When you login the system and see this error  “Security log on this system is full,only administrator can log on to fix the problem” ,it implies your security log is really full.and user can not login system except administrator.We can login with the local administrator.the find the “security” log and clear it,please look at below.

1.       log in your system using administrator account and password

2.       right-click “computer” icon on your desk

3.       select "Manage" item

4.       click and unfold "Event Viewer"

5.       click and unfold "Windows Logs"

6.       right-click “security”,look at the picture as below ,

7.       select “Clear Log...”, you can save the log or not, all depend on your needed,look at the picture below.

8.       restart your computer and login with your domain account. It will be ok.


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