
Windows Installer Scripting Examples

WiFilVer.vbs : Manage File Sizes and Versions

WiMakCab.vbs: Generate File Cabinet

@ECHO administrative install msi, extract all the files to specified folder

msiexec /a InstallPackage\MyInstaller.msi TARGETDIR="D:\Test\BASE"

@ECHO replace file

copy SomeFile.dll " BASE\CommonAppData\{Company Name}\{Product Name}\SomeFile.dll "

@ECHO Display the file information of the database.

CScript //nologo WiFilVer.vbs BASE\MyInstaller.msi

@ECHO Update the file size, version, and language information in the database from the source.

CScript //nologo WiFilVer.vbs BASE\MyInstaller.msi /U

@ECHO Recapture the CAB file with WiMakCab.vbs

CScript //nologo WiMakCab.vbs "BASE\MyInstaller.msi " data /C /U /E /S

DEL /Q "Data1.CAB"

DEL /Q "Data1.INF"

DEL /Q "Data1.RPT"

DEL /Q "Data1.DDF"

@ECHO Done

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