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$(".tablebg1 tr:odd").addClass("tabodd1");
$(".tablebg1 tr").mouseover(function(){
$(".tablebg1 tr").mouseout(function(){
$(".tablebg1 tr:even").addClass("tabodd2")
}); </script>
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*{ margin:0; padding:0;}
body{ margin:0; padding:20px 100px; font:14px Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;}
.calendar_tab table { border-left: #E8E8E8 solid 1px; border-top: #E8E8E8 solid 1px; border-collapse: collapse; margin:10px 0;}
.calendar_tab table th { border-right: #E8E8E8 solid 1px; border-bottom: #E8E8E8 solid 1px; background-color: #525254; padding:5px 8px; color:#fff; white-space:nowrap; font-weight:bold;}
.calendar_tab table th a{ color:#fff; text-decoration:underline;}
.calendar_tab table th a:hover{ color:#fff; text-decoration:none;}
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<table width="100%" id="tablebg1" class="tablebg1" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<th width="28%">日期 </th>
<th width="72%">选择</th>
<td>2013-7-01 </td>
<td><select name="select">
<td>2013-7-01 </td>
<td><select name="select">
日期 | 选择 |
2013-7-01 | 工作日 |
2013-7-01 | 工作日 |
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