Emotional Mastery——英语学习小技巧之一
How can we control or manage our emotion ,so that we feel better and feel stronger when we're learning English?
Some people feel bad or bored, so we have to learn some techniques , remember that emotion and psychology are 80% of success. The other 20% is the method ,it'show we do it.
There are two keys to emotional mastery. One is psychology, how to use our body. And the second is mental focus.
- Psychology
Now let's change our emotion state. If you're tired when you learn English , and you say "I should study ,I should study" to yourself but it doesn't work, try to start with your body . Pull your shoulder back and your chest up, bring your chin up, bring your eyes up ,look up. And smile big. Just change the position of your body and you can feel more energetic . So every time you listen to English lessons , first changeyour body. Only when you have more energy and feel better can you learn faster.
Another easy way is through breathing. We know by breathing very deeply we can change our emotional state and our physical state. Maybe just two minutes. Movement creates energy and energy wakes up our bodies so that welearn faster.
It sounds absurd maybe, because when we were in school we've beentold "don't move, sit in your chair." Our body became stiff and we became tired, bored. How could we learn?Now what we do is opposite of before , but it's true. You can even get out andwalk when you learn English , this time you can use your phone or iPad. I do.
- Mental focus
1、 What should you not focus on?
When we were in school, we worried about tests and grades,"Will I get an A? will I fail this course?" How does that effect your emotion you know? The more you think about judgment by others, the more you think about a test score, the more nervous you become, the more worried youbecome. Then you learn slowly when you have anxiety.
This is the single number one most negative factor in language acquisition . The anxious students ,the worried, nervous students ,the stressed students have worse pronunciation, worse speaking ability, less vocabulary,worse writing, less listening comprehension. So what was happening in school was you were actually learning to fail.
2、What should you focus on ?
Focus on your ultimate success. Your great goal is to speak excellent English, to feel strong and confident when you speak. Focus on thisgoal, you can imagine you're speaking English with a native speaker and you're smiling. Imagine yourself feeling strong and confident as you speak English easily, effortlessly. So don't focus onsmall goals and small steps .Do not focus on the past but the future. No matterhow bad your English was in the past, past is not the same as present, and past don't equal the future.
Focus on the purpose, the reason you learn English. Making newfriends, a great job with more money, these are great things to focus on. Focuson the thing that makes you feel great, the situation, the benefits, all thegreat things that will improve in your life by speaking excellent English.
Now try to teach your brain to focus on these positive inspiring things,not on these negative things ,not on problems ,not on the past.
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