In Delphi, procedural types (method pointers) allow you to treat procedures and functions as values that can be assigned to variables or passed to other procedures and functions.

Here's how to call a function (or procedure) as a parameter of another function (or procedure) :

  1. Declare the function (or procedure) that will be used as a parameter. In the example below, this is "TFunctionParameter".
  2. Define a function that will accept another function as a parameter. In the example below this is "DynamicFunction"
TFunctionParameter = function(const value : integer) : string;
function One(const value : integer) : string;
result := IntToStr(value) ;
end; function Two(const value : integer) : string;
result := IntToStr( * value) ;
end; function DynamicFunction(f : TFunctionParameter) : string;
result := f() ;
//Example usage:
var s : string;
s := DynamicFunction(One) ;
ShowMessage(s) ; //will display ""
s := DynamicFunction(Two) ;
ShowMessage(s) ; // will display ""


  • Of course, you decide on the signature of the "TFunctionParameter": whether it is a procedure or a function, how many parameters does it take, etc.
  • If "TFunctionParameter" is a method (of an instance object) you need to add the words of object to the procedural type name, as in:
    TFunctionParameter = function(const value : integer) : string of object;
  • If you expect "nil" to be specified as the "f" parameter, you should test for this using the Assigned function.
  • Fixing the "Incompatible type: 'method pointer and regular procedure'"

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