if (!lableName.IsNullOrEmpty())
Phrase Phr_lable = new Phrase(lableName, fontToLabel);
ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(ConByte_Up, ealign, Phr_lable, x, y, rotation);
} string GetValue = dic.ContainsKey(keyName) ? dic[keyName] : "";
if (!GetValue.IsNullOrEmpty())
if (isMuli)
ColumnText column = new ColumnText(ConByte_Up);
column.SetSimpleColumn(new Phrase(GetValue, fontToValue), muliWidth, 0, x + w, y + muliHeightAdd, 15, Element.ALIGN_TOP); column.Go();
{ Phrase Phr_Value = new Phrase(GetValue, fontToValue);
ColumnText.ShowTextAligned(ConByte_Up, ealign, Phr_Value, x + w, y, rotation);
} private static void AddImageToDoc(PdfWriter writer, Image img, float x, float y, float percent = 1)
img.ScalePercent(percent * 100);
//图片定位,页面总宽283,高416;这里设置0,0的话就是页面的左下角 让图片的中心点与页面的中心店进行重合
img.SetAbsolutePosition(x, y);
} /// <summary>
/// 用于xx书
/// </summary>
public string PDFWithAddImage(string filePath, string filePath2, string ydcode1)
using (Stream inputPdfStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
using (Stream outputPdfStream = new FileStream(filePath2, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
var reader = new PdfReader(inputPdfStream);
var stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, outputPdfStream);
var pdfContentByte = stamper.GetOverContent(1); //插入图片
var ydcode1Image = GetImageCode128(ydcode1);
//var ydcode2Image = GetImageCode128(ydcode1); var ydcode1ImageToPost = GetImageToPoint(ydcode1Image, 0.5f, 2, 340);
var ydcode2ImageToPost = GetImageToPoint(ydcode1Image, 0.5f, 2, 170); pdfContentByte.AddImage(ydcode1ImageToPost);
pdfContentByte.AddImage(ydcode2ImageToPost); stamper.Close();
return filePath2; }
public Image GetImageToPoint(System.Drawing.Image image, float percentage, float x, float y)
Image img = Image.GetInstance(image, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); //这里用计算出来的百分比来缩小图片
img.ScalePercent(percentage * 100); img.ScaleAbsoluteHeight(img.PlainHeight * 4); //图片定位,页面总宽283,高416;这里设置0,0的话就是页面的左下角 让图片的中心点与页面的中心店进行重合
img.SetAbsolutePosition(x, y);
return img;
public void DeleteFile(string saveFilePath)
catch (Exception ex)

3 字体相关

BaseFont baseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont("C:\\WINDOWS\\FONTS\\msyhbd.TTC,0", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED);

4 条码


   public System.Drawing.Image GetImageCode128(string codetext)
System.Drawing.Image ydcodeImage = Code128Rendering.MakeBarcodeImage(codetext, 2, true); return ydcodeImage;

5 获对象属性值

 public Dictionary<string, string> getProperties<T>(T t)
Dictionary<string, string> tStr = new Dictionary<string, string>();
if (t == null)
return tStr;
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] properties = t.GetType().GetProperties(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public); if (properties.Length <= 0)
return tStr;
foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo item in properties)
string name = item.Name;
object value = item.GetValue(t, null);
if (item.PropertyType.IsValueType || item.PropertyType.Name.StartsWith("String"))
tStr.Add(name, value.ToNotNullString());
return tStr;

6 向pdf中加内容图片什么的

  public string PDFWithAddImage(string filePath, string filePath2, string ydcode1)
using (Stream inputPdfStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
using (Stream outputPdfStream = new FileStream(filePath2, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None))
var reader = new PdfReader(inputPdfStream);
var stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, outputPdfStream);
var pdfContentByte = stamper.GetOverContent(1); //插入图片
var ydcode1Image = GetImageCode128(ydcode1);
//var ydcode2Image = GetImageCode128(ydcode1); var ydcode1ImageToPost = GetImageToPoint(ydcode1Image, 0.5f, 2, 340);
var ydcode2ImageToPost = GetImageToPoint(ydcode1Image, 0.5f, 2, 170); pdfContentByte.AddImage(ydcode1ImageToPost);
pdfContentByte.AddImage(ydcode2ImageToPost); stamper.Close();
return filePath2; }




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