1. 引言
Linux是单内核架构(monolithic kernel),大多数内核子系统和模块是相互独立的,它们被动态地加载或卸载,以使内核变得小巧和可扩展.然而,子系统或模块之间需要通信,或者说某个特定模块扑捉到的事件可能其它模块对此感兴趣,这就需要一种机制来满足子系统或模块之间交互的需求.
- 通知链表只能够在内核的子系统之间使用,而不能够在内核与用户空间之间进行事件的通知.
- 通知链表是一个函数链表,链表上的每一个节点都注册了一个函数.当某个事情发生时,链表上所有节点对应的函数就会被执行.所以对于通知链表来说有一个通知方(主机)与一个接收方(订阅者).
- 在通知这个事件时所运行的函数由被通知方(订阅者通过回调函数)决定,实际上也即是被通知方注册(订阅者实现)了某个函数,在发生某个事件时这些函数就得到执行.
2. 数据结构
清单1. 原子通知链(Atomic notifier chains):
- 1 struct atomic_notifier_head {
- 2 spinlock_t lock; /*锁*/
- 3 struct notifier_block *head;
- 4 };
清单2. 可阻塞通知链(Blocking notifier chains):
- 1 struct blocking_notifier_head {
- 2 struct rw_semaphore rwsem; /*读写控制信号量*/
- 3 struct notifier_block *head;
- 4 };
清单3. 原始通知链(Raw notifier chains):
- 1 struct raw_notifier_head {
- 2 struct notifier_block *head;
- 3 };
清单4. SRCU 通知链(SRCU notifier chains):
可阻塞通知链的一种变体,(SRCU)Sleepable Read Copy Update 的链表通知,与block链表通知类似,不同在处理锁与保护上,SRCU在调用通知时的系统开销小,而从通知链表中去除通知调用的系统开销大,因此适合用在调用通知频繁,而移除调用通知少的情况中
- 1 struct srcu_notifier_head {
- 2 struct mutex mutex;
- 3 struct srcu_struct srcu;
- 4 struct notifier_block *head;
- 5 };
清单5. 基本的通知块结构(notifier_block):

- 1 struct notifier_block {
- 2 int (*notifier_call)(struct notifier_block *, unsigned long, void *); /*回调函数*/
- 3 struct notifier_block *next; /*指向链表的下一个元素节点,这是一个单向链表*/
- 4 int priority; /*该块的优先级, 在链表中各个块是按此优先级值进
- 5 *行排序的, 值大的在链表前, 表明
- 6 *相应回调函数执行的顺序*/
- 7 };

3. 运行机制
- 被通知者(订阅者):对某一事件感兴趣一方,定义了当事件发生时,相应的处理函数,即回调函数.但需要事先将其注册到通知链中(被通知者注册的动作就是在通知链中增加一项).
- 通知者(主机):事件的通知者.当检测到某事件,或者本身产生事件时,通知所有对该事件感兴趣的一方事件发生.他定义了一个通知链,其中保存了每一个被通知者对事件的处理函数(回调函数).通知这个过程实际上就是遍历通知链中的每一项,然后调用相应的事件处理函数.
- 通知者(主机)定义通知链;
- 被通知者(订阅者)向通知链中注册回调函数;
- 当事件发生时,通知者(主机)发出通知(执行通知链中所有元素的回调函数).
清单6. notifier_chain_register函数:
被通知者(订阅者)调用 notifier_chain_register函数注册回调函数,该函数按照优先级将回调函数加入到通知链中:

- 1 /*
- 2 * Notifier chain core routines. The exported routines below
- 3 * are layered on top of these, with appropriate locking added.
- 4 */
- 5 /*nl是链表头块的地址, n是要添加到该链表的通知块*/
- 6 static int notifier_chain_register(struct notifier_block **nl,
- 7 struct notifier_block *n)
- 8 {
- 9 while ((*nl) != NULL) { /*使用的是dummy header算法, 即使刚开始时链表为空也不用显示判断区分*/
- 10 if (n->priority > (*nl)->priority) /*判断优先权值, 优先权值越大位置越靠前*/
- 11 break;
- 12 nl = &((*nl)->next);
- 13 }
- 14 n->next = *nl; /*将节点n链接到链表nl中的合适位置*/
- 15 rcu_assign_pointer(*nl, n); /*使用rcu处理函数保证SMP下的安全性, 相当于加上锁再赋值*/
- 16 return 0;
- 17 }

