
Given a digit string, return all possible letter combinations that the number could represent.

A mapping of digit to letters (just like on the telephone buttons) is given below.

Input:Digit string "23"
Output: ["ad", "ae", "af", "bd", "be", "bf", "cd", "ce", "cf"].

Although the above answer is in lexicographical order, your answer could be in any order you want.





def letterCombinations(self, digits):
        :type digits: str
        :rtype: List[str]
        letter_dic = {2:"abc",3:"def",4:"ghi",5:"jkl",6:"mno",7:"pqrs",8:"tuv",9:"wxyz"}
        if len(digits)==0:return []
        res_list = [list(letter_dic[int(digits[0])])]
        digits = digits[1:]
        while len(digits) !=0:                
            digits = digits[1:]
            #print (res_list)
        return res_list[-1]
    def str_connect(self,str_ori,str_add):
        res = []
        for i in range(0,len(str_ori)):
            for j in str_add:
        return res

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