本题目对应于 C++primer(第四版)中 第十章的文本查询类(TextQuery)


顺序容器 vector

关联容器 set,map


//写一个文件 从文件中读单词 输出单词的次数和所在的行数
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <map> class TextQuery
typedef std::vector<std::string>::size_type line_no;
//read the file
void read_file(std::ifstream &is){
//query the file return the times every word appears
std::set<line_no> run_query(const std::string&) const; //return the line-number of the word
std::string text_line(line_no) const; private:
void store_file(std::ifstream &is);
void build_map(); std::vector<std::string> lines_of_text;
std::map<std::string, std::set<line_no>> word_map;
}; void TextQuery::store_file(std::ifstream &is){
std::string textline;
while(std::getline(is, textline)){
} void TextQuery::build_map(){
for(line_no line_num = 0; line_num != lines_of_text.size(); ++line_num){
std::istringstream line(lines_of_text[line_num]);
std::string word;
while(line >> word){
} //read to get times of every word appears
std::set<TextQuery::line_no> TextQuery::run_query(const std::string& query_word) const{
std::map<std::string, std::set<line_no>>::const_iterator loc = word_map.find(query_word); if(loc == word_map.end()){
return std::set<line_no>();
return loc->second;
} //read to get the line-number of the word
std::string TextQuery::text_line(line_no line) const{
if(line < lines_of_text.size()){
return lines_of_text[line];
throw std::out_of_range("line number out of range");
} }; std::string make_plural(size_t ctr, const std::string& word, const std::string& ending){
return (ctr == 1) ? word : word + ending;
} void print_results(const std::set<TextQuery::line_no>& locs, const std::string& sought, const TextQuery& file){
typedef std::set<TextQuery::line_no> line_nums;
line_nums::size_type size = locs.size(); std::cout<< "\n" << sought << "occurs " << size << " " << make_plural(size, "time", "s") << std::endl; line_nums::const_iterator it = locs.begin();
for(; it != locs.end(); ++it){
std::cout << "\t(line" << (*it) + 1 << ")" <<file.text_line(*it) << std::endl;
} int main(){ std::ifstream infile("F:\\input.txt");
TextQuery tq;
tq.read_file(infile); while(true){
std::cout << "enter word to look for, or q to quit: ";
std::string s;
std::cin >> s; if(!std::cin || s == "q") break;
// get the set of line numbers on which this word appears
std::set<TextQuery::line_no> locs = tq.run_query(s);
print_results(locs, s, tq); }
return 0;


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