清单7. notifier_chain_unregister函数:

- 1 /*nl是链表头块的地址, n是要删除的通知块*/
- 2 static int notifier_chain_unregister(struct notifier_block **nl,
- 3 struct notifier_block *n)
- 4 {
- 5 while ((*nl) != NULL) {
- 6 if ((*nl) == n) {
- 7 rcu_assign_pointer(*nl, n->next); /* *nl=n->next的安全赋值操作,相当于将节点从链表断开*/
- 8 return 0;
- 9 }
- 10 nl = &((*nl)->next);
- 11 }
- 12 return -ENOENT;
- 13 }

清单8. notifier_call_chain函数:
通知者(主机)调用 notifier_call_chain函数通知事件的到达,这个函数会遍历通知链中所有的元素,然后依次调用每一个的回调函数(即完成通知动作):

- 1 /**
- 2 * notifier_call_chain - Informs the registered notifiers about an event.
- 3 * @nl: Pointer to head of the blocking notifier chain
- 4 * @val: Value passed unmodified to notifier function
- 5 * @v: Pointer passed unmodified to notifier function
- 6 * @nr_to_call: Number of notifier functions to be called. Don't care
- 7 * value of this parameter is -1.
- 8 * @nr_calls: Records the number of notifications sent. Don't care
- 9 * value of this field is NULL.
- 10 * @returns: notifier_call_chain returns the value returned by the
- 11 * last notifier function called.
- 12 */
- 13 static int __kprobes notifier_call_chain(struct notifier_block **nl,
- 14 unsigned long val, void *v,
- 15 int nr_to_call, int *nr_calls)
- 16 {
- 17 int ret = NOTIFY_DONE;
- 18 struct notifier_block *nb, *next_nb;
- 19
- 20 nb = rcu_dereference(*nl); /*安全地获取通知块指针*/
- 21
- 22 while (nb && nr_to_call) { /*链表循环*/
- 23 next_nb = rcu_dereference(nb->next); /*找下一个块*/
- 24
- 26 if (unlikely(!func_ptr_is_kernel_text(nb->notifier_call))) {
- 27 WARN(1, "Invalid notifier called!");
- 28 nb = next_nb;
- 29 continue;
- 30 }
- 31 #endif
- 32 ret = nb->notifier_call(nb, val, v); /*执行订阅者注册的回调函数,对此通知做出响应*/
- 33
- 34 if (nr_calls)
- 35 (*nr_calls)++;
- 36
- 37 if ((ret & NOTIFY_STOP_MASK) == NOTIFY_STOP_MASK) /*如果返回停止标志, 不执行后续结构*/
- 38 break;
- 39 nb = next_nb; /*循环执行,进入下一个节点*/
- 40 nr_to_call--;
- 41 }
- 42 return ret;
- 43 }

- NOTIFY_DONE:表示对相关的事件类型不关心;
- NOTIFY_OK:顺利执行;
- NOTIFY_BAD:执行有错;
- NOTIFY_STOP:停止执行后面的回调函数;
- Notifier_call_chain()把最后一个被调用的回调函数的返回值作为它的返回值.
4. 应用实例
- 首先是定义自己的通知链的头节点,并将要执行的函数注册到自己的通知链中;
- 其次则是由另外的子系统来通知这个链,让其上面注册的函数运行.
清单9. buildchain.c
清单10. regchain.c
清单11. notify.c
清单12. Makefile

- 1 obj-m:=buildchain.o regchain.o notify.o
- 2 CURRENT_PATH := $(shell pwd)
- 3 LINUX_KERNEL := $(shell uname -r)
- 4 KERNELDIR := /usr/src/linux-headers-$(LINUX_KERNEL)
- 5
- 6 all:
- 7 make -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(CURRENT_PATH) modules
- 8
- 9 clean:
- 10
- 11 make -C $(KERNELDIR) M=$(CURRENT_PATH) clean

