mongodb cpu 超过100%居高不下的原因分析过程
-- mongodb cpu is high, infomation as below:
1 the message in the as below:
conn 3188663 R 2004 apollo.eacmscache { key: "" }
2 check top status,find the hightest process, the pid is 19271
top - 02:56:01 up 830 days, 7:12, 3 users, load average: 4.23, 3.68, 3.53
Tasks: 248 total, 1 running, 247 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 6.7%us, 2.7%sy, 0.0%ni, 88.5%id, 1.3%wa, 0.1%hi, 0.7%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 49430528k total, 49291660k used, 138868k free, 231876k buffers
Swap: 33551744k total, 2134896k used, 31416848k free, 47219484k cached
19271 root 15 0 387g 9.8g 9.6g S 140.2 20.7 48:49.53 mongod
14551 root 15 0 480g 11g 11g S 15.9 24.4 18:21.43 mongod
3 find the process name of pid 19271
[root@346437-eastore_db1 ~]# ps -eaf|grep mongo
root 14551 1 31 01:59 ? 00:19:19 /db/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongodb/27017.conf
root 14558 1 1 01:59 ? 00:00:50 /db/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongodb/27019.conf
root 17742 21933 0 03:00 pts/2 00:00:00 grep mongo
root 19271 1 87 02:00 ? 00:53:24 /db/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongodb/27018.conf
root 23465 4278 0 01:38 ? 00:00:00 sshd: mongo [priv]
mongo 25215 23465 0 01:40 ? 00:00:00 sshd: mongo@pts/1
mongo 25219 25215 0 01:40 pts/1 00:00:00 -bash
it is /db/mongodb/bin/mongod -f /etc/mongodb/27018.conf
4 see the log
find the log directory in /etc/mongodb/27018.conf, it is ok, nothing error infomation.
5, see the message in again
there are many info about: apollo.eacmscache { key: "" }
check the db apollo anc the collecion eacmscache, the index of key is created,
Is many query of apollo.eacmscache cause the cpu spike ?
6 now, i see the w status, the cpu is normal, and why ? i can't find any error infomation about this spike.
7 i sent email to jeff,and he told me :
they are pictures cache of the website of OC,it's ok,np,ignore it,pls.
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