

This directory contains Device Tree overlays. Device Tree makes it possible
to support many hardware configurations with a single kernel and without the
need to explicitly load or blacklist kernel modules. Note that this isn't a
"pure" Device Tree configuration (c.f. MACH_BCM2835) - some on-board devices
are still configured by the board support code, but the intention is to
eventually reach that goal.
On Raspberry Pi, Device Tree usage is controlled from /boot/config.txt. By
default, the Raspberry Pi kernel boots with device tree enabled. You can
completely disable DT usage (for now) by adding:
to your config.txt, which should cause your Pi to revert to the old way of
doing things after a reboot.


Using Overlays
Overlays are loaded using the "dtoverlay" directive. As an example, consider the
popular lirc-rpi module, the Linux Infrared Remote Control driver. In the
pre-DT world this would be loaded from /etc/modules, with an explicit
"modprobe lirc-rpi" command, or programmatically by lircd. With DT enabled,
this becomes a line in config.txt:
This causes the file /boot/overlays/lirc-rpi-overlay.dtb to be loaded. By
default it will use GPIOs 17 (out) and 18 (in), but this can be modified using
DT parameters:
Parameters always have default values, although in some cases (e.g. "w1-gpio")
it is necessary to provided multiple overlays in order to get the desired
behaviour. See the list of overlays below for a description of the parameters and their defaults.


Name:   w1-gpio
Info:   Configures the w1-gpio Onewire interface module.
        Use this overlay if you *don't* need a GPIO to drive an external pullup.
Load:   dtoverlay=w1-gpio,<param>=<val>
Params: gpiopin                  GPIO for I/O (default "4")
        pullup                   Non-zero, "on", or "y" to enable the parasitic
                                 power (2-wire, power-on-data) feature
Name:   w1-gpio-pullup
Info:   Configures the w1-gpio Onewire interface module.
        Use this overlay if you *do* need a GPIO to drive an external pullup.
Load:   dtoverlay=w1-gpio-pullup,<param>=<val>,...
Params: gpiopin                  GPIO for I/O (default "4")
        pullup                   Non-zero, "on", or "y" to enable the parasitic
                                 power (2-wire, power-on-data) feature
        extpullup                GPIO for external pullup (default "5")


he Overlay and Parameter Reference
N.B. When editing this file, please preserve the indentation levels to make it simple to parse
programmatically. NO HARD TABS.
Name:   <The base DTB>
Info:   Configures the base Raspberry Pi hardware
Load:   <loaded automatically>
        audio                    Set to "on" to enable the onboard ALSA audio
                                 interface (default "off")


Name:   pwm
Info:   Configures a single PWM channel
        Legal pin,function combinations for each channel:
          PWM0: 12,4(Alt0) 18,2(Alt5) 40,4(Alt0)            52,5(Alt1)
          PWM1: 13,4(Alt0) 19,2(Alt5) 41,4(Alt0) 45,4(Alt0) 53,5(Alt1)
          1) Pin 18 is the only one available on all platforms, and
             it is the one used by the I2S audio interface.
             Pins 12 and 13 might be better choices on an A+, B+ or Pi2.
          2) The onboard analogue audio output uses both PWM channels.
          3) So be careful mixing audio and PWM.
          4) Currently the clock must have been enabled and configured
             by other means.
Load:   dtoverlay=pwm-2chan,<param>=<val>
Load:   dtoverlay=pwm,<param>=<val>
Params: pin                      Output pin (default 18) - see table
        func                     Pin function (default 2 = Alt5) - see above
        clock                    PWM clock frequency (informational)
Name:   pwm-2chan
Info:   Configures both PWM channels
        Legal pin,function combinations for each channel:
          PWM0: 12,4(Alt0) 18,2(Alt5) 40,4(Alt0)            52,5(Alt1)
          PWM1: 13,4(Alt0) 19,2(Alt5) 41,4(Alt0) 45,4(Alt0) 53,5(Alt1)
          1) Pin 18 is the only one available on all platforms, and
             it is the one used by the I2S audio interface.
             Pins 12 and 13 might be better choices on an A+, B+ or Pi2.
          2) The onboard analogue audio output uses both PWM channels.
          3) So be careful mixing audio and PWM.
          4) Currently the clock must have been enabled and configured
             by other means.
Load:   dtoverlay=pwm-2chan,<param>=<val>
Params: pin                      Output pin (default 18) - see table
        pin2                     Output pin for other channel (default 19)
        func                     Pin function (default 2 = Alt5) - see above
        func2                    Function for pin2 (default 2 = Alt5)
        clock                    PWM clock frequency (informational)



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