清单13. compile&load
- 1 #make
- 2
- 3 #insmod buildchain.ko
- 4 #insmod regchain.ko
- 5 #insmod notify.ko
清单14. result

- 1 init_notifier
- 2 Begin to register:
- 3 register test_notifier1 completed
- 4 register test_notifier2 completed
- 5 register test_notifier3 completed
- 6 Begin to notify:
- 7 ==============================
- 8 In Event 1: Event Number is 1
- 9 In Event 2: Event Number is 1
- 10 In Event 3: Event Number is 1
- 11 ==============================

5. 通知头结构的有关宏
清单15. Head-macro

- 1 /*以下是一些宏来初始化各种类型的通知头结构, 一般在程序中使用*/
- 2 #define ATOMIC_INIT_NOTIFIER_HEAD(name) do{ \
- 3 spin_lock_init(&(name)->lock); \
- 4 (name)->head =NULL; \
- 5 } while (0)
- 6
- 7 #define BLOCKING_INIT_NOTIFIER_HEAD(name) do{ \
- 8 init_rwsem(&(name)->rwsem); \
- 9 (name)->head =NULL; \
- 10 } while (0)
- 11
- 12 #define RAW_INIT_NOTIFIER_HEAD(name) do{ \
- 13 (name)->head =NULL; \
- 14 } while (0)
- 15
- 16
- 17 /*以下这些宏也是用来初始化各种类型的通知头结构,但是在参数定义时使用(即作为赋值的右半部分,作为等号右边的部分)*/
- 18 #define ATOMIC_NOTIFIER_INIT(name){ \
- 19 .lock =__SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED(name.lock), \
- 20 .head = NULL }
- 21 #define BLOCKING_NOTIFIER_INIT(name){ \
- 22 .rwsem =__RWSEM_INITIALIZER((name).rwsem), \
- 23 .head = NULL }
- 24 #defineRAW_NOTIFIER_INIT(name) { \
- 25 .head = NULL }
- 26
- 27 /*注意, 没有定义scru通知头结构的初始化, 因为scru是不能静态初始化的.*/
- 28
- 29
- 30 /*以下这些宏用来直接定义通知头结构*/
- 31 #defineATOMIC_NOTIFIER_HEAD(name) \
- 32 struct atomic_notifier_head name= \
- 34 #defineBLOCKING_NOTIFIER_HEAD(name) \
- 35 struct blocking_notifier_head name= \
- 37 #defineRAW_NOTIFIER_HEAD(name) \
- 38 struct raw_notifier_head name= \

6. 扩展的通知块操作
6.1 原子通知块
6.1.1 登记

- 1 /**
- 2 * atomic_notifier_chain_register - Add notifier to an atomic notifier chain
- 3 * @nh: Pointer to head of the atomic notifier chain
- 4 * @n: New entry in notifier chain
- 5 *
- 6 * Adds a notifier to an atomic notifier chain.
- 7 *
- 8 * Currently always returns zero.
- 9 */
- 10 /*只在基本通知登记操作前后加锁进行保护*/
- 11 int atomic_notifier_chain_register(struct atomic_notifier_head *nh,
- 12 struct notifier_block *n)
- 13 {
- 14 unsigned long flags;
- 15 int ret;
- 16
- 17 spin_lock_irqsave(&nh->lock, flags); /*加锁*/
- 18 ret = notifier_chain_register(&nh->head, n);
- 19 spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nh->lock, flags); /*解锁*/
- 20 return ret;
- 21 }
- 22 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(atomic_notifier_chain_register);

