
onCreate (Bundle savedInstanceState)

You can call finish() from within this function, in which case onDestroy() will be immediately called without any of the rest of the activity lifecycle (onStart()onResume()onPause(), etc) executing.

onResume ()

Called after onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle)onRestart(), or onPause(), for your activity to start interacting with the user. This is a good place to begin animations, open exclusive-access devices (such as the camera), etc.
Keep in mind that onResume is not the best indicator that your activity is visible to the user; a system window such as the keyguard may be in front. Use onWindowFocusChanged(boolean) to know for certain that your activity is visible to the user (for example, to resume a game).
MainActivity onCreate
 MainActivity onStart
MainActivity onResume
 MainActivity onWindowFocusChanged  hasFocus=true
 MainActivity onWindowFocusChanged  hasFocus=false
 MainActivity onPause
 MainActivity onStop
 MainActivity onDestroy

onPause ()

Called as part of the activity lifecycle when an activity is going into the background, but has not (yet) been killed.

When activity B is launched in front of activity A, this callback will be invoked on A. B will not be created until A's onPause() returns, so be sure to not do anything lengthy here.


This callback is mostly used for saving any persistent state the activity is editing, to present a "edit in place" model to the user and making sure nothing is lost if there are not enough resources to start the new activity without first killing this one. This is also a good place to do things like stop animations and other things that consume a noticeable amount of CPU in order to make the switch to the next activity as fast as possible, or to close resources that are exclusive access such as the camera.
After receiving this call you will usually receive a following call to onStop() (after the next activity has been resumed and displayed), however in some cases there will be a direct call back to onResume() without going through the stopped state.

onStop ()

Called when you are no longer visible to the user.当对用户完全不可见的时候会调用此方法。

Note that this method may never be called, in low memory situations where the system does not have enough memory to keep your activity's process running after its onPause() method is called.

注意这个方法也许就根本不会被调用,当内存严重不足的时候Activity OnPause()后,已经没有足够内存就来执行OnStop();(如开始那幅图,直接onPause走左边)

MainAcitivity onCreate()
MainAcitivity onStart()
MainAcitivity onResume()
MainAcitivity onPause()
                                                   SecondActivity onCreate()
                 SecondActivity onStart()
                 SecondActivity onResume()
 MainAcitivity onStop()


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