postgres 同理的code:

backend/cdb/cdblogsync.c, createZeroFilledNewFile()

* Zero-fill the file. We have to do this the hard way to ensure that all
* the file space has really been allocated --- on platforms that allow
* "holes" in files, just seeking to the end doesn't allocate intermediate
* space. This way, we know that we have all the space and (after the
* fsync below) that all the indirect blocks are down on disk. Therefore,
* fdatasync(2) or O_DSYNC will be sufficient to sync future writes to the
* log file.
MemSet(zbuffer, , sizeof(zbuffer));

看代码随手记:log_put.c, __log_write()

* If we're writing the first block in a log file on a filesystem that
* guarantees unwritten blocks are zero-filled, we set the size of the
* file in advance. This increases sync performance on some systems,
* because they don't need to update metadata on every sync.
* Ignore any error -- we may have run out of disk space, but that's no
* reason to quit.
if (lp->w_off == && !__os_fs_notzero()) {
if (lp->w_off == ) {
(void)__db_file_extend(env, dblp->lfhp, lp->log_size);
if (F_ISSET(dblp, DBLOG_ZERO))
(void)__db_zero_extend(env, dblp->lfhp,
, lp->log_size/lp->buffer_size, lp->buffer_size); }

我的理解:在flush log时使用fdatasync, 若log文件长度发生变化, 则仍需要写文件 metadata。

fdatasync() is similar to fsync(), but does not flush modified metadata unless that metadata is needed in order to allow a subsequent data retrieval to be correctly handled. For example, changes to st_atime or st_mtime (respectively, time of last access and time of last modification; see stat(2)) do not require flushing because they are not necessary for a subsequent data read to be handled correctly. On the other hand, a change to the file size (st_size, as made by say ftruncate(2)), would require a metadata flush.

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