6.1.2 撤销

- 1 /**
- 2 * atomic_notifier_chain_unregister - Remove notifier from an atomic notifier chain
- 3 * @nh: Pointer to head of the atomic notifier chain
- 4 * @n: Entry to remove from notifier chain
- 5 *
- 6 * Removes a notifier from an atomic notifier chain.
- 7 *
- 8 * Returns zero on success or %-ENOENT on failure.
- 9 */
- 10 /*只是在基本通知块撤销操作前后加锁解锁进行保护*/
- 11 int atomic_notifier_chain_unregister(struct atomic_notifier_head *nh,
- 12 struct notifier_block *n)
- 13 {
- 14 unsigned long flags;
- 15 int ret;
- 16
- 17 spin_lock_irqsave(&nh->lock, flags); /*加锁*/
- 18 ret = notifier_chain_unregister(&nh->head, n);
- 19 spin_unlock_irqrestore(&nh->lock, flags); /*解锁*/
- 20 synchronize_rcu(); /*同步rcu, 等待一个grace period*/
- 21 return ret;
- 22 }
- 23 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(atomic_notifier_chain_unregister);

6.1.3 原子回调

- 1 /**
- 2 * __atomic_notifier_call_chain - Call functions in an atomic notifier chain
- 3 * @nh: Pointer to head of the atomic notifier chain
- 4 * @val: Value passed unmodified to notifier function
- 5 * @v: Pointer passed unmodified to notifier function
- 6 * @nr_to_call: See the comment for notifier_call_chain.
- 7 * @nr_calls: See the comment for notifier_call_chain.
- 8 *
- 9 * Calls each function in a notifier chain in turn. The functions
- 10 * run in an atomic context, so they must not block.
- 11 * This routine uses RCU to synchronize with changes to the chain.
- 12 *
- 13 * If the return value of the notifier can be and'ed
- 14 * with %NOTIFY_STOP_MASK then atomic_notifier_call_chain()
- 15 * will return immediately, with the return value of
- 16 * the notifier function which halted execution.
- 17 * Otherwise the return value is the return value
- 18 * of the last notifier function called.
- 19 */
- 20 int __kprobes __atomic_notifier_call_chain(struct atomic_notifier_head *nh,
- 21 unsigned long val, void *v,
- 22 int nr_to_call, int *nr_calls)
- 23 {
- 24 int ret;
- 25
- 26 rcu_read_lock(); /*禁止抢占*/
- 27 ret = notifier_call_chain(&nh->head, val, v, nr_to_call, nr_calls); /*使用基本通知块回调*/
- 28 rcu_read_unlock(); /*使能抢占*/
- 29 return ret;
- 30 }
- 31 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(__atomic_notifier_call_chain);
- 32
- 33 /*这个函数是在原子操作上下文中调用, 是不能阻塞的*/
- 34 int __kprobes atomic_notifier_call_chain(struct atomic_notifier_head *nh,
- 35 unsigned long val, void *v)
- 36 {
- 37 return __atomic_notifier_call_chain(nh, val, v, -1, NULL);
- 38 }
- 39 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(atomic_notifier_call_chain);

6.2 可阻塞通知块
6.2.1 登记

- 1 /**
- 2 * blocking_notifier_chain_register - Add notifier to a blocking notifier chain
- 3 * @nh: Pointer to head of the blocking notifier chain
- 4 * @n: New entry in notifier chain
- 5 *
- 6 * Adds a notifier to a blocking notifier chain.
- 7 * Must be called in process context.
- 8 *
- 9 * Currently always returns zero.
- 10 */
- 11 int blocking_notifier_chain_register(struct blocking_notifier_head *nh,
- 12 struct notifier_block *n)
- 13 {
- 14 int ret;
- 15
- 16 /*
- 17 * This code gets used during boot-up, when task switching is
- 18 * not yet working and interrupts must remain disabled. At
- 19 * such times we must not call down_write().
- 20 */
- 21 if (unlikely(system_state == SYSTEM_BOOTING)) /*此时是不能阻塞*/
- 22 return notifier_chain_register(&nh->head, n);
- 23
- 24 down_write(&nh->rwsem); /*使用信号灯进行同步, 可能阻塞*/
- 25 ret = notifier_chain_register(&nh->head, n); /*基本登记函数*/
- 26 up_write(&nh->rwsem); /*释放信号量*/
- 27 return ret;
- 28 }
- 29 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(blocking_notifier_chain_register);

