Public Static Members

// constructor

var Gadget = function (price) {

    this.price = price;


// a static method

Gadget.isShiny = function () {

    // this always works

    var msg = "you bet";

    // Checking if the static method is called by instance.

    if (this instanceof Gadget) {

        // this only works if called non-statically

        msg += ", it costs $" + this.price + '!';


    return msg;


// a normal method added to the prototype

Gadget.prototype.setPrice = function (price) {

    this.price = price;


// a normal method added to the prototype

Gadget.prototype.isShiny = function () {



// Attempting to call an instance method statically won’t work

typeof Gadget.setPrice; // "undefined"

Testing a static method call:

Gadget.isShiny(); // "you bet"

Testing an instance, nonstatic call:

var a = new Gadget('499.99');

a.isShiny(); // "you bet, it costs $499.99!"

Private Static Members

• Shared by all the objects created with the same constructor function

• Not accessible outside the constructor

// constructor

var Gadget = (function () {

    // static variable/property

    var counter = 0,


    // this will become the new constructor implementation

NewGadget = function () { counter += 1; };
// a privileged method NewGadget.prototype.getLastId = function () { return counter; }; // overwrite the constructor return NewGadget; }()); // execute immediately var iphone = new Gadget(); iphone.getLastId(); // var ipod = new Gadget(); ipod.getLastId(); // var ipad = new Gadget(); ipad.getLastId(); //


JavaScript Patterns - by Stoyan Stefanov (O`Reilly)

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