• Compile flags:

    • /GS: Stack protection from buffer overrun.
    • /SDL: Subset of W3&W4 security warnings as errors.
    • Use warning 4.
    • /WX: Treat Warnings As Errors.
  • Linker flags:
    • /DYNAMICBASE: Randomize module base address to ensure that our code is at different location each time it is loaded.
    • /NXCOMPAT: Data Execution Prevention to ensure that data is difficult to execute.
    • /SAFESEH: Secure Exception Handling. Project->Properties->Linker->Advanced->Image has Safe Exception Handlers.
  • Using VS Code Analysis to find vulnerability.
  • Including Banned.h in projects to find unsafe methods which are listed in Banned.h.
  • Using BannedAPIextension to flag banned api use in editor. (only available for VS2010)
  • Enable /SEHOP in registry setting:
      1. Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and
        then press ENTER.
      2. Locate the following registry subkey:
        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel\DisableExceptionChainValidation

        Note If you cannot find the DisableExceptionChainValidation registry entry under the

        HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel\

        subkey, follow these steps to create it:

        1. Right-click kernel, point to New, and then click DWORD Value.
        2. Type DisableExceptionChainValidation, and then press ENTER.
      3. Double-click DisableExceptionChainValidation.
      4. Change the value of the DisableExceptionChainValidation registry entry to 0 to enable it, and then click OK. 

        Note A value of 1 disables the registry entry. A value of 0 enables it.

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