6.2.2 撤销

- 1 /**
- 2 * blocking_notifier_chain_unregister - Remove notifier from a blocking notifier chain
- 3 * @nh: Pointer to head of the blocking notifier chain
- 4 * @n: Entry to remove from notifier chain
- 5 *
- 6 * Removes a notifier from a blocking notifier chain.
- 7 * Must be called from process context.
- 8 *
- 9 * Returns zero on success or %-ENOENT on failure.
- 10 */
- 11 /*该函数是在进程处理过程中调用,可阻塞*/
- 12 int blocking_notifier_chain_unregister(struct blocking_notifier_head *nh,
- 13 struct notifier_block *n)
- 14 {
- 15 int ret;
- 16
- 17 /*
- 18 * This code gets used during boot-up, when task switching is
- 19 * not yet working and interrupts must remain disabled. At
- 20 * such times we must not call down_write().
- 21 */
- 22 if (unlikely(system_state == SYSTEM_BOOTING))
- 23 return notifier_chain_unregister(&nh->head, n);
- 24
- 25 down_write(&nh->rwsem);
- 26 ret = notifier_chain_unregister(&nh->head, n);
- 27 up_write(&nh->rwsem);
- 28 return ret;
- 29 }
- 30 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(blocking_notifier_chain_unregister);

6.2.3 回调

- 1 /**
- 2 * __blocking_notifier_call_chain - Call functions in a blocking notifier chain
- 3 * @nh: Pointer to head of the blocking notifier chain
- 4 * @val: Value passed unmodified to notifier function
- 5 * @v: Pointer passed unmodified to notifier function
- 6 * @nr_to_call: See comment for notifier_call_chain.
- 7 * @nr_calls: See comment for notifier_call_chain.
- 8 *
- 9 * Calls each function in a notifier chain in turn. The functions
- 10 * run in a process context, so they are allowed to block.
- 11 *
- 12 * If the return value of the notifier can be and'ed
- 13 * with %NOTIFY_STOP_MASK then blocking_notifier_call_chain()
- 14 * will return immediately, with the return value of
- 15 * the notifier function which halted execution.
- 16 * Otherwise the return value is the return value
- 17 * of the last notifier function called.
- 18 */
- 19 int __blocking_notifier_call_chain(struct blocking_notifier_head *nh,
- 20 unsigned long val, void *v,
- 21 int nr_to_call, int *nr_calls)
- 22 {
- 23 int ret = NOTIFY_DONE;
- 24
- 25 /*
- 26 * We check the head outside the lock, but if this access is
- 27 * racy then it does not matter what the result of the test
- 28 * is, we re-check the list after having taken the lock anyway:
- 29 */
- 30 if (rcu_dereference(nh->head)) {
- 31 down_read(&nh->rwsem);
- 32 ret = notifier_call_chain(&nh->head, val, v, nr_to_call,
- 33 nr_calls);
- 34 up_read(&nh->rwsem);
- 35 }
- 36 return ret;
- 37 }
- 38 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(__blocking_notifier_call_chain);
- 39 /*在进行上下文中调用, 可以阻塞*/
- 40 int blocking_notifier_call_chain(struct blocking_notifier_head *nh,
- 41 unsigned long val, void *v)
- 42 {
- 43 return __blocking_notifier_call_chain(nh, val, v, -1, NULL);
- 44 }
- 45 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(blocking_notifier_call_chain);

