Hi all,

I am wanting to use Powershell (v4) to automate backup and restore of
SQL Azure DB to Azure Storage. I am using certificate
publishsettings file for my subscription and import via PS console
command Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile. I have
verified that the cert is imported and registered on machine Get-Item
cert:\\CurrentUser\My\$thumbprint.  Script is failing with
"Get-AzureSqlDatabaseServer : Your Windows Azure credential in the
Windows PowerShell session has expired. Please use
Add-AzureAccount to login again." message.  If I authenticate in the
console using Add-AzureAccount it all starts working again. Then if I
close the session or let it time out and try to run it I get the
prompt/error again. This obviously does not
work for automating with scripts and I am in need of some help in
solving this issue. Any help appreciated.


Frank Silano

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Bloomin Brands, Inc.

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I'd try this:

- Run REMOVE-AZUREACCOUNT first, before you start running your
scripts, make sure you get rid of that azure account from your PS

Then run your script using the publish settings file and cert mgmt.
This should work. If you use Add-azureaccount it overwrites certificate
authorization. If you remove-azureaccount it will fall back to
certficiate authorization.

Let me know how it goes - Matt Sampson

R. Matt Sampson

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