ZOJ 2974 Just Pour the Water
#pragma comment(linker, "/STACK:1024000000,1024000000")
using namespace std;
typedef long long LL;
const double pi=acos(-1.0);
void File()
template <class T>
inline void read(T &x)
char c = getchar();
x = ;
while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar();
x = x * + c - '';
c = getchar();
} struct Matrix
double A[][];
int R, C;
Matrix operator*(Matrix b);
}; Matrix X, Y, Z; int T,n,p; Matrix Matrix::operator*(Matrix b)
Matrix c;
memset(c.A, , sizeof(c.A));
int i, j, k;
for (i = ; i <= R; i++)
for (j = ; j <= b.C; j++)
for (k = ; k <= C; k++)
c.A[i][j] = c.A[i][j] + A[i][k] * b.A[k][j];
c.R = R; c.C = b.C;
return c;
} void init()
Y.R = n; Y.C = n;
for (int i = ; i <= n; i++) Y.A[i][i] = ;
X.R = n; X.C = n;
Z.R = ; Z.C = n;
} void work()
while (p)
if (p % == ) Y = Y*X;
p = p >> ;
X = X*X;
Z = Z*Y;
} int main()
scanf("%d",&n); memset(X.A, , sizeof X.A);
memset(Y.A, , sizeof Y.A);
memset(Z.A, , sizeof Z.A); for(int i=;i<=n;i++) scanf("%lf",&Z.A[][i]); for(int i=;i<=n;i++)
int K; scanf("%d",&K);
for(int j=;j<=K;j++)
int id; scanf("%d",&id);
} scanf("%d",&p); init();
work(); for(int i=;i<=n;i++)
if(i<n) printf(" "); else printf("\n");
return ;
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