6.3 原始通知块操作

- 1 /*
- 2 * Raw notifier chain routines. There is no protection;
- 3 * the caller must provide it. Use at your own risk!
- 4 */
- 5
- 6 /**
- 7 * raw_notifier_chain_register - Add notifier to a raw notifier chain
- 8 * @nh: Pointer to head of the raw notifier chain
- 9 * @n: New entry in notifier chain
- 10 *
- 11 * Adds a notifier to a raw notifier chain.
- 12 * All locking must be provided by the caller.
- 13 *
- 14 * Currently always returns zero.
- 15 */
- 16 /*
- 17 和基本原始块操作完全相同*/
- 18 int raw_notifier_chain_register(struct raw_notifier_head *nh,
- 19 struct notifier_block *n)
- 20 {
- 21 return notifier_chain_register(&nh->head, n);
- 22 }
- 23 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(raw_notifier_chain_register);
- 24
- 25 /**
- 26 * raw_notifier_chain_unregister - Remove notifier from a raw notifier chain
- 27 * @nh: Pointer to head of the raw notifier chain
- 28 * @n: Entry to remove from notifier chain
- 29 *
- 30 * Removes a notifier from a raw notifier chain.
- 31 * All locking must be provided by the caller.
- 32 *
- 33 * Returns zero on success or %-ENOENT on failure.
- 34 */
- 35 int raw_notifier_chain_unregister(struct raw_notifier_head *nh,
- 36 struct notifier_block *n)
- 37 {
- 38 return notifier_chain_unregister(&nh->head, n);
- 39 }
- 40 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(raw_notifier_chain_unregister);
- 41
- 42 /**
- 43 * __raw_notifier_call_chain - Call functions in a raw notifier chain
- 44 * @nh: Pointer to head of the raw notifier chain
- 45 * @val: Value passed unmodified to notifier function
- 46 * @v: Pointer passed unmodified to notifier function
- 47 * @nr_to_call: See comment for notifier_call_chain.
- 48 * @nr_calls: See comment for notifier_call_chain
- 49 *
- 50 * Calls each function in a notifier chain in turn. The functions
- 51 * run in an undefined context.
- 52 * All locking must be provided by the caller.
- 53 *
- 54 * If the return value of the notifier can be and'ed
- 55 * with %NOTIFY_STOP_MASK then raw_notifier_call_chain()
- 56 * will return immediately, with the return value of
- 57 * the notifier function which halted execution.
- 58 * Otherwise the return value is the return value
- 59 * of the last notifier function called.
- 60 */
- 61 int __raw_notifier_call_chain(struct raw_notifier_head *nh,
- 62 unsigned long val, void *v,
- 63 int nr_to_call, int *nr_calls)
- 64 {
- 65 return notifier_call_chain(&nh->head, val, v, nr_to_call, nr_calls);
- 66 }
- 67 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(__raw_notifier_call_chain);
- 68
- 69 int raw_notifier_call_chain(struct raw_notifier_head *nh,
- 70 unsigned long val, void *v)
- 71 {
- 72 return __raw_notifier_call_chain(nh, val, v, -1, NULL);
- 73 }
- 74 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(raw_notifier_call_chain);

6.4 SRCU通知块
6.4.1 登记

- 1 /**
- 2 * srcu_notifier_chain_register - Add notifier to an SRCU notifier chain
- 3 * @nh: Pointer to head of the SRCU notifier chain
- 4 * @n: New entry in notifier chain
- 5 *
- 6 * Adds a notifier to an SRCU notifier chain.
- 7 * Must be called in process context.
- 8 *
- 9 * Currently always returns zero.
- 10 */
- 11 /*必须在进程的上下文中调用, 和blocking通知类似*/
- 12 int srcu_notifier_chain_register(struct srcu_notifier_head *nh,
- 13 struct notifier_block *n)
- 14 {
- 15 int ret;
- 16
- 17 /*
- 18 * This code gets used during boot-up, when task switching is
- 19 * not yet working and interrupts must remain disabled. At
- 20 * such times we must not call mutex_lock().
- 21 */
- 22 if (unlikely(system_state == SYSTEM_BOOTING))
- 23 return notifier_chain_register(&nh->head, n);
- 24
- 25 mutex_lock(&nh->mutex);
- 26 ret = notifier_chain_register(&nh->head, n);
- 27 mutex_unlock(&nh->mutex);
- 28 return ret;
- 29 }
- 30 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(srcu_notifier_chain_register);

6.4.2 撤销

- 1 /**
- 2 * srcu_notifier_chain_unregister - Remove notifier from an SRCU notifier chain
- 3 * @nh: Pointer to head of the SRCU notifier chain
- 4 * @n: Entry to remove from notifier chain
- 5 *
- 6 * Removes a notifier from an SRCU notifier chain.
- 7 * Must be called from process context.
- 8 *
- 9 * Returns zero on success or %-ENOENT on failure.
- 10 */
- 11 /*必须在进程的上下文中调用, 和blocking通知类似*/
- 12 int srcu_notifier_chain_unregister(struct srcu_notifier_head *nh,
- 13 struct notifier_block *n)
- 14 {
- 15 int ret;
- 16
- 17 /*
- 18 * This code gets used during boot-up, when task switching is
- 19 * not yet working and interrupts must remain disabled. At
- 20 * such times we must not call mutex_lock().
- 21 */
- 22 if (unlikely(system_state == SYSTEM_BOOTING))
- 23 return notifier_chain_unregister(&nh->head, n);
- 24
- 25 mutex_lock(&nh->mutex);
- 26 ret = notifier_chain_unregister(&nh->head, n);
- 27 mutex_unlock(&nh->mutex);
- 28 synchronize_srcu(&nh->srcu);
- 29 return ret;
- 30 }
- 31 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(srcu_notifier_chain_unregister);

6.4.3 回调

- 1 /**
- 2 * __srcu_notifier_call_chain - Call functions in an SRCU notifier chain
- 3 * @nh: Pointer to head of the SRCU notifier chain
- 4 * @val: Value passed unmodified to notifier function
- 5 * @v: Pointer passed unmodified to notifier function
- 6 * @nr_to_call: See comment for notifier_call_chain.
- 7 * @nr_calls: See comment for notifier_call_chain
- 8 *
- 9 * Calls each function in a notifier chain in turn. The functions
- 10 * run in a process context, so they are allowed to block.
- 11 *
- 12 * If the return value of the notifier can be and'ed
- 13 * with %NOTIFY_STOP_MASK then srcu_notifier_call_chain()
- 14 * will return immediately, with the return value of
- 15 * the notifier function which halted execution.
- 16 * Otherwise the return value is the return value
- 17 * of the last notifier function called.
- 18 */
- 19 int __srcu_notifier_call_chain(struct srcu_notifier_head *nh,
- 20 unsigned long val, void *v,
- 21 int nr_to_call, int *nr_calls)
- 22 {
- 23 int ret;
- 24 int idx;
- 25
- 26 idx = srcu_read_lock(&nh->srcu); /*使用srcu来加锁*/
- 27 ret = notifier_call_chain(&nh->head, val, v, nr_to_call, nr_calls);
- 28 srcu_read_unlock(&nh->srcu, idx);
- 29 return ret;
- 30 }
- 31 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(__srcu_notifier_call_chain);
- 32 /*在进程的上下文中调用, 可以阻塞*/
- 33 int srcu_notifier_call_chain(struct srcu_notifier_head *nh,
- 34 unsigned long val, void *v)
- 35 {
- 36 return __srcu_notifier_call_chain(nh, val, v, -1, NULL);
- 37 }
- 38 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(srcu_notifier_call_chain);

6.4.4 初始化

- 1 /**
- 2 * srcu_init_notifier_head - Initialize an SRCU notifier head
- 3 * @nh: Pointer to head of the srcu notifier chain
- 4 *
- 5 * Unlike other sorts of notifier heads, SRCU notifier heads require
- 6 * dynamic initialization. Be sure to call this routine before
- 7 * calling any of the other SRCU notifier routines for this head.
- 8 *
- 9 * If an SRCU notifier head is deallocated, it must first be cleaned
- 10 * up by calling srcu_cleanup_notifier_head(). Otherwise the head's
- 11 * per-cpu data (used by the SRCU mechanism) will leak.
- 12 */
- 13 /*因为SRCU通知不能通过宏来初始化,必须要专门定义一个初始化函数来初始化srcu的通知块参数*/
- 14 void srcu_init_notifier_head(struct srcu_notifier_head *nh)
- 15 {
- 16 mutex_init(&nh->mutex);
- 17 if (init_srcu_struct(&nh->srcu) < 0)
- 18 BUG();
- 19 nh->head = NULL;
- 20 }
- 21 EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(srcu_init_notifier_head);

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